I have two of the Single Six's in 32 H&R Mag, both the "Baby Vaqueros" with the fixed sights, and just LOVE them. One is Stainless, with the Blued Steel short grip frmae, and the other is BCC with the aloy XR-3 Red grip frame, and both have Elk Stag grips on them. The SS one used to be a Birdshead till I changed the grip frame, and I still have the BH frame if I ev er want to put it back on.
Those of you that have read my posts in the past know that I HATE adjustable sights on a SA revolver. It just destroys the fine lines of the gun and makes them ugly, to me. I tend to find one or two loads that work in my revolvers and stick to them forever, and simply adjust the fixed sights to shoot where I want them and use the same load forever in that pistol. LOL
I know, I'm kind of old fashoned, but I also keep my pants up with suspenders, too. LOL
The current load I've been using in both of mine, and in my Marlin CB in 32 Mag, is Starline casses, CCI small pistol primers, 1cc of FFFG APP, and a 100 grn RNFP cast bullet. Got about 2000 of them loaded up now, and probibly another 500 or so empty casses to reload when I get a slow day next winter. LOL
This load has taken two 'youts with the SS Ruger, and one with the Marlin, simply 'cause that's what was handy when I seen the 'youts passing through the back yard. LOL