Author Topic: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?  (Read 2730 times)

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Offline Two401Pm

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #30 on: March 30, 2008, 05:38:06 PM »
I think this is a question every firearm owner needs to answer for themselves. What will you do if the govt. people come to confiscate your personal firearms. Will you comply with the un Constitutional law or will you resist?  I will resist with my dying breath and my last round. Just my choice.  I hope, no I pray that it never comes to this. I hope cooler heads in our congress critters will prevail and will prevent this from happening.
Patron NRA member,Hunter Safety Instructor,GOA member,Buckskinner.

Offline Buckhammer74

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #31 on: March 30, 2008, 05:51:10 PM »
True: About controlling purse strings. But when Bush pushes his way hard enough(IE BS intelligence) he got the rest of them to fall in line with his "Stop Iraq's weapons of mass destruction".

What do you mean by calling a SPADE a SPADE? Are you referring to Obamas skin color? He is neither white or black.

What are you talking about believing in the constitution?

I am undecided on who I will vote for, all I do know is that it will NOT be Mcain, I cant justify throwing away more lives and money away on this stupid war.

Other than voting for a third party candidate and thus silently voting for either Obama or Clinton, you as a firearms owner, I presume, are voting to have your 2 nd Amendment rights severely restricted.  That may not mean much to you, but it certainly does to me.  I absolutely will not vote for any candidate from any party, that does not recognize the individual right to keep and bear arms.  Both Obama and Clinton have tacitly and openly declared opposition to private arms possession, is that what you want?  If it is, then I must logically question with utmost skepticism any other response as being emotionally motivated rather than logically derived.

What restrictions are you talking about?

What happened that was so bad when B.Clinton(DEMOCRAT) was in office?

Nobody came to my door saying that they were going to take away my guns. I don't own any assault rifles, and I don't have a problem with a waiting period to own a handgun(Nuts and wife beaters should not have them anyway)

I am a hunter and a protector. If someone comes to me telling me to give them my singleshot and bolt action rifles, as well as my shotguns. I  will escort them off my property with said firearms.
We are all blessed with 536 senators and congress critters that control the purse strings of the president. If they don't appropriate  the money the  president can't spend it. Look up the past of schoumer and feinstein and a host of other anti freedom democrats and see which party they supported in the not so distant past. If you go back far enough to their collage years you will find they supported the communist party in this country. Hey now they are democrats gee what a shock. I will neither vote for a communist  or a muslim. And lets get rid of this thing called political correctness. CALL A SPADE A SPADE. Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong with very little grey area in between. I myself would support Alan Keyes he at least believes in the constitution of these United States of America. Hope I haven't violated some rules of conduct here.

True: About controlling purse strings. But when Bush pushes his way hard enough(IE BS intelligence) he got the rest of them to fall in line with his "Stop Iraq's weapons of mass destruction".

What do you mean by calling a SPADE a SPADE? Are you referring to Obamas skin color? He is neither white or black.

What are you talking about believing in the constitution?

I am undecided on who I will vote for, all I do know is that it will NOT be Mcain, I cant justify throwing away more lives and money away on this stupid war.

I don't know if you would want to stand in one of those very long lines to, To turn in your firearm? Not me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Are you even an American? If we give them an inch they will take it all away. Dale


You are PARANOID and afraid of what will happen to the second ammendment if a DEMY takes office.

What happened when B.Clinton was in? They banned assault rifles and put a waiting period on hand guns, SO WHAT? do you need an assault rifle? Wouldn't you like to have someone controlling whether or not a murderer,wife beater, or complete nut gets a handgun or not?(legally that is).

Just because you own a gun doesn't mean you have to vote Republican.

There are bigger issues than gun ownership in this world.


Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #32 on: March 30, 2008, 06:12:31 PM »
I will never turn in my guns period.  when they come to take them, I will die a free patriotic American citizen not like the Jews did when Hitler came to power in Germany. On the second amendment I think it was Thomas Jefferson called firearms the citizens liberty teeth.  I just think when it is time to bury your guns to prevent confiscation it is time to start using them to keep your Liberty or freedom.
Understood then. I believe we are in the same frame of thinking. Dale
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Offline deltecs

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #33 on: March 30, 2008, 06:29:26 PM »
I'll tell you what happened with Clinton in office.  He lied in his re election campaign stating that 10,000 felons were prevented from getting firearms due the Brady Bill, which was passed under his first administration.  How many felons did he prosecute then, now having names, addresses, and contact info.  Felons were and are prevented by existing federal law to possess firearms.  The answer is 3.  Since he was the Chief Executive in charge of enforcing federal law, why didn't he convict the other 9,997 felons?  Because they were not felons.  As to assault weapons, you have been indoctrinated into believing that a military look a like firearm is an assault weapon.  Not so.  An assault weapon is one that is capable of full automatic fire and has been outlawed since the 30's.  So no need existed to enact the Brady Bill.  He also lied as an officer of the court in lawful deposition that deprived a citizen from her due process, in a sexual discrimination suit against him, which was also against federal law.  His license to practice law was revoked over this perjury, and he should have been removed from office, for violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution and by inference those laws enacted under it.  His action regarding Waco was totally unjustified, in light of the severity of the federal charges.  He should, at the very least, have been charged with negligent homicide.  His foreign policy regarding terrorism was non existent.  I have a problem with any waiting period that determines my lawful right to purchase a handgun.  It is not the governments responsibility to determine if I am entitled to a right, it is their responsibility to uphold that right without undue restriction.  The restrictions I alluded to in my previous post was that Obama and Hillary both want to take away all handguns, determine just what guns are legal to own, and interpret the 2nd Amendment to be a collective right only, that no person has the individual right to possession.  Both did not sign the amicus brief that the majority of Senators and Representatives signed in favor of Heller.  McCain did.  I can go on and on with Clinton's misuse of office, but obviously some would twist the truth as most Democrats do.  AND NO, THERE IS NOT BIGGER ISSUES THAN GUN OWNERSHIP AND POSSESSION; AS THIS IS THE ONLY MEANS TO PREVENT TYRANNY OR SUBJUGATION BY ANY GOVERNMENT, CIVIL INSURRECTION, OR TERRORISM IN ANY FORM.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #34 on: March 30, 2008, 06:30:35 PM »
I am not and have ever been a criminal!!!!!!!! I had some things when I was younger, Having to do with my Driver's License. That was at least 22 years back. I think I should be able to own any firearm I want to own. I have never commited a crime of any kind with any weapon. I do believe in back ground checks for people that are not like me and most people on this site. Dale
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Offline deltecs

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #35 on: March 30, 2008, 06:45:31 PM »
Wouldn't you like to have someone controlling whether or not a murderer,wife beater, or complete nut gets a handgun or not?(legally that is).

Wouldn't it be better to protect oneself from those types of people, instead of calling 911 and waiting for an ambulance or the police to protect you, because legally the police have no obligation to protect the individual citizen?  Don't you think the natural law of self preservation outweighs any legality?  Why not let those victims also have the means to protect themselves, since it is obvious that no one or no firearms related laws have done so?  And to answer, no I would not like to have someone controlling who gets arms.  That has, is, and will be, too easily distorted by those in authority exercising personal prejudice.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
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Offline Two401Pm

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #36 on: March 30, 2008, 07:03:41 PM »
I can not point you to specific cases but have read several about woemen  who were married to abusive husbands who regularly beat them  some so severely they required hospitalization. Dhs and police were involved etc. To make a long story short the woman went to purchase a revolver for protection, was told she would have to wait 3 days or 10 whatever the time period was at the time, cause see waiting periods have changed in the past. she was beaten to death before the wait was up and her husband was on parole. oh well waiting periods don't work at least for those victims.
Patron NRA member,Hunter Safety Instructor,GOA member,Buckskinner.

