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Offline Graybeard

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #30 on: May 19, 2008, 12:49:55 AM »
:-\ Ya know, one observation that has yet to be brought up? Homosexuality is a dieing breed....

Actually it doesn't seem to be.  ::) These days many are adopting and raising children no doubt selling them on the life style in the process and many women who practice it are having a child thru artifical insemination again no doubt raising them in the life style.

While I know of no statistics on their numbers they most definitely do not seem to be shrinking at least you see and hear a lot more of them now than ever.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Offline powderman

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #31 on: May 19, 2008, 06:27:42 AM »
GRAYBEARD. You are right. A couple of years ago 2 funny bunnies decided they wanted to be parents. They hired a surrogate mother. The news media ate it up, going on how wonderful it would be, showing the baby to bes room, with all the furnishings. The surrogate had I believe triplets, maybe twins, can't remember. Then later the other funny bunny decided he wanted to be a daddy too, so they all went through the process again. You bet those kids will be raised to believe it is normal and healthy to have 2 daddy's who have sex together. Same with the women. They raise kids up just like them. I said before, and do again, homosexuals should never, EVER, be allowed to raise children, or be in authority over them. Teachers, scout leaders, or andbody else that would be in contact with a child long enough to influence them. Some of you seem to think they only hurt themselves, WRONG. They hurt society as a whole. I work with a lezzie. I respect the job she does and is a decent person, except for her being a lezzie. Off work she comes in the store with her girlfriend and child, just a normal everyday family??? Nope, that child will grow up morally bankrupt, just like her 2 mommies. They hurt us all as a nation and need to go back in their closet and keep the doors locked. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline kevthebassman

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #32 on: May 19, 2008, 02:08:58 PM »
The truth of the matter is that if we take ALL of the Biblical prohibitions and penalties thereof seriously and apply then equitably across the board to one and all there would be a LOT of bloody rocks and darn few folks to hurl those rocks. Did you know hat 92.15% of all statistics are made up on the spot? I think the correct statistic here is that about 95% of the folks currently walking this earth would need to be put to death really swiftly to get in line with ALL the Biblical prohibitions.

Now I'm not saying that should or should not be done and kinda sorta think it's up to GOD not us mere mortal humans to go about the punishment of folks who don't please GOD and meet HIS expectations. I'm pretty sure from my reading of the Bible that the vast majority of folks will be in hell and not in Heaven and there are many many reasons why they will be heading the wrong way but mostly it's GOD's job not ours to send folks to whichever destination they are bound for.

On the subject of gays I really don't care what folks do behind closed doors between consenting adults really I don't. I do object to seeing overt acts of affection between males in public but confess that the same between females is not offensive to me. Weird? Sure I suppose so just the way my mortal mind works for whatever reason. It is very much offensive to me to see men kissing men and I generally stop watching TV shows when I see it happen on them. If it becomes a regular thing on any series no matter how much I like that show I stop watching it for that reason alone.

I have many prejudices and admit to them and admit that not all are good or perhaps I should say politically correct. It pisses me to a fair thee well to see mixed race couples as to me that's just not right but that's my personal problem to deal with and I'm not out to stone any of them to death over it but it is personally offensive to me just the same. I am very much a product of my up bringing and many of my prejudices were developed in the days of my youth based on what was then acceptable or unacceptable and I guess I'm just too old a dog to learn new habits.

I don't suggest or recommend any violent actions against folks just cuz I don't like them or approve of their behavior. It's their behavior and their problem to deal with should after death GOD decides they really really shouldn't have been the way they were. I figure eventually HE will sort it all out to HIS satisfaction and ain't likely to ask me for my opinion on it. So I'll just hobble on thru life the way I am and try to look the other way as much as I can when I see things offensive to my sensibilities and trust that others will do the same for anything I do offensive to them and I'm sure I do some things offensive to someone every day.

Heck just being a gun owner and a meat and taters kinda guy is offensive to millions I'm sure. Tuff.

Awesome post GB.

I don't think there's a damn thing wrong with gays wanting to get married.  Sure, some of them are promiscuous, sinful, miserable human beings.  So are a whole lot of straight people.  Some of them are completely normal human beings who simply choose to do the horizontal dance with a person of the same sex. 

