Moss88hunter, be careful in college. My wife finished up last year, from a major university here in Ohio. The professors are so off base it makes ya want to puke. After they have their tenure in, their opinions are much more important to your grade than how you actually do in your studies. If you disagree with them on a subject, be it gun control, abortion, welfare, the war, whatever. I can guarantee you, YOU WILL NOT, get a good grade. Play the game. I hope your going to a small college, MAYBE, it might not be as bad as the big university's.
These people live in their own little universe. They would not survive in the real world. Kinda like the school that gave this boy the 2 day detention. Did they look at the boys school record. Was he a trouble maker, kicked out of school for fighting? Probably not. High school is turning into a PC atmosphere. Don't agree with global warming-Al Gore-tough. Watch the stupid movie and like it. Bring up the fact that the earth goes thru climatic changes, with out any help form us, always has, always will, tough. Bad grade anyway. Enough of a rant, going to go load ammo! gypsyman