Author Topic: If you think gas is high now  (Read 759 times)

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Offline oldandslow

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If you think gas is high now
« on: April 23, 2008, 02:51:40 AM »
Saw yesterday where one financial analyst is predicting the price of oil will climb to $180 a barrel. Hope he is full of it.

Offline jimster

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Re: If you think gas is high now
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2008, 04:28:54 AM »
If that's what it takes for some to get off their duff and start drilling for it, and refine it here...I guess that's what it takes.  So be it.

Supply and Demand...price won't come down unless supply goes up....and we start doing the supplying.  Or if the demand goes down...which I don't see anyone slowing down around me here....guess 180 per barrel would not slow most down either.

Offline Ruskin

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Re: If you think gas is high now
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2008, 05:22:04 AM »
Our politicians have a great job.  They create a mess, allow a mess to continue, or just ignore a mess.  Then when things go south the start calling names and pointing fingers.  I have never heard one stand up and take the blame for high gas prices and dependence on foreign oil.

Our policies have driven oil companies to countries where dictators can take everything invested by an oil company.  We ignore what France and other countries have done with nuclear. 

We could become independent of the hold the middle east tin pots have on us.  If we did, they would be begging us to buy their oil.

I am tired of our elected idiots putting petty party politics before our county.

Offline magooch

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Re: If you think gas is high now
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2008, 08:17:37 AM »
Apparently, most voters haven't figured out which party is mostly responsible for obstruction of oil drilling, refining and nuclear plants.  I don't give the Republicans a total pass on this one, but by far it is the Democrats who are against any kind of progress except a bunch of pie-in-the-sky conservation and unproven, or unpractical "green" technology.

The one thing that the federal government could do that might be helpful, would be to take a look at breaking up some of the oil companies that have gotten too big and monopolistic.  In a free market system (supply and demand), you also have to have real competition.  It just might be, though, that "big oil" has globalized to the point where they are beyond the impotent reach of government.


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Re: If you think gas is high now
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2008, 08:48:18 AM »
lets face facts we have PETA now the complain about how hunters treat their dog but they kill over 400 dogs cause they are to much trouble to take care of . You have people that want to take our guns because they are scared to have one themselves . ETC. ETC. ETC. . now do any of you think that people like that realize drilling for oil has anything to do with the price at the pump ? that it cost to be GREEN ?
we will only see change when the govt. can no longer  afford to pay out the bribes to keep the speical intrest groups ouiet . as long as people can pressure govt. to pay them off nothing will change .
when the workers can no longer pay the way of the free loaders and doom and gloom take over and people are forced to worry about food and shelter and have to provid for themselves and not have time to protest and only then will we change or should i say be forced to change !
but at that point the cost of gas will not matter now will it ?
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Offline oldandslow

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Re: If you think gas is high now
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2008, 09:43:22 AM »
I'm going to a meeting next month about establishing a wind farm in the area where my farm is located. From the scuttlebutt it seems like it is going to happen. I may not live long enough to see much from it but I have kids that should benefit from it. Wind power can help some of the need for electricity and it is clean.

Offline Ruskin

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Re: If you think gas is high now
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2008, 09:48:47 AM »
How reliable is windpower?


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Re: If you think gas is high now
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2008, 09:53:20 AM »
Ask someone with a blow boat !
they should know !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline jimster

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Re: If you think gas is high now
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2008, 12:33:10 PM »
Magooch, I can agree competition is a good thing, I think I have  better Idea than having government intervention (which always causes a problem)...

We gear up and drill and refine it...compete with America.  We geared up for WW2, we can sure kick some serious butt just drilling and refining....let's do so much of it so fast that they have to compete with us.  We won a war gearing up for a lot more than oil drilling and refining...c'mon...who they trying to kid.  Ya...they say it would be 10 years before we could do any good?  I bet if we thought of it with the right attitude you could cut that in half easy.  At the same time we increase the supply, we could be looking at other realistic alternatives to slowly phase in. 

Offline oldandslow

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Re: If you think gas is high now
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2008, 02:14:56 PM »
Wind power obviously can't totally replace generating plants simply because the wind doesn't blow constantly. But it can supplement them. Any load you take off the generating plants with wind or solar generated electricity saves fossil fuel.

Offline Sourdough

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Re: If you think gas is high now
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2008, 03:01:33 PM »
Tide and wave action is far more reliable than wind.  In Europe some countries are using that for their power.

As for oil, we have lots of oil but the Democrats, and a few Republicans, won't let us drill and take it out.  We also have lots of natural Gas, but the oil companies have been sitting on it for 30 years. 

So when the price of gas gets so high that you can no longer afford it, call you legislators and tell them we need to drill in ANWAR, and other places in Alaska that holds oil and gas.
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Re: If you think gas is high now
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2008, 03:11:10 PM »
I say lets get to drilling it also lets build some more new refineries. The cost of oil is killing this country right now. In my line of work no one is spending money on anything other than necessities right now because they are spending so much for fuel. Food has gone way up because it costs more to plow the fields and to bring it to the store. I say drill away. Dale
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Offline torpedoman

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Re: If you think gas is high now
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2008, 03:29:43 PM »

we will only see change when the govt. can no longer  afford to pay out the bribes to keep the speical intrest groups ouiet . as long as people can pressure govt. to pay them off nothing will change .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Are you sure  you don't have that backwards     Because it is a fact that we have the best government that money can buy.                                                 
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Re: If you think gas is high now
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2008, 01:37:26 AM »
govt. is the largest employer and it produces nothing but debt.
add to it the non producers that only create debt .
that leaves only a few supporting the system and as long as it is a give away system that would make Robin Hood proud , we are heading down a path of down fall and lost freedom .
why all of a sudden is gun control so big ? maybe those in the know can see whats coming .
the last time the load on the American people got so heavy we threw a tea party !
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Re: If you think gas is high now
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2008, 02:09:58 AM »
how many miles of print can a gal. produce ?
If ya can see it ya can hit it !