I did a little checking and it appears the Vista software has been updated to correct some satellite, and WAAS reception problems. If you have not update your unit you might consider it.
An example of the updates:
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eTrex Vista software version 3.80 as of March 18, 2008
Download Preloaded Marine POI Database for eTrex Vista
If MapSource data is loaded to this unit, this unit's preloaded Marine POI database will be erased. Please download the file below to recover this Marine POI database. If you currently have MapSource data loaded into your GPS unit, it will be erased and replaced with this POI database. Download (2.32 MB)
Download (1.84 MB)
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Notes:· Reverting back to previously released versions will clear user memory. · Users are strongly urged to back up any user data they wish to save. · WARNING: If your current software is version 3.02 or lower, this software will clear all unit data including alamanac information, tracks, waypoints, routes, and settings. Back up all user data before upgrading. After installation is complete, place unit with a clear view of the sky for 15-30 minutes to re-acquire almanac data. · This Vista firmware now includes a Jumpmaster accessory. This accessory is intended for trained military jumpmasters. To learn more about this accessory, please download our supplemental documentation: Download Jumpmaster PDF
Change History
Changes made from version 3.70 to 3.80:· Updated WAAS. · Updated GEOID model.
Changes made from version 3.60 to 3.70:· Changes to support manufacturing.
Changes made from version 3.50 to 3.60:· Improvements to RCV_CPO support. · Added Croatian language support. · Updated various translations.
Changes made from version 3.40 to 3.50:· Fixed potential memory corruption problem that could occur when tracking more than one WAAS satellite simultaneously.
Changes made from version 3.20 to 3.40:· Updated French translations. · Improved WAAS/EGNOS satellite selection algorithm to select the satellite with the most beneficial corrections given the unit's current position. A unit will not use a WAAS/EGNOS satellite if the unit's current position is outside of a given WAAS/EGNOS satellite's service volume. · Added support for RCV_CPO data. · Improved external power detection.
If you have not updated your yellow eTrex you might want to check the Garmin support page for updates. A quick look shows that Garmin has not updated the Yellow eTrex for five or six years. You might want to compare software versions to see if you have the most current.
(WAAS) A lot of people do not understand that to receive there are two-master and a twenty-five ground reference stations that transmit a corrected signal. Ground reference stations do not support all locations. In many countries there are not ground reference stations. WAAS reception has improved a great deal the last few years and Garmin has updated some of their units so they can receive two WAAS Satellite signs instead of one. I am currently setting in our computer room with my old Garmin 76C turned on. The gps is currently receiving six satellites. The satellite page signal bars show the letter “D” in three of the bars. This indicates to me that I am receiving a differential or corrected signal.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differential_GPS I hunt a lot of broken topography, what is not up is down. I have found that on many high ridge tops I will receive a corrected signal, but as soon as I drop behind the ridge I loose the corrected signal.
If you are in an area that you do not receive a corrected signal or a signal from Satellite 35, 48 or 51 I recommend that you turn the disable the WAAS option in you unit. At least two negative things can be happening, you accuracy is actually declining, and your unit is using more battery power searching for a WAAS satellite in cannot find.
As I have typed this I am now receiving seven satellites with the letter “D” in each bar. I am receiving among other satellites #48, and #51. My level of accuracy is varying from 8 to 10 feet.
I normally do not start my gps out in the woods. Either I plug my unit into the lighter for power in the pickup, or start out with it powered up with re-chargeable to be changed out with fresh batteries once the hunt starts. When I first fire up the gps the accuracy maybe 200-feet but that increases rapidly as it finds it’s location and addition satellites are locked in. The best situation when you view the satellite page is look at it as a target, but in this case you do not want a tight group. The best situation is an open scattering of satellites that provide good triangulation from three or more of the satellites.
I have a number of fixed locations near my home for which I have created waypoints. Every once and while I well re-check my unit against these points. I have not found a problem with them using a Garmin eTrex Legend, Garmin Mapping 76C or the Garmin Mapping 76Cx. I have also copied (created new waypoints) on my Humminbird Gps/fishfinder and have been able to return to the same locations.
I did a little experiment when creating a waypoint. During an hour period from the same location I created seven waypoints with a Garmin eTrex Legend. When I returned home I downloaded the waypoints to a map so I could display them. The same location gave me a number of different locations within feet of each other. Repeatability is not exact.
While I have set here and typed, jumped up and done a number of chores my satellite reception has dropped to five birds but the accuracy is still 8-feet.