A couple points to consider..
1) just because one uses a .22 LR to hunt turkey, doesn't mean they aren't going to call them in before they shoot them. I rather got spoiled against shot-killed game when I was a kid and my dad used to hunt squirrels with a shotgun . The whole experience of squirrel with shot & hair driven into the meat, was a real turnoff for me.
2) if a fellow hunts in such an area where he felt sure that a couple other hunters trailing a turkey were going to open up without checking the background...he had best not hunt there at all. Slob hunters are dangerous, whether they have a shiotgun, rifle or bow. if they are that prevalent in an area, I sure wouldn't hunt in the same area.
this whole discussion reminds me of the stupid archery debate which went on here in NY this past year.. Crossbow hunters wanted to be able to hunt big game, so they asked the DEC to open the bow season for crossbows. that is the most logical season for cross bows since regular big game is the bright orange etc.
Well, you would think the present bow hunters were told to kill their mothers ! I haven't heard such whining since Edward Scissorhands came down with jock itch !!
I wonder what difference it makes to the average bow hunter if the other guy shoots with his bow crosswise rather than vertical ? Somehow it looks like some kind of ego thing is wrapped up in their whining..but not admitted openly..