Offline Sourdough

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #37 on: March 30, 2008, 07:10:36 PM »
Cheesehead:  GW has said repeatedly that we need to drill in ANWR, but the Democratic Congress has refused to let the bill pass.  So when they decided to drill in NPR, Second choice, which is west of Preudo Bay.   Environmentalist have kept that one tied up in court.
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #38 on: March 30, 2008, 07:14:57 PM »
I would not willingly hand in my guns. That is my right to protect myself and my family and I won't give it up without a fight!

I don't agree with waiting periods although I do agree with background checks.

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Offline beemanbeme

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #39 on: March 30, 2008, 07:15:36 PM »
Buckhammer, perhaps you don't remember but Clinton and his ilk couldn't even define what a "assault rifle" was. And they still can't. They were doing their best to tar with a very wide brush to include .22 rifles with tubular magazines and 742 rifles as assault rifles.  Just as now, they want to label any rifle with a scope as a "sniper rifle".  
When you folks start saying "I'm a hunter, I don't care if they outlaw assault rifles". You'd better look at the sort of folks they're letting define what an assault rifle is.  If they can take one rifle, they can take yours. So yes, without the 2nd, you can kiss the rest of them goodbye.

Offline Buckhammer74

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #40 on: March 30, 2008, 07:41:52 PM »
I guess what I am trying to say is that I dont believe that if Clinton or Obama wins that our guns will be in jeopardy. The second is the second and we will all fight for it PERIOD.

I just cant agree with the idea of voting for a Republican ONLY on the basis that our right to bare arms will be safe.

We need a change and Mcain only offers the same downward spiral that Bush started and that is his unduing(rightly so)

Face it folks, the next president is going to be a democrat, like it or not, which is the lesser evil?

Offline deltecs

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #41 on: March 30, 2008, 07:56:09 PM »
Any president that does not honor the Constitution and the rights as listed therein, is most definitely the greater of 2 evils.  Both Democratic candidates have openly expressed anti firearms possession and use against our recognized right.  If that is an example of enforcing the Constitution and obligation to the Oath of Office, then nothing and I mean nothing, is sacred with regard to any rights.  That is nothing more than an attempt to subjugate the people by ignoring any right.  You may dream if you like of Camelot, but the reality is that regardless of the voters desire as touted by liberals, any individual rights not protected by government to the fullest are the goal of socialists and communists to control the masses.  Has it occurred to anyone that a party composed of super delegates bears amazing resemblance to the Soviet Politboro?  And Democrats talk about freedom and the will of the voters.  That sounds more and more like Pravda Propaganda.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
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Offline Buckhammer74

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #42 on: March 30, 2008, 08:23:22 PM »

Let me put it to you this way.

If you and your family were held at gun point by some lunatic, ex-con,murdering wife-beater(with no chance of defending yourself), and told to choose one of the two democrats for president, who would you choose?

Offline Two401Pm

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #43 on: March 30, 2008, 08:45:07 PM »
We really need a good conservative candidate to vote for. A 3 party system that would put things up for grabs. The communist party in Russia had free elections but the stinker was all the candidates were all communist or socialist so nothing ever changed kind of like here. What would happen if 20 to 30 million illegals were sent home and quit sucking on the government tit. How about fining ever business with an illegal employed enough to bankrupt the business. Very soon there would be no employment opportunities and they would take themselves home to wherever they came from. I honestly think govt. is so corrupt it can never be changed. The down fall of this country happened when good old FDR started all the social programs back in the 40's. They took the gold standard off the money at that time and started the redistribution of wealth. then in the early 60's they took the silver standard off the money and it became worthless after that until here we are today. Nothing is made in America most everything is made anywhere but here. Our money has no value to it. The govt is trying to cover debt with the note of the previous debt and just keep flooding the country with more and more valueless paper currency. Our forefathers warned of the central govt printing money and a lot of other things.Read the federalist papers and learn of the value of our constitution. A grand set of rules to live by and govern and be governed by. They warned of meddling in other countries affairs. I'm starting to ramble and get off topic so will just say Good night and may God Bless you all.
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Offline Two401Pm

