It depends upon which Husqavarna action the rifle was built on - the older, softer, less-safe, cock-on-closing 1896 Mauser, or the plenty-safe, cock-on-opening, 98 Mauser.
Most 98 Mauser Husky's were small-ring Mausers, IIRC.
I'd feel a little better if any belted mag was housed in a large-ring M-98, but the small-rings are plenty strong enough.
It's easy enough to tell the difference, between large & small ring 98 Mausers - the large-ring action's front receiver ring is larger than the left action sidewall, while the small-ring's front receiver ring is flush with the sidewall.
96 Mausers are also small-ring types, but they cock on closing, and have fewer safety features built into the action (like a 3rd bolt lug & a gas blow-back shield that the 98 Mauser does).
96 Mausers are not suitable, nor safe, with any cartridges other than their originally chambered ones.