One thing to keep in mind is that the faster a bow is the harder it will be to shoot well.If you buy something with average speed you will find it eazyer to handle.Also 55-65lb will kill anything so there is no need to over bow your self,It,s more important to learn how to shoot well than it is to carry a real heavy wheght bow.My own opnion is that single cam bows are way over rated,I have and always will shoot a twin cam,Iv,e never had a twin cam go out of time in twenty years shooting them,And Iv,e
never had a problem with nock travel.Timing and nock travel was invented by someone trying to sell an idea we didn,t need anyway.My friends that shoot single cams are always having problems with string stretch..Keep it simple and you can,t go wrong.Basicly the same goes for split limbs,just something more to go wrong with no real advantage..
Beware the salesman my friend.All my componds have been plan no frills
types and Iv,e not had half the hassles I could by trying to be fast,ect, ect,