Author Topic: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?  (Read 3462 times)

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2008, 03:56:09 AM »
what happened to $.10 a pound soda crackers.
New tuffnut jeans for $4.00
US keds high top black tennies for $2.00
Camels cigarettes $.20 a pack.
we could not live with it so we made every thing better.

Texas is good for men and dogs, but it is hell on women and horses.

Online ironglow

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2008, 05:43:18 AM »
      Myself as well as others I am sure,  have been patiently waiting to get a clue as to where you are coming from. Thanks to your last post it is possible that we have
  a bit of insight into your leanings.
   It is said that.. " He who does well to that which we aspire, becomes a hero in our eyes."  Since you quoted Gurdjieff, since evidently you admire some things about
   him, I took the liberty of doing a web search on <  who is Gurdjieff ?  >  and I encourage others to do the same..
              Whew ! Did I run into a morass of "New Age" clap-trap ! Surely you do not endorse Gurdjieff, do you ?
    Gurdjieff and his chief disciple, Petyr D. Ouspensky visit with the "Whirling Dervishes" and both are enamored with the Dervish's "dancing"..( it should be noted here
   that the  Whirling dervishes were the original "Hashishians" the Islamic cult from which we get the term ..ASSASSIN !) Could this explain an affinity for Islam ?
   After all the Gurdjieff-ians do have a great preoccupation with "sacred dances"...

   Some goofy insights shared by Gurdjieff and Ouspensky ? In his book, "In Search of the Miraculous", Ouspensky claims; " The moon at present, feeds on organic
   life,...on humanity."   Do you believe that kind of stuff TM ?

    From what I could see, the Russian Gurdjieff was like a slightly later reissue of the old "mystic"..Rasputin..
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Offline Beers

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #32 on: June 04, 2008, 07:14:42 AM »
Not that it really matters, but there is absolutely no connection between the Hashshashin and the Dervishes. Two totally different sects with almost completely opposite philosophical interpretations of Islam.

Hey Ironglow, how come you and powderman don't seem able to argue with what TM7 has to say? Why do you have to resort to some BS ad hominem attack EVERY BLOODY TIME? If you disagree with the guy, attack his data, his arguments... don't try and paint the guy as a kook or liberal or Muslim sympathizer or whatever.. because even if all of that were true, it has no bearing on the validity or otherwise of what he has to say. Look up "logic" sometime, you've shown us you can use google...   

I thought this topic was about gas prices?


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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2008, 07:44:53 AM »
Beers , don't cloud the issue with facts it confuses people !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Online ironglow

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #34 on: June 04, 2008, 09:16:06 AM »
  orry Beers..perhaps you have had too many are not making any sense..any more than the "new age" gurus do ! With your 160 or so posts, obviously you haven't been around here long enough to know exactly what Powderman and I are talking about..stick around a bit and get the feeling of the subject first !
    I suppose in your book, TM's brilliant terminology in  " evilvangelical ziolot armageddonite death cultist" is completely sensible and logical and simply bursting with intellectual acumen !
   ..Perhaps it's best YOU look up "logic"...
     TM; obviously it will affect our culture. It is a bit early now to cast any firm conclusions, but surely it is likely to lead to more widespread use  of mass transit,
   more economical vehicles than most presently use, and abrupt changes in our lifestyles. Yet that is not what I started this thread about !
   We would not necessarily resort to living in urban enclaves" at that point..what did we do before the "motor age" ? We lived in a more agrarian mode than we did
  60 years ago ! If we lived in urban enclaves, raw materials would still need to be shipped to the factories and finished product shipped out. That could as well be done with scattered rural enclaves as well. Back 70-75 years ago, most people put their cars up on blocks during the winter.
   One thing sure, if history is any teacher; any "breakthrough" in energy sources that may actually cost for instance 10 cents on the dollar as to what it is now, would
   not come to the consumer for that price. It would come in just below the price as shown just before the breakthrough !
  In any case if we regressed back to "horse & buggy" days, would we likely have more..or less freedom ?  It surely appears we had more individual freedom in those
   long gone horse & buggy days..             
                  I started this thread to point out how the price of Gasoline could be abruptly raised to $8 per gallon, not by market forces, but by governmental fiat !
   I pointed out how Congress wants to punish the voting citizen and the voter seems to be oblivious as to who and how..
   The President has promised to veto such a family budget buster, but some politicians appear ready to press forward with their punishment of the American
   people !
  We have a pres that will veto such a harmful bill so they probably won't present it to we had better be considering who is running, come November,
   and which one is likely to go along with their punishing taxes and demands.
  Congress could introduce a bill that would mandate searches for alternate energy and engineering..without bleeding the American people. If they had any honor at all,
   they would forego their earmarks and pork and convert these usually wasted funds toward the crash project.
   I honestly believe that performance-based incentives to private industry is the best way to go..they can develop things like that much better than any govt program
    can do.
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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #35 on: June 04, 2008, 10:04:51 AM »
Try reading it again maybe... I spoke in plain English, how hard is that to understand? I asked you a simple question. If you can't handle that I'm not sure where you get off thinking you've got anything worthwhile to say about world politics and economic matters...

