I bought 80 acres three years ago. I am trying to build it better for deer, rabbit, turkey. It is 30 acres timber with 50 acres fescue mix hayfield. The hay is put up on shares so it is bailed yearly. I was looking at planting a 1 acre food plot that sets between the timber and a fence row. Deer already like this corner so I figured its a natural place to improve. So clover is kinda high. I was thinking maybe a perinial mix next to the timber and corn or soybean in the middle. If I went with corn what would I do at the end of the season say spring to rid myself of the stalks. My equipment is a 60 horse tractor, 10 ft disc and a 3 pt broadcast seeder, 6 ft brush hog. Corn would have to be basically hand planted with a earthway push planter. South west area of state