I truly believe that they're born that way.  Why would someone have chosen to be a homosexual in Nazi Germany?  Or in Spain during the Inquisition?  Or in Iran under Sharia law?

I watched a little neighbor kid grow up who was obviously born with a female mind and a male body.  His parents are churchgoing folks, but this kid from an extremely young age was much more interested in dolls and tea parties and ponies instead of bugs and trucks and dirt.  In groups he always gravitated to the girls.  Now he's headed to high school and he is one very mixed up, confused young person.  I have no doubt he will end up living his life as a gay person.

They hurt society as a whole. I work with a lezzie. I respect the job she does and is a decent person, except for her being a lezzie. Off work she comes in the store with her girlfriend and child, just a normal everyday family??? Nope, that child will grow up morally bankrupt, just like her 2 mommies. They hurt us all as a nation and need to go back in their closet and keep the doors locked. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
They hurt society, IN YOUR OPINION.  They raise their children in a way that offends you, just as raising your children to shoot, eat meat, and hunt offends some people.

Sooner or later people are going to have to realize that we all live in this nation together and if we expect to be left alone to live our lives as we wish, we're going to have to leave other folks along to live their lives as they wish.

Offline ironglow

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #33 on: May 19, 2008, 02:43:38 PM »

     A little Bible lesson..When you cite Scriptures, either cite only the reference and let the reader look it up, if you want to type it so verbatim. DO NOT cite
   a Scripture verse..and then provide YOUR VERSION of that verse; that is severely abusing context !

   A further study..learn the difference between the Old testament and the New Covenant ! A very important distinction.

   .. And a bit more; when you employ a verse, consider the whole Bible and any related information. When you cited Mark 10:1-12  you failed to also cite
   Matt 5:31,32   and Matt 19:3-9    which imparts a slight variation that your "spin" did not cover.

   Then too, your misuse of Mark 12:18-27   ..You really missed the point in this one ! You are operating from an Old Testament perspective, just as the
    Sadducees were..Jesus himself you will note, only heeded the and answered the part concerning the state of the individuals in Heaven.

  Under the New Covenant, we are not bound by all the OT law..

   " For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law , but under Grace !"  (Romans 6:14)
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Offline billy_56081

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #34 on: May 19, 2008, 02:45:52 PM »
God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!

"I truly believe that they're born that way."

Whats next the pedophiles? I have no problem with the gays being gay, but they cannot procreate and the stable household to raise children is what was the original intent of marriage. I'm sure the main reason for the pushing of this "gay marriage" crap is so the lawyers can make more money from more divorces.

HMMM Sodom and Gomorrah, I'm not real versed in the bible but can some one fill in the rest of this story? I'm sure some here who do not believe in God will throw this out with folly, but I only feel sadness for your lost eternal soul.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline ironglow

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #35 on: May 19, 2008, 02:52:20 PM »
   So the "gays" form clubs etc...because they are "born that way"..
    Next thing we know, pyromaniacs, kleptomaniacs, animal abusers, shop lifters, extortioner, burglars, and left-handed monkey-jumpers form clubs...
    Do you suppose they can all get special rights if they claim to be "born that way"?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline kevthebassman

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #36 on: May 19, 2008, 03:26:38 PM »
The simple fact is that all sorts of other animals exhibit bisexual and homosexual tendencies.  The consensus of the psychological community is as follows:

What Causes a Person To Have a Particular Sexual Orientation?

There are numerous theories about the origins of a person's sexual orientation. Most scientists today agree that sexual orientation is most likely the result of a complex interaction of environmental, cognitive and biological factors. In most people, sexual orientation is shaped at an early age. There is also considerable recent evidence to suggest that biology, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person's sexuality.

It's important to recognize that there are probably many reasons for a person's sexual orientation, and the reasons may be different for different people.

Is Sexual Orientation a Choice?

No, human beings cannot choose to be either gay or straight. For most people, sexual orientation emerges in early adolescence without any prior sexual experience. Although we can choose whether to act on our feelings, psychologists do not consider sexual orientation to be a conscious choice that can be voluntarily changed.

Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #37 on: May 19, 2008, 03:30:56 PM »
   So the "gays" form clubs etc...because they are "born that way"..
    Next thing we know, pyromaniacs, kleptomaniacs, animal abusers, shop lifters, extortioner, burglars, and left-handed monkey-jumpers form clubs...
    Do you suppose they can all get special rights if they claim to be "born that way"?
I don't believe the gay people are asking for any special rights. I really just think they would like the same rights as straight people. I really don't agree with their life style and it makes me sick just to think of one man with another man. Although like stated by another member 2 pretty girls together is a whole different story. I don't have a son and would have a real hard if I did and he came home one day with another man. Then told me he was gay. I would have a real hard time accepting that for sure but if my daughter came home with another woman and said she was gay, I would have a much easier time accepting that. I guess you could call it a double standard if you will. Just for the record my daughter is 12 years old now and boy crazy so I don't think I will ever face that problem. Dale
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Offline tallyho

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #38 on: May 19, 2008, 03:45:05 PM »

Sooner or later people are going to have to realize that we all live in this nation together and if we expect to be left alone to live our lives as we wish, we're going to have to leave other folks along to live their lives as they wish.

Good on ya kev. That is pretty much the way to live. I have no problem with folks who don't eat meat, don't like guns, or do what they want as consenting adults in the privacy of their homes. And I have no desire to force them - either legally, or spiritually - to subscribe to my choices about how I live my life.

If they would only reciprocate, I'd be a happy man.

Some of our members here don't seem to understand what "living together" or "leaving alone" mean.
   So the "gays" form clubs etc...because they are "born that way"..
    Next thing we know, pyromaniacs, kleptomaniacs, animal abusers, shop lifters, extortioner, burglars, and left-handed monkey-jumpers form clubs...
    Do you suppose they can all get special rights if they claim to be "born that way"?

You may not have noticed but all the 'maniacs' you listed, and the shop lifters, burglars, directly harm other people by their activities. Gays don't - unless they are "gay" and pyro, klepto, abuser, etc. in which case they fall under the same laws as heterosexual criminals.

And just what the bleep are "left-handed monkey jumpers" anyway? Are you as levophobic -fear of the left-hand- as you are homophobic?

And I don't recall there being anything in the Constitution preventing "clubs" - in fact I thought it was covered by the First Amendment under this: ... the right of the people peaceably to assemble...

You might consider that it is dangerously inconsistent to support anything that would penalize, ban, harass, or legislate against activities that in no way directly affect you. The danger with supporting legislation against things you don't like, or consider immoral, is that sets the horrible precedent that when (and it will happen) people of different beliefs get into power they will gleefully and with righteousness, legislate against your ability to live your life as you wish. They will declare that what you do, or who you are, immoral and insist it is their duty to prevent you from acting that way and offending others.

And by the way, if it even matters to you, there is nothing "special" about the "right" to marry - pretty much all have it, don't you? Anyway, my position is that there is no constitutional basis for government messing with marriage. There are some legal and economic reasons that governments got involved, but that is all.  Marriage originally was between the individuals and their God, and as far as I am concerned governments should butt out (no pun intended)  ;)

If God has a problem with who is marrying who, it is up to God to deal with it. Not you, me, or the state! If God's preferences are clearly stated, and certain people disregard them, by what right do you or anybody have to take over from God. A bit arrogant if you ask me.

I don't believe the gay people are asking for any special rights. I really just think they would like the same rights as straight people.

Right on Dale! Much more simply stated than my current pontification here.  ;)
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Offline powderman

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #39 on: May 19, 2008, 03:56:38 PM »
They don't deserve to be treated the same as regular folks, cause they're not. They are leading a sinful, deviate lifestyle and that is their choice, and right, but they should not be allowed to influence and lead children to hell with them. Equal treatment as in a legal marrige is wrong, that only condones and encouirages these perverts. They need to go back in their closet and lock the darned door.  POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline kevthebassman

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #40 on: May 19, 2008, 04:17:11 PM »
They don't deserve to be treated the same as regular folks, cause they're not. They are leading a sinful, deviate lifestyle and that is their choice, and right, but they should not be allowed to influence and lead children to hell with them. Equal treatment as in a legal marrige is wrong, that only condones and encouirages these perverts. They need to go back in their closet and lock the darned door.  POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Again, sinful and deviant lifestyle in the eyes of you and your religion.  Of course there are a lot of other things that are sinful and deviant in the eyes of your religion.  I'd even wager that you'd done a couple of those sins yourself.

