Author Topic: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?  (Read 2740 times)

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Offline DalesCarpentry

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I am just plain old upset. What is wrong with this country that we are willing to hand it over to a Muslim. Much less a black guy. Let me tell you something. If Obamma wins the nomination we are in real trouble. I do believe in equal rights but I do not believe he believes in equal rights. I do believe if you work hard you can do anything you want to do in this country. I am afraid that he will lean towards the Muslims and the black people in this country. As a white person I believe we are becoming a minority in this country. Do you think when they become the majority they will give us what we have given them? I think not. Just my thoughts Dale
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Offline Kurt L

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2008, 06:21:01 PM »
I think we are all free to voice are thoughts etc.
my thought is all 3 are a joke.
I used to think I could work hard and have some thing some day also,
but I saw fuel for my trucks go from $1.50 a gallon to $4.++ a gallon under
our wonderful bush! I am down to one truck and just get by and that's all.
but I am sure that weasel smiles every time he gets his bank statement.

Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2008, 06:27:28 PM »
I bet that jerk does smile every time he gets his bank statement. His whole family is tied to OIL. I just have a real hard time believing these are the best we can come up with. Dale
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Offline Kurt L

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2008, 06:34:27 PM »
I would like to tell you how I like him but kids may read the post so I will bite my lip!

Offline rk4570

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2008, 03:51:34 AM »

I just cant believe how you can be so up set over something that someone MIGHT DO and look the other way over what HAS BEEN DONE TO THIS COUNTRY BY THE BUSH ADMIN. in the past 8 years.

Can you list one accomplishment of George Bush?
I spent a lot of money on Guns, Wild Horses & Wilder Women but I guess I just wasted all the rest!

Offline Steelbanger

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2008, 04:06:09 AM »
I'm ready to vote for a woman for president but not the one running now. I think Condoleeza Rice has the right qualities to try to run the country. Trouble is that she's too smart to run. Looks like it's going to be the lesser of the evils vote once again.

I can think of two accomplishments of GWB.
1. He beat the father of the internet and
2. He beat Kerry.
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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2008, 04:15:23 AM »
Yeah, like President Bush really wanted the price of oil to go up like it has.  Get a clue people; the President has enough on his plate and doesn't need that kind of problem.  Do you really believe he is so powerful that he controls the price of oil for the whole world?  It's called supply and demand.  The supply is affected by a lot of factors, not the least of which is the ability of oil companies to explore where known quantities are, such as Anwar.  Remember--the place where Dumbycrats won't allow it.  

In deed, President Bush does have to take some of the blame for the supply of oil being somewhat limited; he supported the idea of no oil exploration off the coast of Florida.  You might remember that that was a very popular idea with Floridians and his brother.  Anyway, that's a long way from being responsible for the world price of oil.

President Bush hasn't done everything the way I would have wanted, but he did lower my taxes by an enormous amount and he has kept this country free from further terrorist attacks.  Those two "attaboys" make up for a helluva lot of awshits in my book.

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2008, 04:33:42 AM »
Everyone has someone/people they prefer to blame for some things I'm sure, I like to blame the entire "group" of people we call Congress for things like the value of the dollar dropping, large government & spending, open borders, taxes, and lots of things.  Oil, hey it's a commodity and a supply demand thing, we could have done something over the years to increase supply on our side, we still are not, so that would be our fault as well.  Oil is the life blood of the planet, it has caused wars, and will keep causing them.  There will be no alternative energy for a long time, smart thing is to start drilling and refining while we at the same time find a good alternative (not some knee jerk reaction like ethanol) and someday start a transition into that.

Offline alsaqr

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2008, 05:18:37 AM »
I used to be a partisan political hack.   Then I really did think about both the Democrats and Republicans for a long time.  Neither party is worth a tinker's damn.  I will paraphrase the best analogy i have seen.  From a poster on another site:   

"Politicians from both parties are like a bunch of hogs that broke into the corn crib and gorged themselves.   Now they are fighting over the few grains of corn in the crap piles." 


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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2008, 05:48:58 AM »
alsaqr.....well stated, my sentiments as well. 

Offline rk4570

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2008, 06:06:43 AM »
ALSAQR.... You are right on!!

