Author Topic: Hillary Defends Pedophle; Attacks 12 Year Victim  (Read 841 times)

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Hillary Defends Pedophle; Attacks 12 Year Victim
« on: May 06, 2008, 06:12:44 AM »
Hillary Defends Pedophle; Attacks 12 Year Victim


Hillary Defends Pedophile; Attacks 12 Year Victim In 1975 Hillary defended a pedophile accused of raping a 12 year old girl. In court, Hillary aggressively accused this child of wanting to have consensual sex with this older man, using her background in child development to get her client a reduced charge. Yeah, she sure is a real defender of children and women's right. Imagine your child being blamed for being raped! I don't care if this happened years ago! What kind of psychological impact it has on a child! The rape alone is traumatic enough! Sick! Some may argue that, as a court-appointed defense lawyer, it was her duty to provide the best defense possible.

Offline dukkillr

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Re: Hillary Defends Pedophle; Attacks 12 Year Victim
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2008, 07:13:44 AM »
Hillary Defends Pedophle; Attacks 12 Year Victim


Hillary Defends Pedophile; Attacks 12 Year Victim In 1975 Hillary defended a pedophile accused of raping a 12 year old girl. In court, Hillary aggressively accused this child of wanting to have consensual sex with this older man, using her background in child development to get her client a reduced charge. Yeah, she sure is a real defender of children and women's right. Imagine your child being blamed for being raped! I don't care if this happened years ago! What kind of psychological impact it has on a child! The rape alone is traumatic enough! Sick! Some may argue that, as a court-appointed defense lawyer, it was her duty to provide the best defense possible.

Some might even argue that the constitution guarantees you the right to the assistance of counsel, but hey, we only support the part of the constitution we like right? 

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Re: Hillary Defends Pedophle; Attacks 12 Year Victim
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2008, 09:21:47 AM »
This is one of the few things about Hillary that I feel any sense of sympathy about.  She was thrown to the wolves as the newest member in the office.  It was the sort of case that no one wants to deal with.  This is a lawyer's version of pumping septic tanks.  I have been on the stand in such cases and been taken apart by good lawyers, defending human septic tank material.  No one walks out of a courtroom after a case like that without the feeling that their is not enough soap and water in the world to make you feel clean again. 

I once did an examination on a man who was the uncle of an eight-year-old girl who had gonorrhea.  We screened the whole family and he was the only one who did not show up for the testing.  A social worker got him and I tested him.  He had the classic clinical symptoms of infection.  Sadly, I only had materials for a culture. and the cultures at best only showed up positive about 80% of the time.  When I was done, the social worker had left (and considering the risks of her having to take him in her car alone, I did not blame her), so I gave him a ride home.  He lived in the country, in a house down what we referred to as a pig path.  When he walked in front of the car, I had to talk myself out of accidently letting my foot slip off the clutch. The only reason that he was not run over was the thought that I might meet up with someone more deserving, which I did several more times before I retired.  Because the test came back negative, he was not convicted.

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Re: Hillary Defends Pedophle; Attacks 12 Year Victim
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2008, 11:59:31 AM »
I by no stretch of the imagination feel sorry for Hillary for having to defend a child molestor.  You don't become a public defender and get surprised when you have to defend child predators.  She knew it would be in her job description.  She chose to continue working her job.  She made her own bed, she should lay in it.  Which I'm sure is no where near as bad as the bed the 12 year old girl had to share with a pedophile.

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Offline beemanbeme

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Re: Hillary Defends Pedophle; Attacks 12 Year Victim
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2008, 04:11:45 PM »
If you're a public defender, you have to take it as it comes. If you're the junior man in the court, you get the sh*t pro bono cases.  You don't get to pick and choose. 
I'd hate to think that if I had to use a public defender, I'd draw someone that'd say "oh hell, he's just some poor old fart. Who cares." And throw me under the bus. Clinton wasn't the judge. The judge was perched up behind a big desk. Nor was she the jury, etc, etc, etc.  She just had a crappy job and it sounds like she did it the best she could.

And before anyone gets out the flame throwers, I know nothing about this particular case and if you were there, and were not a principle, fill me in.

And that is coming from a guy that almost despises the woman.

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Re: Hillary Defends Pedophle; Attacks 12 Year Victim
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2008, 09:06:30 PM »
Yeah... I had a very good lawyer once.  Paid him a lot of money.  While we were in discussions I kept bringing up ideas, arguments and angles.  He asked me why I wasn't a lawyer and I told him that it was for this reason exactly.  I had no idea how to wrap my head around the fact that I would have to provide legal service to folks that I knew didn't deserve to win their case.  I couldn't be a public defender or do anything like that.  Unfortunately you don't always get to pick the "worthy" cases.  Personally I like ol' Denny Crane on Boston Legal...  I loved it when he shot the child molester in the leg...

"I feared for my life!"

Offline williamlayton

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Re: Hillary Defends Pedophle; Attacks 12 Year Victim
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2008, 12:14:42 AM »
I agree with Beeman.
I see/hear reports of cases thrown out because the court appointed lawyer slept through the trial.
Being an American I think EVERY person deserves a fair trial and a good attorney. The rich and famous can afford them, it sucks when a poor person can't find decent representation.
I also despise Ms. Clinton, think she is a looney tune---what does that have too do with this particular case?

Offline Mikey

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Re: Hillary Defends Pedophle; Attacks 12 Year Victim
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2008, 01:04:24 AM »
Hey - she is pond scum, you surely would not expect her to float to the high moral ground would you.  And let's not forget how she got the attention of the public defender's office, where like drop outs from petrie dish experiments accumulate.  She was brought to public notice at harvard, where as a law student she defended 3 black panthers accused of torturing and killing a police informant.

