Author Topic: Cutting to the quick...  (Read 4979 times)

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Cutting to the quick...
« on: April 29, 2008, 05:39:11 AM »
  None of us like the high price of crude oil, which has higher prices across the board, shortages of food around the world and caused our entire economy to falter.
  The President, in this morning's address, finally decided to lay the chief blame where it belongs..with the do nothing Congress we have. He has signed and had introduced, many measures to ward off this very situation, but the Congress has consistently denied and trhown out every effort to prevent this very problem.
   Bills were introduced for offshore drilling, low/no impact utilization of ANWR, construction of new, badly needed refining capacity, coal-to-fuel research and other measures,
  but all these efforts have been denied
  So we ask; "why would the US Congress want the economy to go into the tank" ?
    Not at all difficult to answer..the Democrats, who control Congress want power so badly, they would willingly put our nation into recession or worse, just so they can
    have a crack at controlling both executive and legislative branches of the US govt. They are well aware that if the economy is doing badly, some Americans are just
   gullible enough not to look to where the roadblocks were put in the way of prosperity..and just who did it ! They figure that if enough of these people are unemployed
     and businesses gone bankrupt...their chances at the White House would be much improved.

   Some politicians don't give a whit how much some folks have to suffer, just so they can regain the chief executive job..for another Clinton ( or a sheikh) !

    Frankly; we should put the word out about who is responsible for sabotaging of the economy and that we shall become even more boisterous about it as THEIR
  re-election comes due. If there is a Republican involved in this scheme for any reason, let him/her have it with both barrels also.

   You don't have to take my word or the President's word on this..just look at the NO, NO,  NO voting record of certain politicians when these bills were sent through
  Congress, hoping to relieve the coming "gas pains".. .

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2008, 05:50:00 AM »
The Democrats are willing to take any measures including tanking our economy for political purposes. They know that going into the fall elections they are better off if the economy is in the $hitter. They will just blame is on Bush and most stupid Americans will believe it. No President can truly be given credit or blame for the economy. Its way to dynamic and Congress plays a huge role but because there are so many of those idiots you can't ever pin it on one so the Prez becomes an easy single stand alone target.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2008, 05:51:24 AM »
Its human nature to want to put a face with the blame.

President = face
Congress = faceless

Now, if we can get people to associate Pelosi as the face of Congress, maybe some people will see the light.

(Now, who's looking at milking the windfall profits from oil companies to offset taxes?)

Offline Cabin4

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2008, 05:56:52 AM »
Now, if we can get people to associate Pelosi as the face of Congress, maybe some people will see the light.

That is so true. The problem with this is the main stream media. Pelosi is hands off for them. She's a women and shes a liberal. They love her for that and she can do NO wrong in their eyes. The Dem were able to do this with Newt back in the 90s because the press allowed it. He was a man and he was Conservative. Thats like walking around with a bulls-eye on your forehead for the press.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2008, 06:59:32 AM »
Pretty slick..!  Now who's to blame for the sliding dollar, recession, secret inflation, shredding of B o R, loss of 6 million jobs, decline of the middle class, veteran's rippoff, housing bubble, endless war, healthcare crisis, open border boondoggle, and so on and on and on... ad nauseum??

Uh, I'm trying to figure out a way to blame this all on Israel, but I keep coming back to "liberal Congress".  What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2008, 07:11:13 AM »
I was beginning to see what you were saying and it was making sense, we could have been drilling in
ANWR, GOV.. of Montana was on TV last nite says they can make about 200years of fuel by liquefying
coal. The gov. of Montana says he can get an OK from every one but Congress.
But now i understand from tm7 that it is all a conspiracy so now i don't know. ::)

Texas is good for men and dogs, but it is hell on women and horses.

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2008, 07:52:34 AM »
I understand what you are saying but the Gov. of Montana is not in the oil Bus.
they have a site producing fuel from coal now that he says has prove its self, we are not talking about
oil sand or shale just raw black coal. I am sure any self respecting oil co. will fight it. I am sure
he feels the state of Montana should make money from it insuring him reelection. But we have to do some thing, some people will all ways come up with a reason why it WON'T work how about
 a way to make some thing work. ;D

Texas is good for men and dogs, but it is hell on women and horses.

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2008, 08:22:46 AM »
Here we sit with enough oil to run this country for decades, and the Democratic congress won't let us drill and remove it.  Also British Petroleum is slowing the rate of flow in the oil pipeline so they can get higher profits on the oil they do ship.  They and their partners Conoco-Phillips have ran all the other oil producers off the North Slope by charging ridiculous tariffs on any oil shipped through the pipeline.  BP and Conoco-Philips are not interested in producing oil stateside, they are making too much profit on bringing it from overseas.  These two companies are also sitting on billions of cubic feet of Natural Gas.  They have been sitting on it for over 30 years, it's like money in the bank for them.  They do not want to bring it to you guys in the lower 48 till the price has risen enough so they can make big fortunes when they do.  In fact they are stymieing efforts of others to do so.