Jimster....You are also right on! I believe that we as a country have had no real leadership since Jimmy Carter said that we have to move away from foreign oil & work toward other forms of fuel & energy.

RFK got this country started on the space program back in the early `60s. Why hasn't this country done something similar with the energy problems we are facing today?

I believe it is simply that Big Corporations have made too much $ and THEY are running this country.
They are bleeding this country dry, moving to overseas locations & cheap labor. They will do anything to make more profit!
I spent a lot of money on Guns, Wild Horses & Wilder Women but I guess I just wasted all the rest!

Offline beemanbeme

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2008, 07:10:03 AM »
I was a Democrat until Carter got to be president and I've been a Republican every since.

I'm curious, since we've had a DEMOCRATIC LEGISLATURE that sets the buget and has to okay everything that the President does except take a dump, how has Bush been able to do all of the things he's done?
  And between Hussein and Monica's ex-boy friend's wife, who are you gonna pick?  If you pick Clinton, do you think she's gonna bring back the stuff she stole last time?  Hussein keeps hollering "it's time for a change." But he don't tell you what the changes are gonna be. Nor how he is gonna implement them. Maybe that hate-monger I saw on TV the other night will be the Sec'ty of State.
I do agree with the sentiment of "what is wrong with our country".  Are these three (censored word) (that includes McCain) the best our country has to offer? I wisht they had a "none of the above" slot on the ballot. I may write in my dog's name.

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2008, 08:05:30 AM »
One has to realize that the power of the President is understandably limited.  He does not have the authority to arbitrarily make changes with out the consent of the people.  The folks that make and rule on the laws of the land are the ones responsible for change.  The Congress/Senate, and Supreme Court are what rule and govern this country.

That said, Obama talks about change, what change has he tried to implement during his tenure as a legislator?  I could find no bill that he authored,  or introduced, that has that has changed this nation.  If he did nothing in that capacity. then how does expect to effectively make change as President?

This is indeed a very crucial turning point in history for America. Neither of the candidates has displayed those characters that instill confidence and warrant my support.  I am truly concerned about the direction things are going, at my advanced age they likely will not effect my life, but I fear for my grandchildren and their fate.  It seems we are about to let this country be over run by rag-heads or wetbacks, either way we are in a heap of trouble.

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2008, 09:56:23 AM »
Obama maybe was referring about his underwear. ;D

Offline Sourdough

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2008, 11:00:39 AM »
You can blame Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party for the price of oil!    When congress passed the bill to drill for domestic oil, Bill Clinton vetoed that bill.  When that happened the people in the oil industry knew the price of oil was going to go through the roof.  Here we sit on Billions of barrels of oil and the Democrats won't let us drill for it and bring it to market.  If we had been allowed to drill for oil back then it would have held the price down, and OPEC would not have a free rain to do as they please.  That oil would now be flowing and helping to run this country, but no we are leaving it in the ground, so we can ruin our economy paying for oil from other countries. 

As for Obama becoming president, That will be a major disaster.  Worse than Al Gore.
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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2008, 12:17:41 PM »
Why doesnt/didnt GW go after that oil?

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2008, 12:59:27 PM »
I'm writing in Ron Paul that's the best one of the bunch that have been out in public. Your all welcome to join me and try to take the power away from the parties.
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Offline Buckhammer74

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2008, 02:15:19 PM »
You can blame Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party for the price of oil!    When congress passed the bill to drill for domestic oil, Bill Clinton vetoed that bill.  When that happened the people in the oil industry knew the price of oil was going to go through the roof.  Here we sit on Billions of barrels of oil and the Democrats won't let us drill for it and bring it to market.  If we had been allowed to drill for oil back then it would have held the price down, and OPEC would not have a free rain to do as they please.  That oil would now be flowing and helping to run this country, but no we are leaving it in the ground, so we can ruin our economy paying for oil from other countries. 

As for Obama becoming president, That will be a major disaster.  Worse than Al Gore.

Ever since Bush started this war, gas has been skyrocketing!

Who could do worse than Bush has? Oh wait, Mcain wants to continue Bush's debacle.

Lets take another loan out from China for another 1/2 a TRILLION dollars!

Whats the difference, we will all be speaking Chinese and writing with characters in the next 50 years!

