I should have asked if you wanted to eat them. Is it good?
I dunno... never et any... I'm an ol' Cavalryman and it seems kinda sacrilegious to me to eat horses...

Hi-ebber (vernacular again) I seem to remember studying an intentional infliction of emotional distress case, and this here memory may just be senility, but a feller supposedly invited a bunch a people to a dinner after a successful elk hunt. After the meal was over and after everyone raved about the fine quality of the meat, he asked if they would like to see the mounted head of the magnificent creature that they had just dined upon. Whereafter he produced the mount of a donkey. 'course, I appreciate that kind of humor...

You can't eat polar bear liver?
I read/heard sumpin 40-50 year ago that said it was so high in vitamin A it was poisonous. There was an old story about Arctic explorers that ate some and died... 'course, polar bears bein just about extinct now I guess it's a non-issue.

Since ol' Jamal seems to have an abundance of wild ass aound his place why don't we get him to try some out for us and let us know?