Tell you what Dale; War is dirty, ugly, and demoralizing. I'd rather not have had to gone to war, but I gave it my best. The role my bunch had to do in it, you'd of loved it. Most exciting time of my life.
Our little outfit was right dab in the middle of all goings on. We became so popular that the Pentagon sent a team to film our every operation. We had some of the most intelligent men I've ever seen developing a system of military coordination that became the pioneer of modern combat strategy for todays military.
I've looked over the shoulders of high ranking officers of all branches of service working together preparing top secret ground assaults. Man, they'd argue, because some were overly gung-ho and wouldn't consider lose of life of our boys, while others were overly conservative. I've been in weekly war briefings with a packed house of top brass from all ends of Vietnam. It'd make the hair on your neck stand straight up.
My buddies knew I was in the big middle of it all, and was always harping at me to tell them what was going on. I gave them a sample one time, and they told me not to ever tell them anymore. They couldn't sleep for days. It was a tough war, and although we had 120,000 troops protecting DaNang alone, we were continually plagued by a determined enemy.