Gary - thanks for the site pard - that'll work.
DesertRam - I hear that. To buy these 4 new from JD right now you'd be just shy of $2500 (the 6.5 by itself $548). I bought them lightly used and by taking 4 saved a bundle.
Jay - won't be using any of the rings in the picture (scopes wouldn't clear the full rib with them anyway) - was just a quickie photo. I'm waiting for the 30mm rings now. I will however probably use these scopes - they stand up to the pounding of the handcannons better than anything else I've tried. As for JD, I've known the guy for near 3 decades, really appreciate his products and early pioneering work with the Contenders, but just hate to deal with the attitudes. People here on GBO are alot more pleasant.