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #44 on: March 30, 2008, 08:48:40 PM »
Neither I would strike out immediately with calculated violence swiftness,anger and with intent to kill cripple or maim.
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Offline beemanbeme

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #45 on: March 31, 2008, 03:34:56 AM »
Buckhammer, do you think that Waco or Ruby Ridge would have even happened if Bush had of been President then??  One of Bush's first acts as Pres was to bring the FBI  and SS to heel. Were you aware that the gov'ment paid big bucks to Weaver and would have probably paid big bucks to Keresh if there had been any survivors? 
Elect Hessein or Monica's ex boy friend's wife and you can expect more of the same.  And if they can hunt down and entrap some nut in the Idaho woods, they can come get you.

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #46 on: March 31, 2008, 04:06:58 AM »
Damn; I wish Collin Powell would have agreed to run for the office.  We need a patriot in office, not these freakin' career politicians. Damn them all!!!

Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #47 on: March 31, 2008, 04:10:47 AM »
You know who I thought would have made a good president? I can't think of his name right now but he was the first General during Iraq's occupation of Kawait. He is a brillant man.Dale
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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #48 on: March 31, 2008, 04:14:31 AM »
Gas has been going up since we started putting it in cars.
I guess we have had a long run of bad Pres.

George W stood up like a man after 911 and said I want them "dead or alive".
He also got some of them.
I don't think ether Dem has the balls to do that.

I would rather have 4 more years of the same with McCain than risk what the other two are sure to bring.

You can write in if you want to hand your vote to Obama/Hillary.

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #49 on: March 31, 2008, 04:24:20 AM »
I will never turn in my guns period.  when they come to take them, I will die a free patriotic American citizen not like the Jews did when Hitler came to power in Germany. On the second amendment I think it was Thomas Jefferson called firearms the citizens liberty teeth.  I just think when it is time to bury your guns to prevent confiscation it is time to start using them to keep your Liberty or freedom.

So, if I understand your plan, it is to not vote for the only candidate that might maintain the Second Amendment (McCain) and then basically commit suicide when the liberals (Dumbycrats) get total control and come to get your guns.  GOOD PLAN!!!!

I think I'll vote for McCain and hope like hell that he doesn't go all wobbly and try to placate his friends on the left.  Otherwise, maybe your plan is all that's left for us.

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #50 on: March 31, 2008, 05:08:16 AM »
We have one person that can set in church and in private meetings with his preacher for 20 years and NOT
know what the preacher has on his mind or heart. Wants to spend big money in AFRICA.
We have another person that can't remember what happened when, but is writing a book about it,
can't remember if she was shot at or not, believes in a husband that has had several women testify
against him for sexual harassment, and lied to congress about it.
We have another person that is a little long in the tooth (so was Regan) can't decide if he is demo. or rep. he does seem to want to protect America and maybe understands more of Americans
This is a hard decision.! ::)

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #51 on: March 31, 2008, 06:56:52 AM »
we are doomed, the end is near,  and there is nothing any of you can do about it.    :o
none of this is new,  and much of it is predicted.  why it surprises so many of you i dont know. 
  whatever.   you can 'chicken little' all you want, it isnt going to change a thing. 

the best thing any of us can do is get our own affairs in order and try to set an example in our own lives. 

you may continue to bicker and squabble without me.   enjoy! ;D

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #52 on: March 31, 2008, 10:42:58 AM »

Let me put it to you this way.

If you and your family were held at gun point by some lunatic, ex-con,murdering wife-beater(with no chance of defending yourself), and told to choose one of the two democrats for president, who would you choose?

