Author Topic: Ruger MKIII 22/45  (Read 3503 times)

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Offline SD Handgunner

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Ruger MKIII 22/45
« on: March 11, 2008, 07:48:32 PM »
I just finished a project of customizing a Ruger MKIII 22/45 4" Bull Barrel .22 LR Handgun. When I started with this project I wanted a fairly compact, open sighted Handgun to be carried in a holster, and also one that was as close to size, weight and feel of my Kimber Model BP TEN II .45 ACP as possible.

To start with the first thing I did was contact HiViz Sights and ordered their HiViz Fiber Optic Front Sight for the Ruger. I also ordered all the extra Lite Pipe Inserts they have available, ie Red, Green, Orange and White in all 3 sizes, .090", .110" and .120" diameters (the sight comes with the Red & Green and I had to order the Orange & White extra). To mate up with this front sight I ordered a V Notch Rear Blade for my Ruger Fully Adjustable Rear Sight from Ruger.

I then ordered a Clark Custom Guns Steel Ruger Trigger. I have used the Clark Triggers in Ruger MKII's before and prefer the feel of this trigger to others I have tried. The Clark Custom Guns Steel Ruger Trigger has a slightly different geometry than the Aluminum Ruger Trigger, and the finger lever of the Clark Trigger doesn't have quite as sharp of a curve to it, and it is slightly longer also. The Clark Trigger comes over sized and they need to be fitted to the individual frame they are going to be installed in. Basically this amounts to reducing the width at the pivot point, but not so much so the trigger has side to side play like is common with the Ruger Factory Trigger. The Clark Trigger also has an externally adjustable overtravel stop.

I also polished the face of the sear buy wet sanding it's contact surface with 1500 grit sand paper wrapped tightly around a file to get it super smooth in a few strokes (taking care to keep the sear flat and to not round the edges).

Lastly I thought the Grip on this Ruger MKIII 22/45 left something to be desired. I had read an article on the net about how to modify the 22/45 grip frame to accept 1911 grips. I ordered Ed Brown Stainless-Steel Grip Screw Bushings and Grip Screws, and a set of Hogue 1911 Rubber Finger Groove Grips. The raised portion of the polymer grip on the 22/45 needs to be sanded, filed or ground down flat with the rest of the grip frame. Once that is done 4 holes need to be drilled and the 1911 grip screw bushings installed into the frame (once mine were threaded into the frame they were removed and JB Weld was applied to the threads to make sure they would not come loose, and the Hogue 1911 Grips were attached in the same manner was you'd put them on a 1911.


Above is a photo of the finished Ruger MKIII 22/45 4" Bull Barrel (actually I installed the Clark Custom Guns Steel Ruger Trigger after I took this photo). All I can say is it does not feel at all like it did originally. These simple do it yourself modifications transformed this little Ruger in to one of my favorite Handguns. It is a joy to shoot, and feels just great in my hands. The Clark Trigger gives the trigger a totally different feel, eliminates most of the take up / pretravel, and is so much better in my opinion it is hard to describe. The slightly polishing of the sear resulted in a super crisp 3 pound trigger pull.


T/C Handguns, one good shot for your moment of truth !

Offline Savage

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Re: Ruger MKIII 22/45
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2008, 02:20:40 AM »
Looks good! In the process of changing the trigger, I'm guessing that you removed the Ruger hammer bushing, disabling the mag disconnect? I would think that would be the only way to get the nice pull you describe on the Mklll. I have a couple of Mkll 22/45s and I am considering the grip mod like yours.   Perhaps with different grips, but like the idea .
Good Job!
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Offline SD Handgunner

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Re: Ruger MKIII 22/45
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2008, 05:10:53 AM »
Thanks Savage

Yes I did remove the Magazine Disconnect. In fact that was one of the first things I did. My Magazines would not drop free with the Magazine Disconnect in place, and I had to push the Magazine Release and Pull the Magazines out. Now with the Magazine Disconnect removed the magazines drop free when the Magazine Release is pushed.


T/C Handguns, one good shot for your moment of truth !

Offline David Carey

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Re: Ruger MKIII 22/45
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2008, 05:33:42 PM »
Nice looking gun SD ;)

One thing cool about the grip change is if you do the grip mod right you could modify any 1911 grip to fit on the gun,

Here is a picture of my MKII 22/45 with these mods, 1911 grip modification,  Volquartsen  Accurizing Kit, Volquartsen target hammer, Volquartsen extractor,Williams FireSight Set. I definately like the grip change.
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Re: Ruger MKIII 22/45
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2008, 05:00:36 AM »
Nice looking Ruger ya got there Dave.

I just ordered a new Ruger MKIII 22/45 5 1/2" Bull Barrel. I will do all of the same things to this new Ruger, except 5 1/2" Bull Barrel will wear a Bushnell Trophy Electronic Dot Sight. The Bushnell Trophy is the one with the 4 reticles (4 MOA Dot, 10 MOA Dot, Crosshair & 4 MOA Dot inside of a 35 MOA Circle), and all 4 reticles can be illuminated in either Red or Green.

It should be in next week hopefully.

T/C Handguns, one good shot for your moment of truth !

Offline Savage

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Re: Ruger MKIII 22/45
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2008, 01:25:07 AM »
You really went all out on your mods. The sights and fire control changes must really make a difference in the 22/45. I'm not a fan of finger groove grips, but find the stock grip frame of the 22/45 too small. I may just have to grab the dremmel and JB weld and go to work on mine!
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Offline sellers29

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Re: Ruger MKIII 22/45
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2008, 08:48:29 PM »
Really like the upgrades.  Quick question.  Anyone know/like/recommend the V Comp for the 22/45?

Offline bscman

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Re: Ruger MKIII 22/45
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2008, 06:26:36 PM »
I just picked up a 5 1/2" heavy barrel/adjustable sights MKIII 22/45 this past weekend.

I've already done the "slingshot mod" and got rid of the magazine disconnect.
20 minutes worth of work on the trigger, hammer, and sear and I was able to drop the trigger pull from 5.5lbs to a clean and consistent 2lbs 10oz with much less creep. The factory trigger already had an over-travel adjustment, so I just drilled and tapped a pre-travel screw.

I had planned on *at least* a VQ sear, but don't see the point anymore. From what I've heard, I'd only drop a few ounces on the trigger...not a biggie.

Great little pistols, but I agree that the 1911 grip mod is a MUST. WAYYYY too narrow in stock form!