Offline Two401Pm

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2008, 03:06:00 PM »
We are all blessed with 536 senators and congress critters that control the purse strings of the president. If they don't appropriate  the money the  president can't spend it. Look up the past of schoumer and feinstein and a host of other anti freedom democrats and see which party they supported in the not so distant past. If you go back far enough to their collage years you will find they supported the communist party in this country. Hey now they are democrats gee what a shock. I will neither vote for a communist  or a muslim. And lets get rid of this thing called political correctness. CALL A SPADE A SPADE. Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong with very little grey area in between. I myself would support Alan Keyes he at least believes in the constitution of these United States of America. Hope I haven't violated some rules of conduct here.
Patron NRA member,Hunter Safety Instructor,GOA member,Buckskinner.

Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2008, 03:50:14 PM »
We are all blessed with 536 senators and congress critters that control the purse strings of the president. If they don't appropriate  the money the  president can't spend it. Look up the past of schoumer and feinstein and a host of other anti freedom democrats and see which party they supported in the not so distant past. If you go back far enough to their collage years you will find they supported the communist party in this country. Hey now they are democrats gee what a shock. I will neither vote for a communist  or a muslim. And lets get rid of this thing called political correctness. CALL A SPADE A SPADE. Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong with very little grey area in between. I myself would support Alan Keyes he at least believes in the constitution of these United States of America. Hope I haven't violated some rules of conduct here.
I believe you are right in line with most people here. Welcome to the site. Dale
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Offline Buckhammer74

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2008, 04:27:44 PM »
We are all blessed with 536 senators and congress critters that control the purse strings of the president. If they don't appropriate  the money the  president can't spend it. Look up the past of schoumer and feinstein and a host of other anti freedom democrats and see which party they supported in the not so distant past. If you go back far enough to their collage years you will find they supported the communist party in this country. Hey now they are democrats gee what a shock. I will neither vote for a communist  or a muslim. And lets get rid of this thing called political correctness. CALL A SPADE A SPADE. Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong with very little grey area in between. I myself would support Alan Keyes he at least believes in the constitution of these United States of America. Hope I haven't violated some rules of conduct here.

True: About controlling purse strings. But when Bush pushes his way hard enough(IE BS intelligence) he got the rest of them to fall in line with his "Stop Iraq's weapons of mass destruction".

What do you mean by calling a SPADE a SPADE? Are you referring to Obamas skin color? He is neither white or black.

What are you talking about believing in the constitution?

I am undecided on who I will vote for, all I do know is that it will NOT be Mcain, I cant justify throwing away more lives and money away on this stupid war.

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2008, 04:36:09 PM »
ALSAQR.... You are right on!!

Jimster....You are also right on! I believe that we as a country have had no real leadership since Jimmy Carter said that we have to move away from foreign oil & work toward other forms of fuel & energy.

RFK got this country started on the space program back in the early `60s. Why hasn't this country done something similar with the energy problems we are facing today?

I believe it is simply that Big Corporations have made too much $ and THEY are running this country.
They are bleeding this country dry, moving to overseas locations & cheap labor. They will do anything to make more profit!

RFK did not get this country started on the space program, nor did his brother JFK in the early 60's.  I think you will find that our space program had already been in place long before Kennedy came into office.   The space act of 1958 instituted the Mercury project, which goals were to put a man in space, determine man's limitations and capabilities in space, and retrieve man and space craft safely.  It just so happened that Kennedy was elected to office during this program.  Kennedy ensured the programs success when he competed with the Soviets after they put the first man in space only 2 months after he took the oath of office.  Also, it was a way to alleviate focus from him for the Bay of Pigs failure.
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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2008, 04:46:14 PM »
True: About controlling purse strings. But when Bush pushes his way hard enough(IE BS intelligence) he got the rest of them to fall in line with his "Stop Iraq's weapons of mass destruction".

What do you mean by calling a SPADE a SPADE? Are you referring to Obamas skin color? He is neither white or black.

What are you talking about believing in the constitution?

I am undecided on who I will vote for, all I do know is that it will NOT be Mcain, I cant justify throwing away more lives and money away on this stupid war.

