Maybe some of you have noticed that I have been absent lately. Friday, May 9th I was sent home from work due to stomach cramps and who knows what else. I got home 2:00 a.m. Friday morning and commenced to puking like a wino, and had diarrhea that you cannot imagine. I couldn't do anything so I missed work on Friday and Saturday. Sunday a.m. (Mother's Day) at 5:00 a.m. I told wife to brush her hair; as which time she did not understand. We went straight to E.R. At which time they took a cat-scan and x-rays and found that I had a "mechanical blockage" in the stomach. They tried treating it with drugs Monday. & Tuesday but Wed. they did surgery due to pain Tuesday night that made me think I was going to die. But thankfully I was released this a.m. (Mon. 19th) and I am happy to be home with wife, puppy & bird.
I have a foot long or longer silver zipper from my just above my crotch to about 6 inches above my navel. If I recall correctly, the surgeon had to take out some of my intestine and reattach it, but I'm still pretty well drugged up, and my world id not really clear at this time....