Glad to hear it wasn't a bite. I was at a meeting tonight, two friends who were there had been bit by a Brown Recluse and were comparing notes. One was bit several years ago, he has a scare on his right leg about the size of a softball, and about 1/2 inch deep. All the flesh down to mussel is gone. The other fellow was bit about three weeks ago. He was wearing shorts while working under a house, the spider bit him on the privates, he has gone through a several medical procedures trying to save the organ, and has experience some very unusual problems from the medications. Hopefully he will get over it.
Many folks are not aware of this, but in addition to the Black Widow and Brown Recluse we now have another spider on the scene that also caused great problems similar to those caused by a Brown Recluse. The spider was first seen in the Northwest, then in Ohio, we now have them in Texas, and several other states. Google "Hobo Spider" and read up on this fellow. Not like the Brown Recluse that hides, it will attack you.