Author Topic: How To Catch The Mink ?  (Read 1459 times)

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Offline spiderclawz

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How To Catch The Mink ?
« on: July 14, 2003, 08:16:19 AM »
This years trapping season, my goal will be to catch a mink. I have been trapping since a little guy, and have caught coon, red & gray foxes, and muskrats (opossums & skunks too). But the MINK has eluded me all these years. I took a few years off from trapping and have begun to get back into it and want to teach it to my son. Last year we trapped some coons and a few muskrats. I also set a couple of "mink sets". Nothing. I think I'm having problems believe that they are really here in my area, or maybe they are trapped out or just plain rare. I live in and around Lancaster, York, and Lebanon Counties, Pennsylvania. Is there anyone that knows for sure that they are here? And if so, what should I do to find more sign and what time of the year should I scout for tracks in mud or any other signs this furbearer leaves behind? I have a couple of books that show different mink sets and talk about the habitat, but I'm somehow missing it. I'm willing to be persistent as I will like many times in the past, set more "mink sets" this season. I feel real good about a set the first night or two, then all hope fades as I come up empty time and time again.

Anyone have some pointers? I really would appreciate it.
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How To Catch The Mink ?
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2003, 10:32:26 AM »
spider, Old Coon is from pa.Just hold on , I am sure he will read this and respond on Mink in your area.  Tom
If you need trapping supplies---call ,E-mail , or PM me . Home of Tom Olson's Mound Master Beaver Lures  ,Blackies Blend--lures and baits.Snare supplies,Dye ,dip,wax,Large assortment of gloves and Choppers-at very good prices.Hardware,snares,cable restraints and more!Give me a call(651) 436-2539
  I now also carry --- The WIEBE line of Knives and their new 8 and 12 inch fleshing Knives.

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How To Catch The Mink ?
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2003, 11:11:09 AM »
Spiderclawz, I live in Middletown, near where Dauphin, Lebanon and Lancaster Counties all meet.

Please be advised there are mink in this area.

When thinking of mink do not put a lot of stock into not seeing any sign.    Mink leave very little sign behind.   Raccoons, muskrats and foxes all leave behind much more sign than mink do.

When planning a mink line plan your routes to cross as many different streams as possbile.   It does not pay to keep crossing and crisscrossing a single stream many times when trapping mink.

Different streams, different watersheds is the answer.

What sets to use?   Well there's no magic mink set.   All sets have their advantages and disadvanteges.   We could sit here and discuss and debate mink sets till the cows come home and settle nothing.


The most important thing in mink trapping is patience.   Patience is a virtue in trapping mink.   A virtueless mink trapper is an unsuccessful mink trapper.

Never think of mink with a muskrat or coon trapper's mentality.   Just because a hot looking mink set hasn't connected for 4 straight days means nothning.   That set isn't even aged yet.

When I make a mink set I plan on  leaving it in place for the whole period I'm going to be trapping, whether that's 2 weeks or the whole season.

Sometimes the sets connect, sometimes they don't but that's the game.

I cannot stress patience enough.   The greatest single factor in failure in mink trapping is a lack of patience.

I hope I've been of some help.
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Offline RdFx

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Trapping Mink
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2003, 11:39:14 AM »
Amen to what OLD COON said.  It is almost like a bible verse.  Patience and setting trap so it will catch a mink once it comes along and  a decent trap. Ive caught mink in zeros to nbr 5 bridgers and 330 conis so they all work but  a good all around mink trap is a nbr 1 1/2 longspring or coils spring with a pan that drops by itself when you lift it up and let go.  On the coils springs  the  bolt and nut should be loose.  And like ol coon said one could talk till the cows come home and then some.  In fact i always like to talk till the cows come home if its trapping LOL    :)

Offline spiderclawz

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How To Catch The Mink ?
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2003, 03:17:20 AM »
Thanks A Bunch Guys!

That information is appreciated and helps a lot. I'm sure those words of wisdom about being patient will come in handy when I'm checking those empty sets. As far as trying numerous streams, that I will do. thanks OldCoon.

I think you prefer to stick to water sets for mink? Have you had success with mink sets near or on bodies of water like ponds and swamps? What do you think about mink on the shores of the Susquehanna River (since I live near it)?

Thanks RdFx for tips on traps. I use primarily victor 1 1/2 coils. Since I tend to catch coon in some of my mink sets, that will hold em. It is not remote where I live, so I don't think it would be wise to use conis bigger than a 110.

