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Offline ncsurveyor

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #30 on: April 22, 2009, 06:01:10 AM »
I was wondering how many of u fellow deer hunters use Nosler Ballistic tip bullets to deer hunt with ? What Cal and weight do u use
115gr .257 out of a bob. Drops them like a bad habit.
165gr .308 out of long range 30-06 rig.  Drops them even harder.
168gr. 308 out of long range 30-06 rig.  Haven't tested them yet, but can't be much different than above.

Offline john keyes

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2009, 09:47:19 AM »
I killed my one and only deer last year with a 120 gr NBT, 7mm-08 and some H335 (IIRC on the powder)

I mostly use bulk bullets and sierras but this was an exception, wanted to try em out
Though taken from established manufacturers' sources and presumed to be safe please do not use any load that I have posted. Please reference Hogdon, Lyman, Speer and others as a source of data for your own use.

Offline Redfish1

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #32 on: April 22, 2009, 10:46:48 AM »
I don't use BT bullets, they do kill deer, they will drop one in his tracks, however they do not consistently
make full penetration and leave exit wounds. When BT bullets came out we had an epidemic of lost deer at our hunting lease. The common denominator was Nosler BT bullets, we don't allow anyone to hunt deer with them on our property. I once tracked a 100 lb doe shot directly on the ball of the shoulder. When recovered there were wound marks in a circular pattern around the entrance hole in about an 8 inch circle. The bullet had exploded on contact  and the shrapnel exited in that circular pattern. Nothing penetrated the heart and lung cavity, the only reason I found that deer is she got entagled in an old fence while trying to run off. That's an awful way to treat an animal that I respect and have so much
enjoyment hunting. We are allowed to take 6 deer a year here in LA. and I have shot a lot of deer with
a lot of different bullets. I have had good results with Sierra Game Kings, Hornady Interlocks, and for
factory ammo Winchester CXP2. The point I would like to make is deer will run, you need something to follow, don't follow the trail of hipe and take the chance of loosing a deer. LEAD KILLS leave the plastic
to kids toys.

Offline wareagleguy

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #33 on: April 22, 2009, 12:26:40 PM »
I think I have the Deer Killin Machine in bullets!!!

I found that my Remington VTR 308 loves the Berger 168gr VLD.  I do mean it is a killer!  Killed one yote and four deer this season.  You will have a blood trail!!!  BIG HOLES and very accurate!
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Offline rickt300

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #34 on: April 22, 2009, 03:17:47 PM »
Where did this fiction that just because a bullet exits it will leave a blood trail wide enough to surf in?  Why does it seem that so many people say Ballistic Tip bullets don't exit?  I have yet to not have either a 95 gr. 6MM ballistic tip or a 7MM 150 gr. ballistic tip bullet NOT exit.  I figure I have shot 25 or so deer using both bullets and have gotten good exit holes on every one, Happily none traveled more than 30 yards or needed a second shot.  None of these deer were shot past 150 yards and most at around 75 yards.  Then again I make every effort not to wastefully destroy shoulder meat either so blasting a shoulder to pieces isn't an issue with me.
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Offline wareagleguy

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #35 on: April 22, 2009, 04:08:45 PM »
Consider yourself lucky.  Read my post.  BT will kill but just hope you never have the follow a blood trail cause you will not have one.
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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #36 on: April 22, 2009, 04:32:44 PM »
Wareagle when I hear crap like that I know the person spitting it has never used current Ballistic Tip bullets.  I read your post.  It doesn't jive with my personal experience, I feel it is fictional.
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Offline Shiner

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #37 on: April 23, 2009, 11:15:31 AM »
About 3 years ago I bought a new Ruger 77 in 270. I bought 2 boxes of 130 gr Remington Core Lok's with the gun. The groups were horrible. I went back and talked to the guy at the gun shop, and he recommended 130gr Federal Premium Nosler Ballistic Tips. I bought 2 boxes of them, zeroed the rifle, and the accuracy was exceptional!! I killed 1 hog and 2 deer that year with the BT's. The deer were both less than 100 yards, both ran with little blood trail because the bullets did not exit. Neither went over 40 yards and both were easily recovered however, just by walking in the direction they ran. Internal damage was amazing. The hog I shot was 30 yards, head shot and he was DRT. I just like exit wounds so I have a better blood trail, so I started playing with different loads. I finally settled on the plain federal blue box 130 gr soft point, they perform well for me and are just as accurate as the BT's. Plus they are much cheaper!!

Offline john keyes

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #38 on: April 23, 2009, 11:32:06 AM »
I will add that the quickest lights out bang flops I've made were with .30-30. one with a factory round nose and the other with a speer flat nose
Though taken from established manufacturers' sources and presumed to be safe please do not use any load that I have posted. Please reference Hogdon, Lyman, Speer and others as a source of data for your own use.