In the end, what they do is between them and God.  There is no constitutional argument to prevent gays from being married, and the Constitution is what will decide the matter, and that is as it should be.  The Constitution is the law of this land, not the Bible.

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #41 on: May 19, 2008, 04:34:43 PM »
They don't deserve to be treated the same as regular folks, cause they're not. They are leading a sinful, deviate lifestyle and that is their choice, and right, but they should not be allowed to influence and lead children to hell with them. Equal treatment as in a legal marrige is wrong, that only condones and encouirages these perverts. They need to go back in their closet and lock the darned door.  POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

You have every right to your opinion, beliefs, choices, and values, and every right to express them. I have no quarrel with that. What worries me is folks like you who want to legislate other people's opinion, beliefs, choices, and values.

Hopefully it never happens that someone says to you (as it has been said to me about being a hunter and gun-owner) that you are not "regular folks", you are not deserving of freedom, and you should not be allowed to own a gun, eat meat, or whatever else it is that they decide is wrong about you, I hope you remember what you are defending today.
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Offline beemanbeme

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #42 on: May 19, 2008, 04:46:13 PM »
The fact remains that Nurture/Nature is still a hot and lively topic in science.  However, whether a deviant is caused by a genetic flaw or the nurturing environment or both, the results are the same.  From what I have read, there is not a sexual deviant that in their heart of hearts would not like to be straight as a string.  

A fellow a lot smarter than me once said: "you can tell the size of a man by the size of the things that vex him".  As I've gotten older and realized that there ain't nearly as much sand in my glass as there used to be, I try not to waste any sand on stuff that 1. I cannot change, and 2. does not affect me.  
I could quote Bible verses from here to downtown Memphis and the only possible effect it would have on the California High Court would be for them to roll around on the floor and laugh until their gums bled. No matter what God whispered in my ear that He was gonna do to them.
And too, if the entire state of Calif, went to he'in and he'in and she'in and she'in instead of he'in and she'in, I would be long, long gone before that life style ever filtered into Two Mile Hollow, WV.  

Somebody posted about somebody being a good person to work with.  I mean, what more do you want?  If my work mate is good to work with, holds up his end, and does good work, what do I care what he does on his free time.  As long as it don't affect me and is legal.  If he wants to get nekkid and howl at the moon, I don't care.  

I lived in Tulsa, Ok for 15 years.  It has, surprisingly, the highest percentage of gay people behind SFO in the USA.  In 15 years, I knew exactly two guys that I knew for a fact were homosexuals. They looked, acted, and dressed exactly like everybody else. On occasion they would wear a little rainbow lapel pins. I finally got to know each of them well enough to ask: "Are you a supporter of Gay Rights (which I thought was a kinda kewl circumspect way of asking)?"  And, as the one guy laughed and said, "I'd better be since I are one."  They were not known to each other as far as I knew since they worked in totally different fields. Both of them were nice guys and I enjoyed visiting and lunching with them but when the business day was over, I went my way. It was certainly their business but what they did in the privacy of their homes gives me the willies so I'm not gonna waste any of my sand worrying about them sub-human, godless homosexuals.

My point being that's one windmill that's safe from me.

Offline ironglow

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #43 on: May 19, 2008, 04:51:07 PM »

   Left handed monkey-jumpers is a break away sect from problems with left handers..just the monkey jumpers, but it is the left handed ones that joined forces .
  Makes about as much sense as the perversion parades and shenanigans. Some perverts are right handed also..but they are still perverts !
      Now tell us about all those wonderful folks from NAMBLA..

   All those "maniacs" hurt someone..your favored set of "maniacs" gifted the world with HIV-AIDS (originally called GRIDS..Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome),
   until it became the "first disease with civil rights". Despite their claims about "everybody" getting AIDS, it has primarily confined itself to homosexuals or other such
    depraved individuals that entertain strangers in their anal receptor.
   The group I have great empathy with,... and here is the "hurt others" caveat..Innocents sometimes get HIV tainted blood in a transfusion. Other than them and
   innocent babies, the biggest share of AIDS carriers have gotten just what they sought after.    for confirmation, See... (Romans 1:27).