How smart are mink compared to a fox? Do they get spooked with steel traps and human sent? I often wonder if that could be part of the problem? I treat the mink set like a coon set, and don't worry to much about it.

Is there a favorite lure and/or bait to use for Pennsylvania mink? (If you'd rather not share this information, I'll understand) I've been using tuna, or trout heads from fishing season. I have one bottle of Hawbakers Mink Lure I've been using for 15 years, LOL...  should I try something else?

After all this time... I'm thinking when I finally catch one of these guys, I'm going to get the first one mounted!

Hey, Thanks Again!
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How To Catch The Mink ?
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2003, 03:30:11 AM »
Some good advice already. I personaly believe that it is harder to delebrately catch your first mink than just about any of the common furbearers.

I trap mink in streams very similar to the streams you are talking about.

The main thing to keep in mind with a mink is that a mink is a victum of his own habits- a mink can be patterened and predicted much of the time- esp on smaller creeks. And thats the secret of mink trapping- putting your trap where the mink will go.

You can use many sets- but it comes down to pockets or blind sets. Most mink trappers use a combination of both.  Gerald Schmidt has an excellent video/book out on mink trapping, and Gerald prefers the pocket set.

Other trappers prefer blind sets- that is, using no lure or bait and anticipating where the mink will go. Look for pinch points, small holes in the bank, undercut banks,  vertical edges, grass trails, landing (resting)points along the water.  To that end, if your email is listed I'll send you  an  article on blind setting.

A big secret in mink trapping is to set a lot of traps- esp starting out.  Once you have taken one, set that same location each year. Set upo similar locations. As you take more mink- do the same thing. You'll get the hang of it. good luck-trappnman
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How To Catch The Mink ?
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2003, 03:32:56 AM »
no email I see- so if you or anyone wants a copy, send me your email.

Regarding mink being spooked of human scent,etc. Very rarely one could be- but in general and for all practical purposes- no.
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Offline OldCoon

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How To Catch The Mink ?
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2003, 10:52:57 AM »
Spiderclawz, as a rule I prefer to stick to the water for my sets.   The water acts as a funnel to bring them in and I can hide my traps and catch from prying eyes much easier in water.   That being said there are some fine mink trappers who do most of their trapping on dry land.

There are mink all along the Susquehanna River.   Concentrate your sets where streams and creeks flow into the river.   If possible keep your sets up the smaller creek a bit so it is not affected by all those minor River water level rises and falls.

Mink are not shy about traps.  A mink will step right into an uncovered trap.   In fact they will step right into a bare trap laying atop the ground.   What makes a mink hard to trap is his unpredictibility.   You just never know what they are going to do next.    In fact the longer you chase them you will arrive at the conclusion that even the mink don't what their going to do next.

There's a lot of fine mink lures out there but don't put your whole faith a mink lure.   Learn to ways of mink and make blind sets along with your lured sets and baited sets.   Most successful minkers use a variety of sets.   Hawbaker makes a fine mink lure as does Asa Lenon, Russ Carman, Stef Forget and several others.
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How To Catch The Mink ?
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2003, 11:35:58 AM »
Just follow the advise given to you by the experts here, and you will catch one eventually. Even If you were the worst trapper in the world, you would get at least one by accident. Ya just gotta be patient. I find them easy to get, always have. You will as soon as you get #1. After that is is all down stream.

Offline spiderclawz

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How To Catch The Mink ?
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2003, 04:39:43 AM »

trappnman. That is an awesome article about Minking!
More of an instructional course or seminar on a topic that is gaining much popularity with me. I'm sure any one who is new to trapping for mink would appreciate that wealth of information. Really knowing the furbearer you are after is so important. You've really got a passion for mink trapping.
I can hardly absorbe all of it. I'll have to study it some more. I'll be using my highlighter next time thru.

As I dive into catching my first mink, I will also be learning how to make a drowning set. I bought a dozen of drowning Locks at the PTA Convention this year. This is new to me, and will be interesting to see if I can pull it off.

Thanks Again!
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Offline spiderclawz

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How To Catch The Mink ?
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2003, 07:41:34 AM »
Another question about them mink...

Will a minks pelt be prime when the season opens Nov. 22nd this year? Will it depend on the weather or are they typically ready when the season opens every year?
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Offline OldCoon

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How To Catch The Mink ?
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2003, 07:52:33 AM »
In Pennsylvania mink are prime enough to trap by the 22nd of November.   They are not fully prime yet, but prime enough for sale.
Mink Trappers Do It Better