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2008, 08:26:15 AM »
    ::)  Yep you might be on to something.. :D ;)

TM7, Ya had me going, there.  But I noticed that you didn't mention neo-con, or "jack boots".  That's when I realized you were just trying to appease me.  I appreciate that, but for now, I guess I'll have to focus my anti-semitism on that girl at the grocery store that told me the frankfurters were not kosher hot dogs.

Sourdough, so what your saying is if another supplier got in the act, than BP and CP may have some incentive to loosen the reigns?  Who in the world is holding that up?????

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2008, 08:38:39 AM »
Geez,,, sounds like a conspiracy theory....durn do-nothin dems and complicit media wanting to wreck the whole country so them commies atheiists can take over! Huh,,  I don't know...I need some more proof. 


I know what your trying do and it won't work. Don't spill over your losses from other non-related topics.

You know as well as I do that political strategy and conspiracy are two entirely different things. The fact that media is in the pocket of the left wing is no conspiracy. The media is just full of left wing socialist that believe its the media job to effect political change. Its a shift from reporting journalism to advocacy journalism.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2008, 01:45:19 PM »
Remember Slick Willie and "It's the economy, stupid?" Got him elected even though the economy has turned around and was in recovery by election time. I think the Democrats are trying the same old trick this time.

Are we in recession? The figures aren't out yet so we don't actually know. Yet the national media has been hammering on this for weeks and weeks. Kind of like global warming. Keep saying it long enough and most people will believe it. I think the liberal media is doing everything it possibly can to make sure a Democrat is elected president.

TM7, did the government make any of those bad loans for homes. Did anyone in government actually talk people into taking out loans that if they would have looked at their paycheck they would have known they couldn't pay off. I thing this has to be laid at the feet of greedy lenders and people not believing in reality.

Also I believe ExxonMobil's profit was a little less than 10% when this latest runup in oil prices started and it is still a little less than 10%. That doesn't sound like gouging to me. Now if their profit margin had jumped to 20 or 30% that would be gouging.

Guess if we can get rid of GW and all those nasty ol' oilmen friends and get some Democrats in office everything will be rosy again. Gas will be cheap and every one will have a job and food prices will go down and so on.

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2008, 03:07:56 PM »
The democraps are commies and tyrants.  They are the enemies of freedom, they would subjugate the populace if they could. They want to tax your money and make laws to repress your rights.  They are democraps, they are commies.  They want to work you to satisfy their perceived social needs and tax you into submission.  They are democraps, they are commies. They base their perceptions of need on the lowest common denominator and have no problem using force.  They are democraps, they are commies.  They prey upon the stupidity and weakness of the masses willing to be lead or controlled.  They convince the masses of the need for control, and then greater control - all at the cost of individual rights and then make laws to justify their actions.  They are democraps, they are commies.

They care not how you suffer as long as you can continue to work and pay taxes.  They believe they can work you to death and just have someone younger, and hopefully not as smart, tote your load.

They are evil and should be consigned to swampy places with bad roads and no social structures, where they would be preyed upon by wild animals and be banned from owning any means of protection, sort of like England, and new york city, and chicago, boston, dc, san francisco, and so on.............. Oh yeah, let's not forget that they wouldn't be able to complain about it either. 

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2008, 04:40:06 PM »
Yes Sourdough;
   Doesn't that beat all !~ If drilling ANWR were such a threat, one would think that the Alaskans would be saying "not in my back yard!"..but such is not the case is it !
  I have family there (some in North Pole) and I hear no complaints from Fairbanks or Anchorage contingents..

   The antis are all from Hollyweird, Frisco..or their toadies..

  Just loudmouthed liberals again..doing their usual thing..sticking their collective noses into other folk's business..
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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2008, 04:51:38 PM »
son in law is in the oil business, he just drilled a well in wyo. took all week to drill it BUT it took 2 years to get the permits to do it federal people are in no hurry to grant permits in an area that is open to drilling just endless b.s. designed to impede the process.
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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2008, 06:30:54 PM »
Drilling in AWNR went before congress in 2002, 2005 and 2006  and failed even though both houses were controlled by the republicans.  I wonder how those dang minority commie democrats were able to stop it? Do you think they have sleeper cells within the republican party?

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2008, 02:01:37 AM »
Drilling in AWNR went before congress in 2002, 2005 and 2006  and failed even though both houses were controlled by the republicans.  I wonder how those dang minority commie democrats were able to stop it? Do you think they have sleeper cells within the republican party?

