justshootin, think you for your post, you are right kids today will never know what tuff is, back then we didn't go to town every day, there were no shopping malls, no new cars and trucks we rode the yellow bus to school, these kids today i think will be the end of this country as we have all know it, we when to town two times a month, at the first of the month to the government comodies food, and the next time was the feed hardware store, it was a big deal to get into town remember the 5 and 10 stores downton, we had a big garden each year, raised cows,hogs and chickens, in 1992 the ole farm place came up for sell i am Glad to say i bought it and am living here now and will until i die, each time i deer or turkey hunt on this place, i am so think full the Good Lord let me come back home, yes you are right we are not Rich or Wealthy but only in our hearts.