By the way... Beers is my surname, it doesn't denote any proclivity for overindulgence in alcoholic beverages.

Offline Fazak

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #36 on: June 04, 2008, 10:11:33 AM »
Gas is $4.00 a gallon,.. and all the GOP dead enders can think to say is,.."Elect a Democrat and it'll go to 8!!".

I dunno, man,...that don't seem like a platform that's gonna fly.


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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #37 on: June 04, 2008, 10:12:54 AM »
FAZAK , hope you are right !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #38 on: June 04, 2008, 10:25:12 AM »
I know someone who is making his own diesel from algae he raises in a greenhouse. 

Offline 30-06man

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #39 on: June 04, 2008, 11:58:24 AM »
Although I do not hardly ever agree with TM7 I don't argue with him but I see some of the stuff he has posted to be nothing but BS and when I see it I don't read it. I haven't had a problem with Ironglow but I can see where he is coming from. Just get back on topic. This is just about stupid.

IG....{"evilvangelical ziolot armageddonite death cultist"}....Yesssssss, methinks you don't like it when your missle attacks are answered with the same, but if the shoe fits... ::)

   Meanwhile, interesting comments about oil-fuel pricing.  Except the more government takes the less Big Oil can take,,,i.e. they know almost exactly the price setpoint wherein the wheels stop turning.  This is a scalping operation (or a takedown) and the bubble is not to be broken yet. Your hero, Bush, would veto legislation you refer to (which I haven't seen) not for people, but to keep profits rolling in for who he really represents. The rest of your comment is standard GOP political double speak of the era.


Where do you get this. When has a president ever controlled fuel prices other than tax and such? I have posted a link where the Dems are trying to raise the prices and yet you blame it on the GOP. Even the bill has the names of 3 major dems that support it. If our government had any sense we would be drilling our own oil and not depending on the Saudi towel heads.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


Online ironglow

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #40 on: June 04, 2008, 01:32:58 PM »
  The shoe doesn't fit so it is returned with my compliments ! Try it on some of your Muslim buddies !
  "Except the more the government takes, the less Big Oil can take"..What a deranged statement ! TM you are bright enough to know the answer to this ...,
     "Who is "Big Oil"...?

   Just in case you missed it; "Big Oil" is the electronics worker, the butcher, the plumber, the auto mechanic, the chef. the teacher and a thousand other occupations,
  plus probably McCain, Obama, Bush , Paul and Clinton . "Big Oil;" is the greater share of people who have 401Ks or almost anyone that has a balanced
   portfolio or mutual fund !
  In fact, if you have a mutual fund or 401K, you should be disappointed with your manager or broker if you don't "own" at least SOME oil..oil has done well over
   the last couple years !

  When you cuss out "Big Oil' , you're cussing out a lot of "little people"..So in your statement, you are admitting you would rather see the profits go to higher govt taxes
  rather than to those thousands of "little people"..THANKS !
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Offline Fazak

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #41 on: June 04, 2008, 02:23:47 PM »

  "Big Oil" is the electronics worker, the butcher, the plumber, the auto mechanic, the chef. the teacher and a thousand other occupations,

Nah,.. Big Oil is them fatcats that's makin' you  squeal like a pig.

I just don't understand why you feel the need to squeal it all over the internet.