First, you have to give it, hard, to the pond scum police department who never stpped forward to identify their informant, the one her clients tortured and killed. 

But clinton's approach to defense was less than stellar - rather than to focus on any evidence she simply focused on public opinion and the fears that ol ha-vad yard might get overrun and burnt in riots caused by those sympathetic to the panthers.  she instilled fear in the local judges who basically tossed the case because they didn't want their town caught up in race riots. 

Since then all three of those people have succeeded, some in her husband's administration. 

Fortunately, neither dumbocrap is gonna get elected so we won't have to worry about her particular brand of public justice. 

And for the other guy - some have said that if he doesn't get elected there will be race riots in the citeis in this country(where else???) - 'bout damn time, bring it on and let's settle this once and for all.  Maybe with the cities burnt and smoldering and the alleged 'innocent civilians' dead on the street (ever notice how, if you take a rifle or pistol off the body of a dead terr, that they instantly become a 'innocent victim or innocent civilian'), some should get the idea that the cities is where they (those without rights) should stay, on account of not being welcomed, ummmm, elsewhere.

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Re: Hillary Defends Pedophle; Attacks 12 Year Victim
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2008, 04:52:44 AM »
I think good public defenders are one of the most valuable assets of our criminal justice system.  This thought was prompted by the large number of "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt" verdicts that have since been proven to be false.

I remember a child abuse case where we wanted to take the accused out and hang him, he was found guilty of assaulting his stepdaughter over a period of years.  Of course the charge resulted in a divorce, the loss of his military career, and a sentence of many years behind bars.  The sixteen year old girl that sat on the stand, cried, blew snot, and lied her ass off later confessed to another family member that nothing ever happened, she lied because he had disciplined her, and would not allow her to run with a group of druggies.  Even though the man was exonerated, the stigma is still there, and his life ruined as well.

I am not a bleeding heart that wants to set criminals free, but I am concerned about the large number of innocent people that go to prison each day.

Offline dukkillr

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Re: Hillary Defends Pedophle; Attacks 12 Year Victim
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2008, 07:03:49 AM »
I think good public defenders are one of the most valuable assets of our criminal justice system.  This thought was prompted by the large number of "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt" verdicts that have since been proven to be false.

I remember a child abuse case where we wanted to take the accused out and hang him, he was found guilty of assaulting his stepdaughter over a period of years.  Of course the charge resulted in a divorce, the loss of his military career, and a sentence of many years behind bars.  The sixteen year old girl that sat on the stand, cried, blew snot, and lied her ass off later confessed to another family member that nothing ever happened, she lied because he had disciplined her, and would not allow her to run with a group of druggies.  Even though the man was exonerated, the stigma is still there, and his life ruined as well.

I am not a bleeding heart that wants to set criminals free, but I am concerned about the large number of innocent people that go to prison each day.
You're smarter than 99% of the people who chime in on these type threads.  Be careful thinking clearly like that... it's much easier to spout non-sensical crazy talk.  OF COURSE we send innocent people to jail.  What human designed system is perfect?  And all you need to do is read one study about cross-race eye witnesses to know how troublingly inconsistent that type of evidence is. 

I too hate Hillary, I'm even rooting for Barack because I think he's more beatable in the general... BUT, her defending a bad person as a lawyer is like blaming a gun dealer for a shooting.  Everyone has a right to competent attorney, it's one of the foundations of our country and it really scares me when people who proport support this country and it's constitution don't care about that.

To me the obvious corollary to this discussion is the death penalty.  The reason so many of these rape cases are overturned is because there is DNA evidence that wasn't available at the time of trial.  They were often convicted by a positive (but erroneous) ID from the victim...

But murders don't have DNA evidence available as often.  Often the eye witnesses are less reliable (since the closest witness is usually dead)... and yet we are to believe 100% of them are truly guilty?  A thoughtful person will realize that we may have executed an innocent person already, and we may do it again.  I'm not saying you have to be against the death penalty, you just have to realize the cost it carries.  Is the social impact and possible deterrence worth the possibility of killing an innocent defendant?  That's a moral quandary for each of us to decide.

Offline beemanbeme

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Re: Hillary Defends Pedophle; Attacks 12 Year Victim
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2008, 06:07:13 PM »

There have been cases where the culprits deserved everything they got but how many teachers, fathers, bosses, and husbands have we seen ruined by a single vindictive phone call, an overzealous advocate, and an irresponsible press run amok?

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Re: Hillary Defends Pedophle; Attacks 12 Year Victim
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2008, 03:48:51 AM »
To refer back to my previous post, the reasons for testing the whole family were threefold:  first,to find other infected persons; second, to find the person spreading the infection; and finally, to eliminate family members who were NOT involved.  Since the last reason involved the most people, it was the most important in my mind.  As others have pointed out, these allegations have severe long-term consequences  for the whole family, regardless of whether a conviction is ever attained.   

Another aspect of either a poor defense or prosecution is that the wrong person is convicted or the right one gets to continue abusing.  I have had victims tell me that the abuser would use the inability of the courts to stop him as another way to intimidate the victim.  He would say that even courts could not stop what he was doing, and he would usually make the victim pay for bringing the case to the court's attention.  Need I point out that the payment was not in dollars and cents. 

The consequences:  i knew two sisters, both prostitutes.  Their father was a violent man, at one time killing another man with his bare hands.  The social workers were afraid of him, and so, when the girls ran away from his physical and sexual abuse, the police would catch them and bring them back home.  No one was willing to investigate the case, and so the abuse continued until they were adults.  Both ended up as crack addicts, selling their bodies on the streets.  One sister managed to go straight in her thirties, and the other disappeared..