Offline Wyo. Coyote Hunter

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #39 on: April 23, 2009, 02:38:33 PM »
 :) Over the years we have used the BTBT on lots of game. From what I have seen and my pal reported, we have had NO FAILURES. My pal uses 140 and 150s in his 7mm mags. and 165's 180's in his .300's. Many mulies and elk have fallen to these loads. I have used the 150 BTBT in the .300's from coyotes on up thru elk. It is not my first pick for elk, but I suppose it has taken  3 or 4 for me. Plus it killed a huge black bear in its tracks. In the 7mm mag. with 140's it hammers antelope, deer, elk, caribou, and my wife shot a huge cow moose with the load. The cow was hit behind the shoulder about 1/3 of the way up. She finished the step she was taking and fell on the spot. I am coming to prefer Part. for elk/moose. But these bullets have been deadly on all the game we have turned them on. Even the little 95 grain .243 exited on a huge mulie.

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2009, 03:00:31 PM »
I use the 200 gr Nosler Ballistic Tips in my .338/308 Ackley which I guess you could now call .338 Federal Ackley Improved.  My velocity at muzzle is 2650 fps.  I have killed Whitetail deer, Muledeer, elk, Kudu, blesbok, impala, White tailed Wildebeest, and Springbok with this gun.

I have also used the 180 grain Ballistic tip in my 338/06 AI at 2860 fps to take whitetail deer and mule deer.

Both guns produce less than magnum velocities.  I have killed 16 animals with these two guns using the Nosler Ballistic tips.  Only one animal took more than one shoot.  I spined the elk.  All the others were one shot kills. Only one didn't drop where it was shot, a Whitetail ran about 20 yards and dropped.
The wound channels were large and clean through and throughs (except the spine) with no high velocity blood shot meat. I credit this to the good expansion qualities at lower velocities of these bullets.

Offline rickt300

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #41 on: April 24, 2009, 05:49:22 AM »
Since I moved from Wyoming and generally hunt whitetails and feral hogs in Oklahoma and north Texas I seldom get a shot longer than 125 yards.  My 7x57 pushes the 150 grain Ballistic Tips at the perfect under 250 yards speed of 2700 fps.  My 6MM Remington load gets 2950 fps with the 95 gr. Ballistic Tip and it still performs well at pretty close range.  I loaded some 140 grain Ballistic Silvertips in my 7MM Remington magnum at a pretty hot 3250fps and used this on an antelope, sure killed that antelope dead, the exit hole was 4 inches across and the internal damage made it impossible to identify internal organs.  The big 7 now gets a steady diet of 160 gr. Partitions.
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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #42 on: April 24, 2009, 10:10:20 AM »
Exit wound ? Blood trail ? I have yet to not have a BT not exit a white tail deer . Never tried a Texas heart shot with one though . shot one head on with a 708 one time and it enter the chest and skipped along under the spine and out between the hind 1/4"s . about a 40 yard shot .
Shot placement , better . they fall with in a few feet of being shot .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Shiner

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #43 on: April 24, 2009, 01:09:37 PM »
I will add to be fair both the deer mentioned in my post were shot in the shoulder, and were big bodied deer, but I still expected an exit wound and there wasn't one...

Offline KAYR1

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #44 on: April 24, 2009, 03:44:31 PM »
I think that we have to keep in mind what the BT is designed to do. That is, expand quickly, and possibly fragment, and deliver quick, clean kills on shots behind the shoulder or therabouts on deer/antelope sized game. It is not meant for "Texas lung shots" or raking shots. They are not a great choice for elk and such. They shoot accurately in most rifles, and kill quickly when the right shots are taken. Also, they probably arent the best choice when you push them too fast, like I tried in my .300 WSM. They work great on longer shots, but are very destructive on edible meat at close range.

For my money, I like the Nosler Accu-Bond better. They hold more weight, and are, in my opinion, a more accurate Nosler Partition. I killed four whitetails with the 165 handloaded Accu-Bond last year from thirty to four hundred laser ranged yards. All were bang-flops.

In conventional calibers and velocity, the BT is all you need in deer sized game. I will hedge my bet with Accu-Bonds this season, though.

Offline rickt300

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #45 on: April 24, 2009, 04:10:33 PM »
I bought a bunch of 160gr. Accubonds but haven't tried them yet.  I'll use them in my 7MM Remington magnum when the time comes.  I have to say though that the 150 gr. Ballistic Tips in my 7x57 do it all as far as a up to 250 yard deer and hog combination.
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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #46 on: October 16, 2009, 06:16:54 AM »
I guess I am a bit old school and have always used the old standard soft point.  I, and my rifles, prefer Federal Power Shok (blue box)

35 Rem 200gr
30/30 170gr
270 Win 130gr
308 Win 150gr

I used the 223 Rem for the first time this year on a doe.  It was during the 2009 urban zone rifle season in Missouri.  I used Hornady 55gr SP.  Worked like a champ!

