what is a good factory load for it to carry in the woods
Hi Benjamin,
You might check out Magtech.The "Cowboy" loads are going (off the top of my head)
about 650-700 FPS.On the bottom of the box,are the veloscities for the 4 3/4".Which isn't bad,
considering the short barrel.A 5 1/2" will up the velocity a tad.
My factory loads are either 250/255gr.
Then, there's Winchester ammo.I think the lightest,is their 225gr Silver Tip.
When you ask for 45 Colt ammo,make sure it will be OK for your Uberti.Some at WalMart,are just there to sell stuff,
without any knowledge about what can or can't be used.Once-in-a-while, you will find someone that does know.
But,I'd first check at a local gunstore.
For woods bumming,I'd rather stick to around 255gr,in a cast bullet.Here, at about 875~950 FPS,
this is getting to be a serious load.
If you don't reload,give it a try.I first started with a Lee Loader in .357 mag in the early 70's.
My best to you.