Craig's a big boy and I'm sure he'll get over it if he hasn't already. Why don't you try apologizing to the deer you tortured to death? Oh yeah, that's right, the deer didn't have any choice in the matter and it doen't post to Graybeard Outdoors. Listen, you seem like a good kid, but when there are firearms involved, saying you're sorry doesn't mean much. You can't shoot something and then take it back. Once you pull that trigger, that's all she wrote, and until you learn that, I agree with AKA Craig, you don't belong in the woods and what's more, you shouldn't have a firearm. Nobody's on your case just to be mean. We're telling you stuff that could make a huge difference in your life. If you make one of these "hey I'm sorry" mistakes with a human being on the receiving end, you'll end up charged with manslaughter. You can tell the judge "I'm sorry" ten thousand times, but you'll never put a bullet back where it came from.