Other than voting for a third party candidate and thus silently voting for either Obama or Clinton, you as a firearms owner, I presume, are voting to have your 2 nd Amendment rights severely restricted.  That may not mean much to you, but it certainly does to me.  I absolutely will not vote for any candidate from any party, that does not recognize the individual right to keep and bear arms.  Both Obama and Clinton have tacitly and openly declared opposition to private arms possession, is that what you want?  If it is, then I must logically question with utmost skepticism any other response as being emotionally motivated rather than logically derived.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2008, 04:53:07 PM »
no I am not referring to race or skin color. by calling a spade a spade I mean to not call something other then what it is. Enough of this political correctness B**L S***. Alan Keyes is an American his skin color is black, brown,high yellow, or what ever you want to call it he is not of Caucasian decent. He is I think currently the U.S.A. ambassador to the UN he has been in the govt. service since the Reagan admin.  Google him you might be surprised for what he stands for he is on the ballot, in I think in several states. He beat out several in the caucuses here in Iowa but never got an honorable mention in the papers here. He I think would do much better then any of the candidates being pushed by the major parties. Why can't we Conservatives be given someone whom we could feel good about casting a vote for? Why do we have to always vote for the lesser of the evils of government?
Patron NRA member,Hunter Safety Instructor,GOA member,Buckskinner.

Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #24 on: March 30, 2008, 04:58:10 PM »
We are all blessed with 536 senators and congress critters that control the purse strings of the president. If they don't appropriate  the money the  president can't spend it. Look up the past of schoumer and feinstein and a host of other anti freedom democrats and see which party they supported in the not so distant past. If you go back far enough to their collage years you will find they supported the communist party in this country. Hey now they are democrats gee what a shock. I will neither vote for a communist  or a muslim. And lets get rid of this thing called political correctness. CALL A SPADE A SPADE. Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong with very little grey area in between. I myself would support Alan Keyes he at least believes in the constitution of these United States of America. Hope I haven't violated some rules of conduct here.

True: About controlling purse strings. But when Bush pushes his way hard enough(IE BS intelligence) he got the rest of them to fall in line with his "Stop Iraq's weapons of mass destruction".

What do you mean by calling a SPADE a SPADE? Are you referring to Obamas skin color? He is neither white or black.

What are you talking about believing in the constitution?

I am undecided on who I will vote for, all I do know is that it will NOT be Mcain, I cant justify throwing away more lives and money away on this stupid war.

I don't know if you would want to stand in one of those very long lines to, To turn in your firearm? Not me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Are you even an American? If we give them an inch they will take it all away. Dale
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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2008, 05:01:18 PM »
As for this ongoing war on terrorism I too think it sucks. But lets get realistic there is a religious faction in this world that come hell or high water are going to push for the annihilation of all Christians and has been since the beginning of recorded history.  Thank GOD Bush was at the helm when they the muslims attacked the twin towers in NY. Had Clinton been GOD help us.
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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2008, 05:03:56 PM »
As for this ongoing war on terrorism I too think it stinks. But lets get realistic there is a religious faction in this world that come hell or high water are going to push for the annihilation of all Christians and has been since the beginning of recorded history.  Thank GOD Bush was at the helm when they the muslims attacked the twin towers in NY. Had Clinton been GOD help us.
You do have a very good point there. Dale
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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2008, 05:04:55 PM »
When you have to consider turning in your liberty teeth or burying them......  Is it not time to start using them to regain your freedom and through off the oppressive chains of tyranny???  From my cold dead fingers.
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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2008, 05:21:16 PM »
When you have to consider turning in your liberty teeth or burying them......  Is it not time to start using them to regain your freedom and through off the oppressive chains of tyranny???  From my cold dead fingers.
I am sorry I am not up to riddles. Please explain this in plain English. Dale
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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #29 on: March 30, 2008, 05:27:29 PM »
I will never turn in my guns period.  when they come to take them, I will die a free patriotic American citizen not like the Jews did when Hitler came to power in Germany. On the second amendment I think it was Thomas Jefferson called firearms the citizens liberty teeth.  I just think when it is time to bury your guns to prevent confiscation it is time to start using them to keep your Liberty or freedom.
Patron NRA member,Hunter Safety Instructor,GOA member,Buckskinner.