I suppose I would have to see how many votes they would take to pass, and how each party voted.  Maybe they do have sleeper cells in the republican party.  Isn't that what you said about McCain?  Or is it more convenient to be be sarcastic now, and serious when your looking for Ron Paul's shadow?

Here ya go, crusty.

Find each Bill for drilling in the ANWR, find out how the votes went down, as well as the number of votes needed to pass.  Post that info.

If it looks like the republicans shot it down, I have no problem eating crow.

....Stock and trade of the neoGOP is to blame, accuse, name call, stigmatize, polarize, and divide all citizens thru various mis-info and wedge issues.  .....

At least some keep their stigmata fresh.
Blame - the Bush's
Accuse - Big Oil
Name call - the neo-cons
stigmataize - the republicans as sheep
polarize - the right
divide - God fearing folk.

lame washer women

lame washer woman???  Why, them's fighting words!

 (I'm jumping up and down, with steam coming from my ears right now, if you can visualize that)

Come down right now and we'll settle this over barbecue sandwiches, hush puppies, and tea. 

(Guess were not all violent war-mongers)

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2008, 03:13:23 AM »
The reason it did not pass was there was a small group of republicans that crossed over and joined the democrat es to defeat it.  John McCain was one of those republicans.  Now he says he has changed his mind, yea right.

In my book there is no difference between McCain and Hillery.
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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2008, 03:47:12 AM »
Too much politics being played in D.C.  Doesn't matter who writes a good bill, the other side says, no no no, can't give you credit for that. Nothing constructive getting done. Probably won't have to worry about it much longer.  gypsyman
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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2008, 04:14:06 AM »
  In 2005 the Senate did pass a resolution to drill ANWR on a 51-49 vote..close because of some "moderate" Republicans, called "RINOS" joined the solid Democrat "lemming
  mentality" while voting.   Drilling ANWR bills have been passed since, but Democrats and RINOS have held up the process by various
   Machiavellian manipulations since then.
   The measure only called for drilling on 2,000 acres out of a total of 1, 500, 000 acres, and that confined to one spot on the north shore. Even then, how much
      much "footprint' will be required on that 2,000 acres by say, 300 @ of 6 or 8 inch well casings and the roads to reach them ? Estimated supply short term, is  
   estimated at from something like 5.7 billion barrels to 16.5 billion barrels..median being 10.5 billion barrels.
     The story of the recent controversy is posted at

      Continually, the Democrats and RINOS have stood as a roadblock to our energy independence, scuttling every attempt to drill any more in Alaska, the Pacific, Atlantic
    or the Gulf of Mexico.
   Meanwhile, Cuba, China, Venezuela, and Mexico have drilled the off-limits-to-us Gulf in ever increasing numbers, China, Japan, India, Russia and how many others are
     drilling the off-limits-to-us Pacific..while the UK, Netherlands and others are tapping the off-limits-to-us Atlantic...and Russia is drilling Siberia, just a few, short miles
   across the Bering Straight from Alaska.
  The Arabs and Russians must be laughing hilariously at our predicaments !
        Common sense would be to start drilling ANWR and off shore immediately, to relieve current "gas pains". Then, rule out all "pork barrel" spending and divert these
    wasted funds to a "Manhattan Project" clone, to make the US energy independent over the next 10 years. Allow NO politicians to touch the project, only scientists
   and retired energy company execs on the panel.
   ...But ruling out the "pork' will be difficult, since the Democrats have become extremely addicted to a porcine menu, and are highly unlikely to be ready to abandon pork for
   the good of the nation..

   Just think of the audacity, when Democrats refer to themselves as "progressive"...Yee Haw..

   In any case, Crusty should look at the voting record on it..Dems solid against progress..joined by a very few, misled Reps...
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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2008, 04:22:39 AM »
Interesting article, IG.  I suppose the Bush controlled press wrote it.  ;)

In December 2000, a Coast Guard report charged Alyeska with repeated safety violations at a Valdez terminal, causing prices to jump again. The administration of U.S. President George W. Bush pushed to perform exploratory drilling for oil and gas in and around the refuge. The House of Representatives voted in mid-2000 to allow drilling. In April 2002, the Senate rejected it.