Online gypsyman

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #42 on: June 04, 2008, 03:05:44 PM »
Maybe a little socialism here. Should the government step in and tell the oil company's their making too much money? Shareholders wouldn't like that to much. It seems to me that I don't see as much traffic on the road now as what is usual. This economy is slowing down quite a bit now, when and if it ever does hit $8/gal., this country will be in another depression,(not recession) And we won't have to worry about driving our cars or trucks. Just keeping food on the table will be tough enough.  gypsyman
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Offline beemanbeme

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #43 on: June 04, 2008, 04:35:25 PM »
"congress is punishing the American people".  Now that is one really, really stupid statement, IG.  Instead of thumping your Bible so much, you need to crack a book on how America works.  We vote those people into office. We can vote them out. That's how America works.  They are not elected for life (except for Harry Byrd).  Congress nor the President controls the price of gas.  Live with it. 

FYI, I've been here a lot longer than 160 post and I don't understand a lot of the crap you spout. You and P man have your little bundle of switches, aka Bible verses, that you try to intimidate folks with but what you actually say has little substance.  And I refuse to spend a half day down loading a verbose thesis by some obscure drooler that happens to think like you or TM. You use Bible verses and TM uses synthesized words.  They both come down to a big yawner.

Also FYI, I have drank a good deal of adult beverages, including beer, in my time. And plan to continue doing so.  I've got to do something so you zealots can feel superior.  :D

You are aware that the various oil companies profit margin is less than 10% aren't you?  Or is that one of those things that folks like you tend to overlook when making a point?  Why haven't you ragged the companies that have raised their prices $1.00 or more because their overhead has gone up $.50 because of gas. 

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #44 on: June 04, 2008, 05:00:21 PM »
i don't think the price is strictly tied to supply and demand. if it were then the price would rise but the profit margin would stay the same or shrink. but the oil companies are making record profits. and fuel is not a luxury. it's a necessity. we can only reduce our use so far we can't go without so we will have to give up other things, like bullets
these days, 7 or 8% profit is pretty good. ask a trucker if they can make 8%
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Online gypsyman

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #45 on: June 04, 2008, 07:34:08 PM »
True, the price of gas/diesel is more than a supply and demand item. Speculators on the stock market have driven the price up also. But if the government puts a windfall tax on the oil companys, they'll just pass it on to the consumer. And right now, the state and federal taxes  on a gallon of gas/diesel is more than the profit. You've heard of a win/win situation, well this is a lose/lose one. The only thing at the present that any of us can do, is help ourselves. Drive less, plan ahead to cut down on errands, keep the cars tuned up, and tires in good shape. gypsyman
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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #46 on: June 05, 2008, 02:04:27 AM »
why is there a disregard for enomics ? We had a mild winter over all , no new market has abruptly opened .
So why has diesel jumped a third or more in price ? Construction machines are more silent than they have been in years . The lack of new plants to produce diesel and speculators buying and holding oil until price increases makes more sence than oil companies just tacking on to the price . The problem might be that some of the oil co. people may speculate on the side !
Hum ,
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Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #47 on: June 05, 2008, 03:22:42 AM »
Inovation could solve the problem faster than you think.  I have a friend who was using bio-diesel from cooking oil he collected from restaurants around town.  Now, he has built a greenhouse to grow algae from which he makes algae oil to make his bio-diesel.  1 acre of greenhouse yields 100,000 gallons of algae oil a year.  Impressive.  This may be the fuel of the future. 

Offline Ruskin

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #48 on: June 05, 2008, 03:35:53 AM »
Maybe we should start a protest by sending all the elected in Washington tea bags. I have listened to the Glenn Beck show, and he is frustrated because our elected are not listening.

