You guys kill me. Do you really believe McCain is not socialist? He is for everything the other two are for EXCEPT, pulling out of Iraq. You tell ME, I waste my vote when you recognize that if Barr was running Republican you'd vote for him, because he is the best candidate? You guys are ignoring the best candidate, and voting for a liberal in a republican suit. The Republicans and Democrats have you in the box they want you in, and you can't get out. You hold on to hope that is not there. McCain is as big a looser as the other two.
If two of the candidates were pedophiles, and one was a rapist, would you vote for the rapist. Same logic. If you did, then you would find yourself sitting next to the rapist declaring yourself the winner.
Voting for Barr, or even Paul, if you win, or loose, your sitting next to a winner. I'll back the one that's right, win or loose. Always have, and always will.
When someone like Barr, or Paul takes a stand for the Consitution and Bill of Rights, Americans should stand with them, instead of voting for the rapist (metaphorically speaking). Why don't you guys get out of the box you have been put in, and take a chance on a good man for a change, instead of the lessor of three evils. Settling for less, is why we are where we are. If we continue to vote, same ole, same ole, that is what we'll get, and that's what we're getting.
If you always do, what you've always done, you'll always get, what you've always got! And that's a fact.
Evil triumphs, when good men do nothing. Voting for evil, lessor or greater, is doing nothing. Your voting message to Washington, is that your willing to accept less, and that is what your going to get. I ain't drinkin the coolaide, I"m voting for honesty.
When enough people get enough courage to crawl out of their designated box and vote for what is right, instead of the lessor of, then this country will get back on track. Until then, you guys are just two seperate groups of lemmings headed down slightly different paths (short paths at that) with the same destination.
Your vote isn't being heard. Your vote is being herded. The only choice you guys have limited yourselves to by voting Democrat or Republican, is the person's name.