Personally, I feel the supreme high fashion bullets are a bit overkill for Missouri deer.  Soft points have been killing whitetails for many generations.  They work just fine and put venison in my freezer. 
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Offline wareagleguy

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #47 on: October 20, 2009, 06:44:01 AM »
Well rickt300,
Seems like I am not the only one here that has not had pass through shots.  So who is the lier now?  I told it like it was.  I do admit I only have killed 2 deer with this type bullet and didn't get a single pass through.  The friend I loaded for never got a pass through either on the three he shot.  So, I quit using the bullet.  Now, you go an do what you want because I don't care what you do or think.  I play with my toys like I want to and you do the same.  JUST DON"T CALL ME A LIER!

Funny how the internet makes all men equal while face to face would be a whole different ball game.
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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #48 on: October 20, 2009, 08:41:43 AM »
Nope , face to face or not I have yet to have a BT not go all the way thru. a deer . Same with most bullets i have used . Did you consider the size of the deer being shot ? To be honest we get pass thru's with 00 and 000 buckshot . Oh yea around here a 160 lb buck is rare . most 140 to 150 . does 100-120 . I have killed one doe that was huge and may have reached 160 and 3 bucks that were big one in the 180 lb range but most don't live long enough to make those weights .
 You might consider also shot placement , bullet speed you load to , temp, etc .
Why do you feel someone told a lie ?
Also the internet dosen't make men equal just insecure when others don't agree with them .
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Offline charles p

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #49 on: October 20, 2009, 03:29:38 PM »
They are the most accurate bullet I have ever purchased for reloading.  I love them for sighting purposes.

I have had poor experiences with close shots.  I never hunt deer expecting a 20-50 yard shot, but sometimes it happens.  High velocity can cause a BT to expand quickly without complete penetration.  I once shot a deer at about 30 yards, straight on in the chest with a 280AI.  I tracked the deer for a 100 yards and found it in a deep ditch.  It ran out and I shot it going away in the ham.  It went down but not out, and I shot it again in the neck.  All three shots were at 3000 fps with 140 BT, and not one penetrated the deer.  Every shot created a surface wound much like bird shot from a shotgun.  This was in the early days of BT production and I think they have improved since then.  I have improved my bullet selection as well.


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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #50 on: October 21, 2009, 02:07:13 AM »
I don't remember how many I/we have shot with 100 gr BT in a 2506 , 53 gr of IMR 4831 should be in the 3200 FPS range if the book is correct . Some deer were less than 25 yards and were pass thru. shots and no more than a step or two . Makes me wonder if cal effects the bullet and how it works ? We also use it in 7mm , 308 and 3006 . Only 2 deer with the 708 and maybe 2-3 with the 3006 all pass thru but 40-60 yard shots if memory was right . The 308 3-4 and it also worked well but i did not make or witness the shots .
 I have a good friend who had a failure with his 270 , but his scope was also off so he wasn't sure if it was bullet or him . I could not find the deer nor did buzzards find a dead deer so i assume it was a miss of non lethal shot .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #51 on: October 21, 2009, 04:47:11 AM »
Charles P,

Carefull, Shootall (aka rickt300) will call you a lier because it NEVER happens to him.

If you like accurate rounds try Berger bullets.  I have found those to be the most accuate bullet for me but do agree that the BT are accurate too.  That is why I tried hunting with BT because of the small little groups.
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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #52 on: October 21, 2009, 05:57:13 AM »
I have probably shot 20 deer with 168 gr. .308 Winchester Supremes.  One went about 50 yards and the others were DRT.  All have been pass throughs.  I have also killed fox and coyote out to 350 yards with the same ammo.

Keep both eyes open and make the first shot good.
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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #53 on: October 21, 2009, 02:07:08 PM »
I have only used the 95 gr. 6MM, the 150 gr. 7MM and the 165 gr. 30 caliber versions of these bullets. By far I have used the 150 grain 7MM bullet the most and then from a 7x57. I don't intentionally shoot for the shoulder of any edible animal but have pushed the 7MM BT thru several shoulders with exits. I have some 140 grain Ballistic Tips loaded in my 7MM Remington magnum for this deer season. They are going a little less than 3000fps. If one doesn't exit I'll report on it. Actually I have been a bit disapointed that I have none of these bullets to examine after shooting a deer with them.
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Re: How many of u deer Hunters
« Reply #54 on: October 21, 2009, 06:23:04 PM »
I have shot Nosler BT for years and for past 7-9yrs I have shot 7mm 140 and 150 BT's. I have shot deer from 45 yards all the way out to 400 yards and I have had good sucess, farthest I've had to track is about 65 yards. I have never tried to shoot a deer in the shoulder......but I've had some move or other happenings and even dead on 225 yard shoot in the shoulder deer only run 25-30 yards. Unfortunately I have never recovered much bullet wise for inspection.
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