         I only mentioned that Scripture verse because you tried to lecture me on God's intentions, so I provided you with his words ! If you disagree, take it up with Him !

   The discussion started about MARRIAGE, which already has a definition..which like everything else they touch, they are trying to pervert ! Let them do their ugly thing
    all they want and pass HIV around to their heart's content..just stay out of normal people's lives..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #44 on: May 19, 2008, 04:55:19 PM »
So are you guys going to vote for Barak Hussein Obama so the gays can get married all over the USA? He is for it, kinda birds of a feather.

I myself plan on clinging to my religion and guns!
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #45 on: May 19, 2008, 05:15:02 PM »
They don't deserve to be treated the same as regular folks, cause they're not. They are leading a sinful, deviate lifestyle and that is their choice, and right, but they should not be allowed to influence and lead children to hell with them. Equal treatment as in a legal marrige is wrong, that only condones and encouirages these perverts. They need to go back in their closet and lock the darned door.  POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Again, sinful and deviant lifestyle in the eyes of you and your religion.  Of course there are a lot of other things that are sinful and deviant in the eyes of your religion.  I'd even wager that you'd done a couple of those sins yourself.

In the end, what they do is between them and God.  There is no constitutional argument to prevent gays from being married, and the Constitution is what will decide the matter, and that is as it should be.  The Constitution is the law of this land, not the Bible.

I am not talking about religion.  I am not talking about civil unions.  Many heterosexual people live in civil unions without marriage.  The only reason for gays to be married is to enjoy the privleges and benefits of heterosexual married couples under law.  The marriage under law grants them special protections that they do not enjoy now, like Social Security benefits accorded to married couples.  Also, legal marriage entitles them to adopt children and "open their minds toward a liberal point of view that any discrimination is unacceptable and politically incorrect", not to mention the teaching potential for choosing a homosexual lifestyle rather than an abnormality.  Marriage also increases the burden on heterosexual couples by increasing the costs in benefit programs designed and implemented for heterosexual marriages.  I do not want the government to include homosexual couples under marriage laws and the potential protections against discrimination against homos.  Keep government out of it, as their is no Constitutional provision for queers to be protected in its enumerated rights.  If they want protection under the Constitution, amend it like others have had to.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #46 on: May 19, 2008, 07:52:10 PM »
"Now tell us about all those wonderful folks from NAMBLA"

I had to look up what you meant. They do sound a bit weird. You sure seem knowledgeable about these kinds of folk. And it seems you spend a lot of time fussing about them.

I like beemanbeme's framework about such things: "I'm not gonna waste any of my sand worrying about them sub-human, godless homosexuals." I bet it saves him a lot of stress and keeps his energy up for other things that he enjoys more.

"Innocents sometimes get HIV tainted blood in a transfusion. "

And innocents sometimes get shot by guns. And innocents sometimes get run over by cars. And innocents sometimes get drowned in swimming pools. Your point...? Ban everything? (Well, not guns!)  ;D 

"I only mentioned that Scripture verse because you tried to lecture me on God's intentions, so I provided you with his words ! If you disagree, take it up with Him!" I wasn't lecturing you about God's intentions because I don't know them, and if I don't know them, I can't really disagree with them, can I? I was just curious why you were inserting yourself into the relationship between God and certain of his creations?

And thanks for the Romans 1:27 reference, here's what I got from it, "In the same way, their males also abandoned their natural sexual function toward females and burned with lust toward one another. Males committed indecent acts with males, and received within themselves the appropriate penalty for their perversion." Don't see nuthin' in that verse that is specific about God's intentions - just "appropriate penalty". Later, in 1:32 there's something about folks who act this way are "worthy of death" but I didn't see a dang thing about God actually killing them, or putting you, or anyone else on the job to do so.

Okay, I have done all that I care to do here. I will not change your mind, you will not change mine about this issue. I respect your right to state your point, and I suspect you are willing to hear me state mine.

Whether we agree or not about this particular issue, I remain an ally of anyone who stands for the Second Amendment, the right of self-defense, and the right of private gun ownership by responsible people.

