Author Topic: .308W to .338fed ??  (Read 752 times)

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Offline Saloon slug

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.308W to .338fed ??
« on: April 03, 2008, 11:34:26 AM »
I was wondering if any of you have had .308 handi barrel reboared to .338fed. I was doing some reading they both have a max pressure of 62,000psi and are the same case. Looks like it would be a fun project.

If any one has done this what was your results with this round and a H&R? And would you recomend doing this project to others?
From the halls of Montezuma

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Re: .308W to .338fed ??
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2008, 12:27:10 PM »
If I was gonna spend the money on a rebore 338, it would be a 338-06 A-Square from a 26" 25-06 or 280 barrel(in fact I did!), at least brass is available for it,  just a little extra return for your money specially if you want to shoot big bullets. ;)


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Offline Saloon slug

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Re: .308W to .338fed ??
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2008, 01:16:12 PM »
That may be an option to but I am a bit of a recoil wuss. The .338fed has lower recoil numbers and I can make my own brass from .308 which I already have on hand. The longest shot I have ever taken hunting was 300 yards so the 200-210gr slugs are more then enough for my uses.
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Re: .308W to .338fed ??
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2008, 09:10:46 AM »
Why not consider the .358 Winchester if you want a round based on the .308W case?  .358 is a much more versatile caliber ( IMO ) than the .338 - using pistol bullets and many more cast designs.

But I agree with Quick about the .338/06 in a F-L case;  what an excellent well-balanced BG round.

Its apparent the .338 Federal is here to stay, but it still beggers me that the .358Winnie didn't gain the same success.  I doubt there's any significant difference in performance between the two.

As for converting a .308W to either .338Fed or .358W, anything other than a simple rebore job would surprise me.

Twas me, I'd get the .358W.  I have a .308 Survivor, but decided to leave the .30-cal  barrel as is - after considering .358Win mod to create a tree stand-whitetail poker.  And fellows I've talked to into cast bullet shooting just love their .358's.

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Re: .308W to .338fed ??
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2008, 09:30:11 AM »
As for converting a .308W to either .338Fed or .358W, anything other than a simple rebore job would surprise me.

I had Dick Nickel (may he rest in peace  :'() rebore a Savage 99C in .243 I had to .358.  This is the "clip" model and my 'smith had to adjust the lips on the clip to make it feed the .358's.  The only clip I had was marked for 243 and 308.  Works fine now, but it may be something that has to be checked on any magazine.
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Offline Saloon slug

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Re: .308W to .338fed ??
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2008, 10:20:41 AM »
Why not consider the .358 Winchester if you want a round based on the .308W case?  .358 is a much more versatile caliber ( IMO ) than the .338 - using pistol bullets and many more cast designs.

Twas me, I'd get the .358W.  I have a .308 Survivor, but decided to leave the .30-cal  barrel as is - after considering .358Win mod to create a tree stand-whitetail poker.  And fellows I've talked to into cast bullet shooting just love their .358's.

Now why didnt I think of that ::). That would make much more sence. That would give me two options with the Handi have a bbl rebored or get a .357 bbl and rechamber to .358W.

I will have to look into this more thanks.
From the halls of Montezuma

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Re: .308W to .338fed ??
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2008, 11:21:27 AM »
Out of Ken Waters "Pet loads"

"The only thing that would make the 35 whelen better is if it shot .338 bullets"  I think it would apply here too.

I have never understood the use cheap pistol bullets as an advantage, if I want cheap trigger time I'll shoot the 22. Even though my preference is the 338 to use pistol bullets in the 358 would be making  sows ear out of a silk purse.
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Why does Nosler recommend using pistol bullets in .358 cal rifles?
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2008, 11:27:03 AM »

If you're so smart, can you tell us here at GBO why Nosler lists their 180grn .358 cal Partition-HG  pistol bullet with the data in their new #6 reloading manual, for both the .358 Winchester and .35 Whelen?

Folks who want to look at that data can go to pages 509 and 513, in the "Nosler Reloading Guide 6."

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Re: .308W to .338fed ??
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2008, 08:21:34 PM »
There are several advantage in using cheap cast bullets. One being by casting your own and reloading you can save a bunch of money while practicing handling and shooting the rifle you want to hunt with, Not always necessary but useful in that you are more familiar with the firearm you plan to use.  Another reason is,  it really gives you two rifles in one, Load it up with jacketed premium bullets at near max loads and you shoot flatter at greater ranges like maybe a bean field. Stuff some hard cast flat nose bullets in there and slow'em down and you have a great short range tree stand/heavy cover round where you don't need speed or BC.

These are some of the reasons why I .358 caliber in the first place, Very versatile caliber the .38 special to .357Max is a good example of this, and one of the favorite rounds on this forum.  Right now I am looking to get just a little more out of a .357 barrel by rechambering to .358 X 39 or 9MM X 39 if you will, I should be able to get right at  .35 rem power levels with 180 and 200 grain bullets but what I really want is to be able to shoot 250 grain bullets at sub sonic velocities.  The longest shot I took last year on a whitetail was around 60 yards. those 250s going about 950 or so will just knock the snot outta dem dare deers.

One other reason I'm gonna make this rifle would be that no one around here would have even heard of it  and I don't think Quick has one either so that's good enuff reason right there. Kinda the same reason I' gonna make a 7mm TCU out of a perfectly good .223 bull barrel.
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Re: .308W to .338fed ??
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2008, 10:38:29 AM » would be a very good candidate for the conversion..and would be a nice cartridge..It won't ever equal the 338 A-Square conversion...but...should...still will work admirably...and will allow the usual long throats to be addressed..Ammo is still a bit scarce...but..should become better since the cartridge is getting a lot of favorable reviews...1 thing to remember..this as any other best make sure you have a excellent lock up and full contact on the shelf prior to doing this...and to make sure your over all chamber dimensions are on the tight side to begin with...otherwise you won't be able to get the full benefits of the make sure who ever is doing this does it to factory spec's of the new factory cartridge...not one based on some of the older 338-08 wildcat cartridges...there were several that don't match up perfectly with the new 338 Federal..

The main reason I because there have been some chamber/bore axis issues...and if you have a 308 barrel that is a ho-hum shooter...this may be part of the reason it is...I'm not that yours has this issue...but...that it is always a possibility unless you know for sure it isn't...and should be checked before proceeding with the re-bore/re-chamber.....I've been lucky..mine haven't been off...but others haven't been as fortunate..which is why..I would rather see this cartridge done on a 223 bull barrel or Ultra Fluted...that way...even though it may cost extra to have the chamber can be assured..when will be in perfect alignment..and that the chamber and throat can be cut on the minimum side of the specs and to what ever OAL you want for the particular bullets you want to me is worth the extra investment for the re chambering of the 223 barrel over the as is 308 Handi barrel...I've found it has always paid off with accuracy & velocity dividends...

Good Luck

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Re: .308W to .338fed ??
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2008, 03:14:12 PM »
Mac I think that would be a better way to go. Pluss the .223 comes in the 24" bull barrel.
From the halls of Montezuma