Paul wait has announced his resignation as editor of the Trapper and Predator Caller magazine.
I first heard from Paul in 1999, he had just become editor. He had watched and photographed a beaver demo I had done at district 8.He called and asked if I would do a cover shoot for Trapline 2000 ( a special TPC publication). The following spring, Paul accompanied me on my northern beaver line.
It was shortly after that, he talked me into writing about some of my experiences for the magazine. I am happy to say , I just finished participating in the last 2 projects that Paul did before resigning. The May /June Trapper and Predator Caller, and the forthcoming 2009 year book.
Thank you Paul for all you have done for me. If not for you---I would have never written a word.
Good luck in you new ventures---and again---thanks for everything.