And for the record I will not be voting for Obama (nor Hillary, should she by some perverse quirk of fate manage to become the Dem candidate).
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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #47 on: May 20, 2008, 02:13:11 PM »
  Ok Tally..
         Let's look carefully at those words..
       Males committed indecent acts with other males and RECEIVED WITHIN THEMSELVES some kind of "appropriate penalty"...what could that "penalty" be ?

       Now, what do these people "receive within" ?   How about HIV contaminated semen ? 
      So, having the contaminated semen in the anal receptor (where it doesn't belong)  what type penalty do they get after the "bug hatches"?

   A  good read; go on to vs 28 where God tells that those who know better, but refuse to heed him are turned over to a "reprobate mind"..
   then ruminate over the rest of the chapter..
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Offline rex6666

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #48 on: May 20, 2008, 03:44:51 PM »
you have pretty well hit the nail.
I don't like the way gays act in public, don't have a use for male or female gays.
i am sure that people don't like what i do.
What really chaps my b&^% is the fact that now they want to adopt, what does this 2-3-4 month old learn, what happens when he or she goes to school, when they are old enough
to learn the truth what happens then. Some people go off the deep end when they find out they were adopted by straight people.
Just can't get on with gays adopting. I used to date a women that owned 2 hair salons, several gays worked at these, got to know some pretty well, they were all ways fighting
over something and never was around as jealous a bunch.

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #49 on: May 20, 2008, 04:10:55 PM »
Many of you have that old live and let live attitude. It sounds good but in reality it will take us further down into a state of immorality.
The problem here is that the gays in their drive to be accepted as normal they are destroying anything that gets in their way. They have used countless schemes to indoctrinate our children and they infiltrate every part of our lives. They are poisoning the morality of the world. Pushing their chosen life style down our throats, Until now society tells us we have to accept them. They say they were born that way, I say if they were born that way, that would make them genetic defects.For a species that can not reproduce to survive, It has to be a parasite simple as that. I'm not condemning them as individuals  they do that to them selves and don't need any help. But as an entity they I do condemn them to be a plaque on all that is decent.  It is a Christian's duty is to point out what they are doing is a sin. It is the duty of a parent is to stop their demoralizing of the world our children and grandchildren will have to live in.

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-- Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787. ME 6:373, Papers 12:356

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #50 on: May 20, 2008, 04:44:30 PM »
  Ok Tally..
         Let's look carefully at those words..
       Males committed indecent acts with other males and RECEIVED WITHIN THEMSELVES some kind of "appropriate penalty"...what could that "penalty" be ?

       Now, what do these people "receive within" ?   How about HIV contaminated semen ? 
      So, having the contaminated semen in the anal receptor (where it doesn't belong)  what type penalty do the get after the "bug hatches"?

   A  good read; go on to vs 28 where God tells that those who know better, but refuse to heed him are turned over to a "reprobate mind"..
   then ruminate over the rest of the chapter..

Ironglow, thanks again for confirming for me that whatever happens is God's business and not yours.

Unless you are directly involved in how semen is inserted into anal receptors, and are personally delivering the penalty, whatever the result it falls under the definition of "an act of God". Act of God, not an act of yours.

I won't be ruminating any further, because I expect the rest of the chapter will just reinforce the fact that God can and will handle whatever needs handling.

An independent observer might very well conclude that I am able to trust and let God handle God's business, and you are not quite able to do the same.

If as Hooker says "It is a Christian's duty is to point out what they are doing is a sin." then y'all have done your duty.
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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #51 on: May 20, 2008, 04:51:59 PM »
You guys need to just get over it already. There have been gay humans since people walked up right. We ( I ) don't have to agree with their life style. I know there are many that are good people and we should just let God sort it out in the end. I am a little undecided about them adopting kids for the simple fact I do believe they are born that way and whether the children are brought up by a gay couple or not those children will be who they were meant to be. Dale
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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #52 on: May 20, 2008, 04:57:36 PM »
I think it's better for those kids to be raised up by a gay couple than bounce around from foster home to foster home.  At least then they'll have some stability and a chance to be raised up to at least have some values, even if those values aren't necessarily ones I agree with.

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #53 on: May 20, 2008, 10:15:57 PM »
OK so Queers have rights !

