I've stated my beliefs and logical conclusions based on researched info at hand with known facts. I will not be baited into any arguments with those, who's positions are founded in half baked conspiracy theories from so called experts. Other experts have testified independently in opposition to those supporting the conspiracy theory. I believe Al Qaida and other terrorist organizations have, are and will continue to target Americans, whether we retreat from Iraq or not. I believe terrorist actions will increase against Americans, if we retreat now. I believe American image will suffer further from world opinion with severe negative results, if we retreat now. I believe Islamic, Jewish, or Christian terrorism in any form is to be eradicated. I believe any government that supports terrorism does not deserve to exist on this earth. If any government does not have the balls to declare war according to Geneva Convention, it is a nation of cowards and criminals, thus should be dealt with appropriately, using whatever force necessary for its people to comply with the rest of the world's attempts to keep peace. I believe that if we are the basic targets of these governments, then it is our responsibility and duty to react and enforce compliance. Then maybe we can get back on track with peaceful pursuits and economic endeavors. We cannot continue to be the targets of terrorists or religious extremists, effecting our economy, security, and pursuit of happiness.