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #49 on: June 05, 2008, 03:55:24 AM »
  I don't recall "thumping the Bible' in this discussion......where did you see that ? .
     Some folks speak of "ad hominem" attacks; you wouldn't be trying that, would you ?
            I am fully cognizant that for most here, Bible verses are not recognized as why waste them ?
 If you will review my posts, I believe you will see that I normally use Bible verses only to counter those who MISuse them..or for someone
  that honestly wants to find a given reference..
    I also do not recall questioning your consumption of "adult beverages", I deal every day with preople who do use them.
    " thou protesteth a bit much, methinks".  I did, tongue in cheek, chide Beers a bit..but I  expect we can all take a bit of a play on words.
      ..No malice intended, if there was real hurt..I apologize.
  I haven't "ragged" on any of the companies that raise their prices more than the fuel costs justify, for two reasons;
    1) Fuel costs are not the only thing that has gone up..their suppliers are charging more for everything.
    2) I figure if a business gets too greedy and unjustifiably raises it's prices, supply & demand along with competition, will settle matters.
   Beyond that, I haven't given it a lot of thought..

    "Big Oil" is nothing more than a convenient, liberal invented word to curse certain industries with ! You know very well the oil companies are
  owned by stockholders, and there are plenty of "watchdogs" protecting the small investor.
   I suppose, if the libs took offense, they could apply the "Big" label to any industry that is a corporation (stockholder owned)..How about..Big Furniture,  
  Big spaghetti, Big flower pots. Each of these corporations have a CEO and board of directors, and as Beeman pointed out concerning elected officials,
   be they governmental or corporate..the voters can vote them in or vote them out !
  I think a more menacing "big" we have to b e concerned with is "Big Green"..Big Green is the environmentalist whacko industry. These highly paid,
  professional operatives affect our lives in very costly and crippling ways.
  They have a voice way out of proportion to their rightful place. They are generally self appointed (e.g. Gore)..not elected, and not getting paid by
  the public, but by wealthy special interests..such a G. Soros and .
  Big Green affects us negatively many times every day, but we cannot vote them out of their self-appointed, dictatorial positions. Due to lemming-like
    attitudes prevalent today, they thrive !
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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #50 on: June 05, 2008, 05:27:28 AM »

  As of three days ago I am paying $ 5.29 Regular for self service. btw. there are several European contries where gasoline is taxed at 60%. These countries also have over 50 % of passenger vehicles running on Diesel. Would I buy a Diesel car, yes, provided it was not made in China or Mexico. I am thankful for every ccm of displacement the engine of my car does  NOT  have.
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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #51 on: June 05, 2008, 06:54:40 AM »
Diseal went from $4.52 cent yesterday to $4.48 today. I hope it continues to go down.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind



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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #52 on: June 05, 2008, 07:37:40 AM »
So we fault a company for making a profit ? when the people we elect won't allow them to build new refineries and drill for oil at home . The green idiots are what causes the cost to go up as much as anything .
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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #53 on: June 05, 2008, 09:22:19 AM »
so what is fair ?
At least they aren't pouring milk out to keep the price up ! ARE THEY ?
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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #54 on: June 05, 2008, 10:42:34 AM »
it sounds like i am in the boat with tm7 on this one.


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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #55 on: June 05, 2008, 10:44:48 AM »
the gas tax , who will pay to repair roads ? we pay one way or another sad but true .
in 1972 i got gas for 17 cent a gallon when the price wars were going on . and could eat 2 double cheese burgers ,fries and a large drink for less than $3.00 . Now the same meal is over $ 10.00 .
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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #56 on: June 05, 2008, 02:45:55 PM »
8 buck a gallon gas sounds like late sept or early august.
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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #57 on: June 06, 2008, 12:11:21 AM »
goes to over ten falls back to 6 and we all feel like we save a bunch !
BS !
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Online gypsyman

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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #58 on: June 06, 2008, 02:33:02 AM »
Well, I guess we can all sit here and blame the oil company's, George Bush,the middle east country's, China, and a few others. But as, I believe it was in the Pogo comic strip, we have met the enemy, and it is us!!  I don't think any one person,company, or country can be held responsible for the price of oil, housing, computer's, or any other commodity. Economic ups and downs have happened many times before, before big oil, G.Bush, and others.
It's kinda like a bus load of people, the front passengers are telling the driver how fast, and what turn to make, but when the bus goes over the cliff, the people sitting in the back are just as dead, even if they were just along for the ride.(that's kinda of a strange analogy, but it's the best I could think of!)  gypsyman
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Re: How does $8.00 per gallon of gasoline sound ?
« Reply #59 on: June 06, 2008, 03:51:29 AM »
If ya can see it ya can hit it !