  However they and it seems not many others are concerned about MY rights. Surely I have the right not to have these un-natural queers forced down my throat at every turn,on every TV show or programme and in every paper or magazine. Surely I have the right not to be revolted by their sickening behaviour...................... Whoops for a moment there I forgot I was White, English and fairly normal so of course that means I have NO RIGHTS!

Offline beemanbeme

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #54 on: May 21, 2008, 01:53:38 AM »
TV's have switches; magazines and other publications, unlike the New Orleans police, do not kick in your door uninvited and force their way into your home. I don't understand how making same sex marriages is taking away any rights from anyone.  Walking down the street and seeing people we don't want to look at is a burden we all bear.  Straight, "queer", or sub-human, godless mooslims. 

Many of these "queers" have served their country (yours and mine) well and honourably. Fought and bled and died for us.  They work and pay the same taxes you and I do. In fact, speaking of the US, being always single taxpayers, they carry the heavier load.  Being an old man, a lot of this change seems very strange to me, but, in one sense, it does seem only fair.

Again, about the child rearing, I have to say it is all very different to me, but I daresay a same sex couple, loving and dedicated, couldn't do too much worse than the products I see produced by the people parenting today.  An adopted child is a wanted child.  He isn't a "oops" or a moral dilemma.

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #55 on: May 21, 2008, 02:01:03 AM »
OK so Queers have rights !

  However they and it seems not many others are concerned about MY rights. Surely I have the right not to have these un-natural queers forced down my throat at every turn,on every TV show or programme and in every paper or magazine. Surely I have the right not to be revolted by their sickening behaviour...................... Whoops for a moment there I forgot I was White, English and fairly normal so of course that means I have NO RIGHTS!
Ignoring the fact that homosexuality is most certainly a behavior found in nature, nobody is forcing you to watch or read anything.  Do yourself a favor and turn off the TV, or deal with it.

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #56 on: May 21, 2008, 03:26:06 AM »
Here we go again. The state courts "dictating" laws to the states. Voters have no rights to pick the destiny of their  government any more. Sounds like the republic of Massachusetts. ZIG HILE >:(

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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #57 on: May 21, 2008, 03:33:20 AM »
HOOKER, BRITHUNTER. Good posts, and true. Nice to know there are still some of us with family values and morals. Even though I did away with the spell check it still got me, so no smilie. POWDERMAN.
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #58 on: May 21, 2008, 05:50:48 AM »
Here we go again. The state courts "dictating" laws to the states. Voters have no rights to pick the destiny of their  government any more. Sounds like the republic of Massachusetts. ZIG HILE >:(

Actually, if there is any real and long term problem with all this, it is that the California Supreme Court used some rather convoluted reasoning and actually ruled against what the citizens voted. You guys who are pissed-off by the issue would better serve your cause by addressing that, rather than ranting that queers are a danger to your children. The courts, making decisions like thi, are much more dangerous!

OK so Queers have rights !

  However they and it seems not many others are concerned about MY rights. Surely I have the right not to have these un-natural queers forced down my throat at every turn,on every TV show or programme and in every paper or magazine. Surely I have the right not to be revolted by their sickening behaviour...................... Whoops for a moment there I forgot I was White, English and fairly normal so of course that means I have NO RIGHTS!

Where in the bleep do you get the idea you have the right "not to be revolted". You do NOT have the right "not to be offended". You do NOT have the right to "not be annoyed". Those are the very "rights" the politically correct bozos are using to take away and limit our real rights.

Examples of politically correct, victim promoting bozos:
Oh dear, I am annoyed by people smoking, They musn't be allowed to smoke anywhere on the planet where I might encounter the slightest whiff of their evil toxic exhalations (and no, I am not a smoker!)
It offends me to see fat people, I have the right to demand they eat healthy foods.
Guns are so scary, I don't see why anybody needs one. I insist on my right not to be frightened by guns.

and yup there' a spot here for you too: I insist on my right not to be revolted by disgusting queers... etc...

Get a freekin' life you wanker!  As far as I can tell, even in socialistic nanny-state Britain, you still have the right to turn off your bleedin' telly! It used to be called Great  Britain - how did the bozos and the "I have a right not to be offended" whiners get away with removing the greatness?

