Hi Alan,
I use a bunch of Pachy Grippers on all my Contenders, and what you're seeing I think is some of the manufacturing "tolerances" between grips from them. Most of mine clear just fine, the couple that did/do rub a little I just loosened the grip mounting bolt, pulled the grip a little farther rear and retightened it. Having stronger than normal hands, it isn't much extra effort for me to just over-ride them anyway. With an easy open frame, it really should not be a problem and the Pachy's will probably loosen up with time and useage. But if push comes to shove and you just can't live with it, relieving the grips also shouldn't be a problem for a gent with your smithing qualifications. I'd probably relieve them inside rather than out if it was me though. Just my :money: worth - along with it and $1 you can get a cup of coffee most places. :wink: