I do not have any experience in shooting dangerous game, but I am planning on shooting a buffalo in Australia in the near future. The reading that I have done on big game hunting by the experts in the field Selous, Hunter, etc, their opinions seem to be the following.
- Bullet penetration is very important, velocity of about 2400fps, solids or well constructed soft points that do not break up. Comments about penetration vary but on dangerous game 375 H&H up to 500 NE seem to be favoured for penetration, this is not for stopping power.
- A rifle must be comfortable to shoot, this is in terms of recoil, ability to quickly take an accurate shot in all types of terrain that will be experienced, and the shooter must be able to accurately take confident shot. Stopping power in a charge situation usually is a large NE round like 500 / 600, but most hunters preferred to use a smaller round 450, 470 seemed to be popular in doubles for normal hunting in the close stuff as the larger calibres were too heavy to carry hunting all day and then shoot accurately when tired.
- Most hunters who used small calibres for hunting elephant had a large NE as a back up rifle. Some of the hunters killed and maimed went into dangerous situations in close quarters with the small calibre and not with their backup rifle.
- Bullet and case construction and quality are far better than ever in the past offering greater reliability and performances, but does this apply to all calibres that people want to take against dangerous game. 470 NE, 375 H&H, 416 Rigby... were designed for dangerous game hunting, not deer, bison, bears. It should also be noted that the popular big game chamberings are based on reliability of performance, as if they failed they soon fell out of favour.
I have shot lots of small game with .22, .222, .223, .308, shotguns, but there is distinct differences in how the animal dies, and where you have to hit it to kill it, depending on what you shoot it with. Personally I will use a 375 H7H for buffalo, as it has a good reputation for being able to do the job. I do not have the liberty of shooting hundreds of buffalo to eliminate any doubt in where to shoot with a small calibre to ensure the much loved one shot kill, depending on the shot I would probably try to smash at least one shoulder, if not both to make sure that I am not charged or anyone else put in danger. An elephant has a small brain and an unbelievable amount of protection around it, those hunters who shot 1000’s of them must have an extremely good understanding of the anatomy to reliably kill in what you would think is varying shoot angles etc.
For me there are a lot of what ifs in shooting dangerous game, I believe I can handle the situation, but feel I would be better prepared mentally by not having doubts in the rifle that I am using. Given the relatively cold responses that go with the 45/70 versus 375 H&H duscussions I would say there is some risk in taking the 45/70 against dangerous game that an individual can take, but what would you recommend to a friend or family member for a calibre to use against dangerous game that has doubt cast over it like the 45/70??
Just an opinion