In a survey conducted among congressional aides s few years ago, two elected officials were selected as being, to put it kindly, "not exactly rocket scientists" .
Top of the list, representing left and right were Patrick Kennedy and Mary Bono (widow of Sonny Bono). Just goes to prove the fallacy of folks "electing by name power"..
You say that Caroline Kennedy is ready for office of VP now ? Remembering that the VP may have to fulfil the office of Commander-in-Chief on a moments notice,
what are her credentials and resume for the job ?
I haven't followed her very closely..although I expect she may be a lawyer (following family tradition), I'm not aware
of many outstanding accomplishments on her part.
Aren't we all by now, just a bit weary of "family dynasties", right or left ? I remember "Camelot"..and like the original Camelot, it was a just corlorful myth !