Author Topic: Check out these bills that have passed the Assembly...Call your Senators  (Read 1134 times)

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Offline WNY_Whitetailer

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These bills have already passed the Assembly and are apparently in the Senate now.  Troubling time my friends...I can't wait to retire and get out of this gun-unfriendly state.  I only hope that these bills die in the Senate.  Read up...I guess I will have to vote based on how my representation votes for my interests.

A.76A Mandatory Storage
A.829 Child Operated Firears

A-3447 Expands Definition of AP Ammo
A-3451 Expands COBIS
A-8700B Creates Gun Diqualification Registry
A-2868 Disguised Guns (Camo)
A-6525A Gun Dealer Liability
A-2772A 50 Caliber Ban
A-9819A Micro Stamping
A-7331A Semi Auto Ban
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Offline Mikey

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Thanks Whitetailer:  these proposed bills are enough to bring pond scum floating to the surface.

Where the hell is the state chapter of the NRA or GOA in all of this.  I have noticed that all these bills were killed in the senate but yet returned to the assm'by for another try.

It is not as thought these are small increments of additional restrictions, these are major efforts to reduce our access to our rights.  If they cannot deny us our access to firearms they will attempt to deny us our rights to ammunition.  Frangible indeed, yet they let 4 nyc cops walk after a murder -

And this business about not being able to buy a handgun without an internal safety lock and trying to disquise all these anti-gun efforts under child safety laws - bullcrap.

Where are the state-wide gun organizations who should kick over 20-25,000 opposing e-mails with a 24-36 hour period. 

Does someone mean to tell me we have to wait for some cop to come knocking on our door to see if we have a 50 cal firearm - and since the caliber - Browning 50 - wasn't specified, do they intend to include front stuffers as well????

And what happens if you are traveling in nys and you have an accident?  Does this mean some punk-ass-ed cop can confiscate your firearm for testing to have ballistic evidence on your gun provided, at your cost, to be entered in a data base of criminal information - that doesn't do any law abiding citizen any good at all. That is the same as voluntarily including your dna to the state's criminal data base just in case you ever get arrested and they can determine you aren't the one they want - but, you will still be categorized in the same groups as sex offenders, predatory criminals, pedophiles and others.  Some would say you have nothing to fear if you are innocent yet those are the first who would object to having 'their integrity' impuned by being included in that grouping. 

I think it is time to re-arm the citizenry and put the police and politicians in their place - subordinate to the law abiding citizen who's taxes pay their salaries.

Looks like we are just gonna have to break the laws.  Mikey.

Offline thxmrgarand

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I have relatives that live in upstate NY.  I'll contact them to make sure they are politically active on these issues.  I will respectfully suggest that your gun organizations are VOLUNTEER outfits, and you might consider rephrasing your question to, "How can I help?"

This city of 30,000 in which I live had its annual Friends of NRA dinner last Saturday night.  The gross was almost $60,000 and the net was about $25,000.  It could always be better but there are inflationary pressures on family budgets right now, and in addition to the financial aspects it was a great time for local gun owners to meet and have fun.

I am sure I can reliably depend upon NY gun owners to work hard to defeat your US senators because they are the most anti-gun people who have ever served in the Congress!  I know the hill is steep but sending people like that to Congress hurts gun owners throughout this great nation.

If NY becomes completely untenable, there are states that are as pro-gun as NY is anti-gun.  I live in a pro-gun state.

Offline WNY_Whitetailer

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Does this mean some punk-ass-ed cop can confiscate your firearm for testing to have ballistic evidence on your gun provided, at your cost, to be entered in a data base of criminal information - that doesn't do any law abiding citizen any good at all. That is the same as voluntarily including your dna to the state's criminal data base just in case you ever get arrested and they can determine you aren't the one they want - but, you will still be categorized in the same groups as sex offenders, predatory criminals, pedophiles and others.  Some would say you have nothing to fear if you are innocent yet those are the first who would object to having 'their integrity' impuned by being included in that grouping. 

I think it is time to re-arm the citizenry and put the police and politicians in their place - subordinate to the law abiding citizen who's taxes pay their salaries.

Um, I think that politicians come up with the laws...Unfortunately, the responsibility of enforcing those laws is placed upon the police.  So, the police are doing the job that they are supposed to do as handed down by the politicians that citizens like you and me vote in to office.  Don't take it out on the police.  BTW, I am sure that some police pay your salary as well...It might not come from tax dollars, but it comes from somewhere...So, that being said, is everyone who pays your salary your boss as well?  So, are you subordinate to all those who pay your salary as well?
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Offline Mikey

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Whitetailer - that being said we have to protect oourselves from both the police and the politicians.

Cops do not give one schmidt as to whether someone thinks they have done something right or wrong.  When one of those 3rd grade graduates slaps on a badge and a gun they become godlike, in case you didn't know.  They are basically stupid and follow nothing more than the policies, laws or regulations set forth by the local department head or politician.  When cops get dressed, or assigned for an arrest the only thing they are told is that 'the suspect may be armed and dangerous, or IS armed and dangerous' and they act accordingly - shoot the dog, kids cuffed in bed and then thrown to the floor, your wife pulled from her bed naked, cuffed and thrown to the floor, and you - you just might be lucky if they don't shoot you,put a knee in you back and break your spine, or kick your testicles into history.  COPS DO NOT KNOW SCHMIDT about what is at stake, they simply follow orders Mein Herr, didn't you know that. 

When I have a state trooper tell me he didn't think I could own a gun of 7.62x25mm caliber because it was a communist pistol or too dangerous for use on the street it is time we put the cops in their place - right behind the politicians who you should never allow to stand behind you.  Always know where your targets are............. Mikey.

Offline WNY_Whitetailer

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Your's truly...Top row, second from the left

Guess I don't know schmidt though as you so thoroughly pointed out ::)  or whatever that means.

I thought you could have figured out what I do for a living without me having to come right out and say it based on my last post.
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Offline Mikey

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Whitetailer - I'll hold down the rant and not make it personal.  I will offer a personal apology if desired. 

But I will not change my mind as to how uniformed police here act in a situation, (arrest, drug bust, re-capturing dangerous criminals) or how they prepare for a situation with what they are told about the individuals or situation they are to deal with.  You may know which area I live in in this great state, the reputation of it's police department and some of the incidents that have shown that dept. to be the stellar examples of my previous post (rant).  Some of their actions have been just plain unforgivable, period.  I suppose it is the more civilized side of our current culture that prevents us stupid citizens from arming, massing and just plain driving them out of town. 

The style of your headgear indicates a leadership position.  There is nothing more important than effective leadership with an armed, para-military police force, which is what we have locally.  Leadership is terribly lacking here, leading to the worst of possible actions.  I don't see these actions as a long step away from tyranny I see it as anarchy and I do not see any police officers leaving their jobs over personal concerns with the issue.  I have yet to hear of any who consider their actions unjust.   

The only element lending any credibility to this city's law enforcement efforts has been the addition of the State Police to support the local pd.  This has, at the least, put the local pd under more effective leadership. 

Offline WNY_Whitetailer

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No apology necessary...Your post was not attacking me so I didn't take it personal...After all, it is your opinion...And, you know what is said about opinions...They are like you know what and everybody has one of those... ;D  I have my opinions too...People can differ in opinion and still remain civil...Like the above posts prove. 

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Offline Mikey

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Just goes to show you're a better man than I..................................Mikey.