Again another attempt by a Democrat to change reality to one of emotion.  The reality is that I DO have a choice.  As for the lunatic, ex con, he had better catch me on the very few occasions that I am not armed or there will be one more firearms injury statistic on the nation's data base.  I depend on my own judgment and good common sense for proper defense and protection of my family.  That is probably one of my reasons not to live among city dwellers.  I don't go to places or areas that place me at high risk for confrontations, nor do I go to states that do not have reciprocity for CCW.  I believe it is my responsibility for self preservation and do not place that burden on those who have no obligation to protect me.  Good fences make good neighbors is as true today as ever.  But I like the statement in Paint Your Wagon movie better.  "You don't have to love thy neighbor, you leave the SOB alone."  Government should take a lesson from it.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

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Offline Buckhammer74

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #53 on: April 01, 2008, 06:30:19 PM »

Let me put it to you this way.

If you and your family were held at gun point by some lunatic, ex-con,murdering wife-beater(with no chance of defending yourself), and told to choose one of the two democrats for president, who would you choose?

Again another attempt by a Democrat to change reality to one of emotion.  The reality is that I DO have a choice.  As for the lunatic, ex con, he had better catch me on the very few occasions that I am not armed or there will be one more firearms injury statistic on the nation's data base.  I depend on my own judgment and good common sense for proper defense and protection of my family.  That is probably one of my reasons not to live among city dwellers.  I don't go to places or areas that place me at high risk for confrontations, nor do I go to states that do not have reciprocity for CCW.  I believe it is my responsibility for self preservation and do not place that burden on those who have no obligation to protect me.  Good fences make good neighbors is as true today as ever.  But I like the statement in Paint Your Wagon movie better.  "You don't have to love thy neighbor, you leave the SOB alone."  Government should take a lesson from it.


Leave thy neighbor alone!. If Bush had listened to this, in regard to Iraq, he, and we, would be a whole lot better off.

Give me a Republican candidate who is for getting away from that huge costly mistake, and I will most definitely vote for them.

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #54 on: April 01, 2008, 07:05:42 PM »
I think you fail to realize again that it was Iraq who invaded Kuwait, its neighbor.  The result of ending the conflict was that Saddam was to meet certain criteria according to the peace terms.  He had not done so.  With all the potential for further terrorist attacks by a country with known weapons of mass destruction, failure to uphold the peace terms, applauded the 9/11 attacks and called for more anti American terrorism attacks, it was we who had no choice based on the information at hand but to force compliance by Saddam to comply with the good neighbor policy.  It is the American people who have been brainwashed by the liberal media that the US should not have been there.  It is too bad that Americans have such a short memory, especially when it comes home to roost like the loss of 3,000 lives in one day, instead of the 4,000 over 5 years.  It is the religious and anti American governments that have violated the neighbor policy like Iran, who kidnapped American civilians and held them for 1 1/2 years, all the while American people were screaming to have them released.  Why are we so anti war now, except for the brainwashing by the media akin to Cindy Sheehan?  I'm not an advocate of war.  I am an advocate of carry a big stick and walk softly.  I believe that if we retreat from Iraq now, it will be a moral victory to all Islamic extremists and terrorists to carry out further atrocities on our civilian populace, much worse than 9/11.  If governments have to topple to achieve American safety and security, so be it.  I see terrorism and governments who support such actions, to be just as criminal as the ex con, wife beating, lunatic who demands that I vote Democrat because I didn't fight back.  Beware the angry American, he can be a sleeping giant.  Believe me, I am not the only man who is most angry with religious terrorists and their governments.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

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Offline Buckhammer74

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #55 on: April 01, 2008, 07:33:07 PM »
Who cares about Kuwait?

What weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION? Have you seen them? cause no one else has.

Why don't we invade N.Korea? Everyone knows that they have WOMD.

What has our occupation of Iraq had to do with quelling terrorism? Bush couldn't even get rid of Bin Laden.

Lets just keep Pi$$ing away lives and money and taking out loans from China so that our great grand children will have to pay them back.

