Once you decide to buy it go in and make the dealer an honest offer, hold up 2 one hundred dollar bills and ask him if he will take that "out the door" or ask him if he could sweeten the pot a bit by throwing in a box of ammo for the .22 Hornet you are trying to buy. Either way it's about $200 to you and you may end up with a box of ammo and some brass to reload.
If not ammo, perhaps some bullets to reload with or even ammo he may be trying to get rid of that he has overstocked on and you have a gun for. Just look around the shop before you make the offer and decide on something you could use, if it is something he has on sale or clearance all the better, he will be more willing to add it to the deal to sweeten it up. Other items he may be even more willing to through in are items he took in in trade, used, or towards another purchase, there is usually less cash involved in those by him. Best of luck, it's a great gun, a classic in a Handi, and a good price. Let us know how it works out. Remember the deal is half the fun and you will always remember how you got it....<><....