With my inline, I always clean and lube the barrel between shots, even when hunting...
I carry a ziplock bag in a pocket of my hunting vest...In it I have the cleaning jag, clean patches, a Murine bottle with rubbing alcohol and a bottle of Rem Oil...
After killing a deer with the first shot, I screw on the jag, dampen 2 patches with alcohol, run them down the barrel (both sides), run a dry patch down then lube a patch lightly with the oil, run down the barrel and finally fun a dry patch down...It takes about 3 minutes, I'm reloaded and ready for deer number 2 within 4-5 minutes...
When sighting in I do the same, with the exception that after a shot or two, I go with 3 alcohol patches...I learned about a dozen years ago that some guys don't lube their barrel after shooting when sighting in, this changes the groups as well as just cleaning...