Arctic Refuge drilling was again approved by the House of Representatives as part of the Energy Bill on April 21, 2005,[7] but the Arctic Refuge provision was later removed by the House-Senate conference committee. The Senate passed Arctic Refuge drilling on March 16, 2005 as part of the federal budget resolution for fiscal year 2006.[8] That Arctic Refuge provision was removed during the reconciliation process, due to Democrats in the House of Representatives who signed a letter stating they would oppose any version of the budget that had Arctic Refuge drilling in it.[9]

On December 15, 2005, Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK) attached an Arctic Refuge drilling amendment to the annual defense appropriations bill. A group of Democratic Senators led a successful filibustering of the bill on December 21, 2005, and the language was subsequently removed from the bill.[10]

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2008, 04:29:21 PM »
You guys don't understand about the footprint that will be left.  There will be nothing but a building for for up to every fifteen wells.  No roads!!!!!!  Just a pipe laid on the ground to go from the building to the collection center at Prudue. 

The wells will be drilled during the winter.  An ice road will be constructed to get to the site.  A gravel pad will be constructed to put the building on, then a pre-constructed building will be put in place.  Once in place that building will accommodate up to fifteen wells, using horizontal drilling.  Once spring comes the road will melt and go away leaving no trace that it was ever there.  The only thing left will be the building, and gravel pad.  There is no Caribou there during the winter, they are all in Canada.  The Natives that live there have no problem with it, they are looking forward to some jobs in the area.  The only ones really against it are the natives in Canada.  The environmentalist groups have gone and told them it will ruin the Caribou herds  that migrate there from Alaska.  Seem no one is interested in telling them the truth.
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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2008, 03:28:35 AM »
Bill Clinton vetoed a bill ion 1994 that would have started drilling. We would have been producing gas by now. Just last night the president of Shell Oil said that if they started drilling right away, it might be 10 years before we see the first gas from ANWAR. I think it's to late. Too much b.s. going on.   gypsyman
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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2008, 03:55:36 AM »
Jobs?  maybe. Parity checks? You bet.  :D 
One question: Is drilling for Alaskan oil going to affect the price of gas one cent?  I doubt it.  So why not leave it where it is and use the other fellows and keep ours?  We know where it is and it's readidly available. IF WE NEED IT. And I don't think Mom not being able to make those extra trips to the beauty shop is  a real need. So far, the gas prices have been a pain in the ass, not critical like some would have you believe.
How would you like to be entering a war right now with our resources spent, dependent on Iraq or whoever for our oil? 

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #23 on: May 01, 2008, 04:29:14 AM »
Good post, bemanbeme.

As far as destroying the caribou herds, we have already been though this crap with the Alaska pipeline. The environmentalists told us it would destroy the herds because it would stop their migration. Seems the caribou were smarter than a bunch of environmentalists. I've never been to Alaska but have seen pictures of them using it for shade and they are still here despite all the dire predictions. Reminds me of the antelope here standing with their nose to a hi-line pole standing in the shade when it is about a 110 degrees. Animals aren't as dumb as environmentalists.

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2008, 04:39:00 AM »
You have to wonder where we'd be today if the Congress had been populated by the block heads that are running it now, back when Nixon was President and the decision to build the pipeline and drill in Alaska was made.  The politicians were nearly as partisan back then, but they weren't quite as willing to see the country hit the bricks in order to keep, or gain power.

The Dumbycrats and Rinos of today are more than willing to bring this country to its knees to prove that they have been right in opposing progress and that we can conserve and technolize our way out of this situation.  Throw in the crazy "global warming", which has now morphed into "climate change" and you've given them the perfect excuse to do their ignorant deeds.  

It's going to get a lot worse before the sheeple wake, rise up and demand that we use the resources that are at hand.

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2008, 01:48:56 PM »
Your scattershot name calling has me confused. Do you feel we should use the north slope oil or not?  And what is a sheeple?  Is that anyone that doesn't agree with you?  ???

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2008, 02:33:16 PM »
  I have heard some of the Democrats complain that if the drilling commenced would be up to 10 years before we could get the oil flowing...

    ..Guess who has been sitting on their collective, eco-freak butts for the last 10 years, throwing blocks in the way..when, with just a bit of foresight, we         
     could have easily been getting the oil right now!
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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2008, 04:06:45 PM »
Drilling in ANWAR would barely put a dent in the problem.  No, the real problem is that we are dependent on a resource that we do not have enough of.  We need to cut back our consumption while at the same time finding an alternative to oil.  If it's an alternative that is better for the environment, all the better.

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2008, 01:46:14 AM »
  ..But if as I said, ANWR were available..and the politiucians had enough moxie to institute a "Manhattan Project" toward energy independence while giving
  up eaarmarks and other pet, pork barrel could be done. There are however, too many cheap politicians that will veto ANWR, and keep their PORK..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Cutting to the quick...
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2008, 04:36:15 AM »
Beemanbeme, to answer your question, my definition of sheeple is people who believe the liberal press/media and Dumbycrat politicians.  If that doesn't meet with your approval, I don't know what to tell ya.  It's my opinion and I'm welcome to it.