Come on TM;
You are much more intelligent than that ! We have no Christians that are running around blowing up buildings, children, ships, airplanes, cars or themselves for that
matter, so likely there is nobody to condemn for those kinds of crimes. If there were some that called themselves Christian and were doing that, I feel confident that any Christians on this forum would not delay condemning such acts and would help in any way possible to bring them to justice; even doing undercover work if necessary.
The big difference is that such activities are antithetical to probably at least 99.9% of Christians, if not more and we would have no sympathy for anyone that would
do such things while shouting, "God is great"..And we would not be dancing in the streets on the next day !
The fact that Muslims here in the states are not in large numbers, helping to hunt such plotting terrorists down..tells us something !
Oh yes; before you point it out..I do remember Tim McVey..could have been an exception to the rule, but I see no evidence that he was a Christian; certainly not
at the time he was involved in the OK explosions. Actually, pagan, Christian, Muslim or whatever he was, I cannot imagine any American that would not have helpes in
any way possible, to bring those killers to justice !
In fact, I have long wondered why the "conspiracy theorists" haven't climbed aboard the fairly well documented eyewitnesses accounts of a "middle eastern"
appearing man that was claimed by some witnesses as accompanying McVey when he parked the U-Haul. Adding to the suspicions is another fact: Most murderers after
conviction, go through a long period of protracted, drawn out wrangling of many years before they are executed...
How long was it after conviction, that McVey was executed ? ..It was less than 4 years (spent in solitary..wonder why?) a process that usually takes decades.
BTW: He chose, for his final words.."Invictus"..a poem by Wm Ernest Henley..a particularly UN-Christian rhyme..
P.S...I am not aware of any Buddhists, Taoists, Confucians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons or Baha'i practitioners doing this kind of evil..certainly not in discernable numbers .
No; the followers of the pedophile as a religion, pretty much stand alone in their evil practices !