TV's have switches; magazines and other publications, unlike the New Orleans police, do not kick in your door uninvited and force their way into your home. I don't understand how making same sex marriages is taking away any rights from anyone.  Walking down the street and seeing people we don't want to look at is a burden we all bear.  Straight, "queer", or sub-human, godless mooslims. 

Many of these "queers" have served their country (yours and mine) well and honourably. Fought and bled and died for us.  They work and pay the same taxes you and I do. In fact, speaking of the US, being always single taxpayers, they carry the heavier load.  Being an old man, a lot of this change seems very strange to me, but, in one sense, it does seem only fair.

Again, about the child rearing, I have to say it is all very different to me, but I daresay a same sex couple, loving and dedicated, couldn't do too much worse than the products I see produced by the people parenting today.  An adopted child is a wanted child.  He isn't a "oops" or a moral dilemma.

Ignoring the fact that homosexuality is most certainly a behavior found in nature, nobody is forcing you to watch or read anything.  Do yourself a favor and turn off the TV, or deal with it.

Right on bee and kev! [img width= height= alt=" border="0][/img] [img width= height= alt=" border="0][/img]
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Re: California supreme court rules on gay rights
« Reply #59 on: May 21, 2008, 06:41:57 AM »
   Unless I have missed something, nobody here has suggested violence against those confused people..
  The problem comes when they want to call their "partnerships" MARRIAGE, the same as normal married people . If they really desire to be locked into a binding,
  legal contract of some type, let them call it a...Togetherness contract  perversion permit..whatever, but just not marriage, since some consider that to be a
  sacred thing. Yet the  gays seem to think that is not enough ! No; they want to enter into "Holy matrimony" (you have all heard the term) and put to themselves on
   par with real, normal people and in so doing,  degrade the true sanctity of marriage..which is insulting to those who have taken those vows.

   LIVE & LET LIVE..YOU'RE ENTITLED TO YOUR OPINION:  We hear that repeated in this thread continually, but let's have a look:
     A) I have heard no cases of Christians breaking into homosexual's meetings or conclaves, but we saw them on the news..invading churches and disrupting services !
     B) I have heard of no Christians infiltrating "gay" organizations and mocking their proceedings.but recently we saw footage of the gays disguising themselves to
  partake of the communion elements in a Catholic Church !
    C) I have not heard of Boy Scouts picketing homosexual gangs, parades or orgies..but the homosexual crowd has badgered and harrassed the Boy Scouts for decades !
    D) A few short years ago, the homosexuals ganged up and had a "march" on Washington DC, tied up streets and used, abused and littered the long mall between
   the Washington monument & the capital building..don't recall anyone suing to stop them from using public facilities  to voice their opinion. But just let a Christian
  group try to rent a town hall somewhere, and the "queer police' will be all over the case ! So much for "entitled to your opinion" or "live & let live" !  

   Then the lame excuses.." I'd rather see a child raised by gays than bounced around from one foster home and another"..  or " Better to live in a peaceful "gay" home
  than in a quarrelsome, hateful, otherwise normal home."
  Possibly folks that make those statements really don't realize what they are saying..they are taking the best possible "gay" situation and comparing it to the worst
   possible normal marriage! A little biased, no ?
  Adoptions are normally made to seemingly solid marriage..and I suppose to relatively stable perverted relationships..Personally, I would tend to think that between
    the two "solid" relationships..a real marriage has better odds !
       I am NOT Roman Catholic..but I do know that Catholic charities have been finding homes for orphans since before Boy's Town Nebraska was founded. They were
   doing the same all across Massachusetts..until a couple years ago, when they refused to put a healthy child into a perverse situation. The homo police had their
   lawyers and some liberal state reps sue the adoption agency to the point where they had to close much for live & let live..entitled to your opinion etc...
   How many orphans continued in orphanages or foster homes as a result ?
         While I do not endorse violence toward them or any other peaceful member of our society, I do firmly believe that if they want their "rights" to live & believe what
  they wish..they should respect the same for others !

   An interesting sidelight:
   Check most of the great empires of the past..most did not die from external sources but from internal decay (immorality). The Assyrian empire, the Golden age of Greece,
   the decline & fall of each case, one of the last things that found public and governmental approval...just before their fall.. was homosexualism...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)