Update to my post:
I have put 2" blazers on my arrows, and cannot believe the improvement in performance! ALL my arrows are flying like darts now. They ALL group together. I dug out a bunch of "fliers" i was saving and they all go within an inch of each other now. WHERE HAVE I BEEN!
Looks like blazers and the biscuit are a winning combo!
Also, for what its worth i am shooting 29" beman ics 340 hunters, carbon tech white tail 60/85 hunters and cabelas stalker extreme 65/80s with 125gr fixed blade muzzys. They all seem to group together fine for hunting. I think the bemans and the cabelas are the same exact shaft.
Thanks for all the advice!
Now i have some bobber lights coming to make my own lighted nocks. anybody doing that yet? I love the Lumenocks, but at $10 apiece i will try to make my own. There is a cool video on u-tube showing how to do it!