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #56 on: April 01, 2008, 08:08:01 PM »
Chemical weapons of destruction were used on Iraqis, so he must have had them at some time.  Just because we did not find any after the invasion does not mean they did not exist.  We did find the mass graves and the testimony of survivors as to what happened in Iraq.  Any invasion without a declaration of war is a threat to the entire world.  And we did war against North Korea when it invaded South Korea without a declaration of war, or did you conveniently forget those soldiers lives lost there too.  If  our invasion of Iraq has no quelling on terrorism, then why is Al Qaida there stirring up trouble?  Wasn't it Al Qaida that demanded recognition for 9/11?  Or are you so gullible to believe that Al Qaida was not a presence when Saddam was in power and that they only infiltrated Iraq after our invasion?  Let's keep pissing away civilian lives and economic losses, due to fear of reprisals from governments and terrorist organizations by retreating from terrorism and convert to Islam and learn to read the Koran in Arabic.  How much is that going to cost your children and grand children, when the next terrorist attack is once more on the homeland.  We have got to look at the entire picture and not just what is printed by journalists.  You have certainly been thoroughly indoctrinated in that this fight and war against any government supporting terrorists and their organizations is not justified.  Stand down and see what happens.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
Opinion(s) are expressly mine alone and do not necessarily agree with those of GB or GBO mgmt.

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #57 on: April 01, 2008, 08:14:10 PM »
  I'm in agreement with Deltec and buckhammer. For instance, if China, Russia, or any other country were to drop 15,000 airbourne troops on us can we defend it? Of course not....grab your deer rifles, shotguns, bows, and pistols because you are the line. I could understand being in the world's conflicts if we were there for a particular reason but I haven't heard one yet. I am relying on the fact that the reason is so confidential that it can not be disclosed. George Washington once drew his sabre with his men in the face of a volley of musket fire and artillery and rode with his men until the shores of the river. But I am not one to differ. I was raised with the notion that once you are born on American land you are forever America's right hand. Foes of the state, run if you can, don't look behind you, it is the Minute Man. The Japanese tried to destroy us, the rising son, they soon learned metrics, it was in kilotons.  

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #58 on: April 02, 2008, 05:17:22 AM »
I voted for Bush. That said I'm still happy he won the election. I'm not happy about the way he handled the attack on our country(an act of WAR). Lets be realistic about the death loss in the war. There are more people killed in washington Dc. everyday then there are in the current war. not to mention Detroit and Los Angeles New York etc. I would have pulled the friendlies back and turned the desert sand into glass, then looked at the rest of the world and asked who else wants some of this. Lets stop being policeman to the rest of the world lets defend the USA from enemies foreign and domestic. Kick the UN out. stop pouring money into a bottomless pit. Lets not let a bunch of minuscule country's smaller them most of our individual states tell us what we can and can't do. Are there no people left in this country that think our freedom is worth fighting for? I live within 30 miles of SAC air base. so I have no delusions about weapons of mass destruction and their targets. I remember the Boy Scout motto Be prepared. I am and so should you be. Depend on your self not someone else to protect yer family I dint dial 911 dial a prayer. I take care of me and mine. Lets stop all foreign aid  and commerce to the country's that are not our allies. Lets bring America back to the great nation she once was.We should not have to supply aid and all our money to rescue the rest of the world from famine or floods or what ever else happens. Has any other country ever aided us during a natural disaster?We have always supplied foreign aid to every nation in the world at one time or another. France aided us during the revolutionary war and we have had allies during WW1 and WW2 Has anyone else ever done anything but had their hand out for aid?? Then yelled Yankee go home?  I'm fed up. Time to kick ass and take names. Speak softly and carry a very big Stick.
Patron NRA member,Hunter Safety Instructor,GOA member,Buckskinner.

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #59 on: April 02, 2008, 10:26:38 AM »
TWO401PLAN, I like your style, chile! :D :D :D Forget the dipolmatic PC BS!  Say it so they understand it the FIRST time. The survivors that is.