Author Topic: Remington VTR 204  (Read 1018 times)

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Remington VTR 204
« on: May 25, 2008, 04:34:45 PM »
I'm looking for an accurate sub 8 lb rifle in 204. Has anyone had any experience with this rifle in 204. Thanks. Dave

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Re: Remington VTR 204
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2008, 12:34:17 PM »
Take a look at the Model Seven Predator Remington is offering this year. Mine in .17 Fireball is a half inch shooter at 100 yards with factory ammo. When my dies and bullets show up from Hornady I'll find out how it does with reloads. I'm almost certainly going to get another in .204 Ruger later this year.

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Re: Remington VTR 204
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2008, 01:53:32 PM »
Take a look at the Model Seven Predator Remington is offering this year. Mine in .17 Fireball is a half inch shooter at 100 yards with factory ammo. When my dies and bullets show up from Hornady I'll find out how it does with reloads. I'm almost certainly going to get another in .204 Ruger later this year.
Thanks for the reply and I did take look at the Predator. First of all I have to say that I'm pretty much a paper puncher and informal target shooter. I just want decent and consistent accuracy. Right now I reload the 204 in a Handi Rifle and am almost at wits ends with it. It can shoot a very nice group and has but at the next session it will have a different point of impact. Its not really what I'm looking for. I have 2 Rem 700's now-both are excellent guns. The 700 VTR caught my eye. I've read every pro and con on it I can find. I'll just have to handle one first. The Predator looks good too and a little lighter. Thanks. Dave

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Re: Remington VTR 204
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2008, 02:55:47 PM »
   Those Handy Rifles do pretty good for the price. When you say yours changes point of impact I wander if it`s not the scope. I bought one a couple years ago in .223 just because it was to cheap. I got a bunch of ammo with it that was just blasting ammo. SD on the stuff was real bad, but the gun did better than I would have expected with it. I never did work with it to see how it really would shoot, but the point of impact never change. The guy I sold the gun to really likes it, and it the only varmint rifle he owns.

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Re: Remington VTR 204
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2008, 03:07:52 PM »
   Those Handy Rifles do pretty good for the price. When you say yours changes point of impact I wander if it`s not the scope. I bought one a couple years ago in .223 just because it was to cheap. I got a bunch of ammo with it that was just blasting ammo. SD on the stuff was real bad, but the gun did better than I would have expected with it. I never did work with it to see how it really would shoot, but the point of impact never change. The guy I sold the gun to really likes it, and it the only varmint rifle he owns.
I agree. They do pretty good for the price. I put a post on the HR part of this site today w/pics. The last time I went out the groups were just above the little diamonds and today below. Same loads. I'm going to load up some more rounds and shoot again without cleaning the gun just to see what happens. The scope is a proven item. It came off one of my 700's and has been soliid as a rock. Dave

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Re: Remington VTR 204
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2008, 05:03:24 AM »
I have a Remington M700 VTR in 204 and like it a lot. It's a shooter. Have put a B&C Varmint/Tactical stock on it and adjusted the trigger, and it doesn't miss like some rifles I've shot. ;D I have a pet load for varmints and one for coyotes. Just my favorite rifle for sure.

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Re: Remington VTR 204
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2008, 01:09:12 PM »
I have a Remington M700 VTR in 204 and like it a lot. It's a shooter. Have put a B&C Varmint/Tactical stock on it and adjusted the trigger, and it doesn't miss like some rifles I've shot. ;D I have a pet load for varmints and one for coyotes. Just my favorite rifle for sure.
Badhop-since my original post I bought a VTR in a 204 and absolutely love it. I have about 400 rounds through it now-no factory stuff-just reloads. I've done a lot with 35 grain Bergers and Midway Dogtowns. Getting very good and consistent accuracy. Working now on a 39 BK load. Yup-I like this rifle :) ;D Dave

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Re: Remington VTR 204
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2008, 01:10:20 PM »
I have a Remington M700 VTR in 204 and like it a lot. It's a shooter. Have put a B&C Varmint/Tactical stock on it and adjusted the trigger, and it doesn't miss like some rifles I've shot. ;D I have a pet load for varmints and one for coyotes. Just my favorite rifle for sure.