it will probably work but will be real soft. Ive been experimenting with some myself. Ive got bulk alox both the kind that is used in nra 5050 and the type used in tumble lube but my alox is uncut unlike the lee that is cut with mineral spirts. Uncut it is very hard. Harder then beeswax. Ive been mixing some concoctions with each and wax and both with wax and even some mixed with other lubes. thing is alot of this alothough fun is kind of a waste of time. It really doesnt take much to lubricate handgun bullets and a guy can buy lube for not much more then what your going to pay for good beeswax. I think Lars sells his 5050 and his corduba wax both which are great lubes for about 1.50 a stick. Hardly worth making it for that. One thing you could do is to mix your allox and beeswax and add a couple sticks of hard lube like magma to it to firm it up. I use alot of homemade felix lube and was given 12 bottles of lee alox and never really cared for tumblelubing so ive used most of it up adding a bottle to a 3lb coffee can of felix. Cant say whether it helps or not but it sure cant hurt anything.