How about the new Remington .375H&H SPSDG for around the same price as the Ruger? $650?
Well, since it's a Remington, it's probably a good, functional, accurate weapon. But rifle guns is like wimmins. They can all get the job done, but some are purdy'r then others!
And most men, every once in a while, like sumpin purdy in their hands!
So, if I was going to get a classy .375 H&H, she'd have to be dressed in clothes befitting the grand old lady she is! A 375 Ruger OTOH, being much younger, has more leeway in her attire. She'd look good in cut off jeans (plastic stocks) or an evening gown (fine walnut).
Now this form of reasoning may seem strange to some of you, but I have never been able to decide which I love more, guns or wimmins....
So, many years ago, I combined the two in my thought processes. It's been working for me for 40 + years!
But that's another story...