I have had my PF9 for about a year now, and love it. I did take some sandpaper to the rough edges on the grip when I first bought it, and that helped a lot in the comfort department. I have been looking for the Pachmayr #4 grip, but none of my LGS's carry that size for some reason. When I carry it, I usually use a Blackhawk! nylon IWB, and I forget I even have it on me. I also like it because it will fit in the pocket of my overalls when I am out on the farm working. I put a hundred rounds of WWB through it yesterday at the range, and while it is a bit snappy, I no longer find it unpleasant to shoot. I have had one FTE in nearly a thousand rounds, and I am convinced it was ammo related (same day I had two FTE using the same ammo in my Ruger P95, which never happens). I highly recommend the KT!