I came on here a month or so ago begging for a 22" bull .204, but to no avail. So, I put a couple of buck into Sam's grandchildren's pockets at $227 and topped her with a 6.5x20 Simmons Whitetail Classic.....Think Quick has this same set up.
I am sure she will handle the 32 grainers in vmax (i do not reload, so I am stuck with reg ammo), however, I am really wanting the box of 45 grn SPs I picked up in Hornaday to shoot well enough for hog headshoots or for doe headshots for my little girl.
Any chance the twist can stabilize those heavier pills? I sure hope so b/c according to the ballistics, I think they carry some decent energy out to 100 yards (over 1000 i think)
Any first hand experience with the heavy pills, or with the 39 grn feds?