Author Topic: wow quite a scare!  (Read 2861 times)

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Offline indydave

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wow quite a scare!
« on: June 15, 2008, 05:47:37 PM »
well i am back home after 2 weeks of treadmill  ecocardio  and a heart cath on monday on saturday  i got 3 stents  99% blocked on the left  and 2 blockages on the right with 90% blockage    in both   

I AM 44   AND HAD NO SYMPTOMS       THEY CAUGHT IT ON A CHEST X-RAY         so if you have family histoy ( i did) diabetes  or any risk factors get checked  NOW
  I am   sooooo glad to get home

Offline Yel95

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2008, 03:40:30 AM »
Glad to here you are doing good now.


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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2008, 05:30:10 AM »
I have an echo scheduled for next week and i'm only 26...I had a severe chest pain and numbness in my left arm and shoulder...The doc decided I better follow up with an echo to see if everything is working normally...

Offline canon6

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2008, 06:22:56 AM »
Glad you are home  take care, STUMPJUMPR   prayers up for a good outcome.   Doug
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Offline indydave

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2008, 05:10:09 PM »
stumpjumper be careful    i had NO symtoms at all        :o

Offline trotterlg

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2008, 06:46:55 PM »
If I had chest pains and a numb left arm I would be in the emergency room NOW not next week.  I am 60, last year I had an ECG for a flight physical, doctor said "you have had a heart attack, go to the hospital now and plan to stay."  I said I fee fine and have never had a problem.  Short story, went to the Hospital, got run to death on the treadmill, had an stress echo sonogram, doctor said "other guy must have hooked up the leads wrong you are 100% good, you will probably die in the next 25 years but not from a heart attack".  Guess you need to talk to more than one guy before you do anything.  Larry
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Offline jpshaw

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2008, 02:40:33 AM »
Welcome to the club.  I have been a heart patient since 2003 (heart attack) and I am 64.

Also my prayers are with you too STUMPJMPR.


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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2008, 04:16:07 AM »
Thanks for the concerns...I'll probably be fine I hope....I feel as if though i'm too young to have any trouble but i guess anything could happen....The Doc. even tried to dismiss it at first  but after he thought about it a few he decided to err on the side of caution...


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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2008, 04:25:57 AM »
How are your teeth? A friend of mine had to have open heart surgery because of a bad tooth. When they ran the test (I don't know what it's called) where you can see your heart functioning, when one valve opened you could see stuff that looked like moss waving in the blood stream.

I think your doc made a wise choice to err on the side of caution.





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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2008, 05:30:55 AM »
Teeth are fine...Still got them all...

Offline Sourdough

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2008, 06:25:02 AM »
The only symptom I had was that I had to stop every 100 yards or so climbing a mountain the day before.  Thought I was just out of shape.  Wife had surgery, I saw her knee afterwards and passed out.  When I came to they had me hooked up and was asking when I had my last heart attack.  I said I had never had one, they replied you are about to.  Zipped me off to intensive care, then a by-pass.  That was 7 years ago.  Doing well now, still climbing those mountains, just a little slower now.
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Offline AtlLaw

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2008, 07:29:17 AM »
I'm 62 (63 next month) and had my stint with the stent last July.  All I can say is Indy, you a lucky man! 
And Stumpy, better safe then sorry.  I ignored my signs for a few days and it almost killed me!  It seems the one artery that supplies blood to the right side of my heart decided the old ticker didn't need as much blood as it was supposed to get so it locked up tighter then a virgin's knees!  A little chest pain, fatigue, cold sweats, numbness down my arm, etc., and everyone gets all excited!  Heck, it'd been going on for a week but all of a sudden my doctor, wife, boss, even my cat and dog are all fired up about me going to the hospital!  So I leave work and drive to the Hospital, walk in, slowly so's I could finish my cigarette, and the receptionest smiles (fake) and says "well how are we feeling today?"  DUH, like dirt or I wouldn't be here! is what I want to say but being in a suit and tie I figure I'd better act respectable so I just tell her I've been having chest pain for about a week.

Well, she sticks a couple of clips on me, looks at a couple of computer screens for a few seconds, and all of a sudden jumps up and starts screaming "OH MY GOD!!!!!!"  Then she starts pushes buttons and hollering codes and colors into a loud speaker!  Let me tell you, I hadn't had time to take out my insurance card when the door busts open and this person pushing a wheelchair slams me down in it and we go flying down the hall at a speed that would scare the hell outa a NASCAR driver.  Next thing I know they get me in a bed quicker then a hot date and hook me up at all kinda machines and start sucking blood out of me quicker then my ol' bike goes through gas!

Now, check this out.  There is even a real doctor there!  he's reading slips of paper as fast as they are coming out of the machines, mumbling stuff like "holy sh%*!" and hollering "where are those lab results" every few minutes.  I don't know about you, but this impresses me!  Usually you see every nurse, aide, assistant and water-boy for hours before a doctor finally appears and says "well, how are we feeling today?"

Anyway, all this time I ain't said jack since every time I open my mouth to say something ol' Doc sticks another nitro pill in my mouth and someone else takes another quart of blood from my arm!

After a couple of hours of this I want another cigarette and a beer REAL bad and am getting pretty tired of my wife Kathie going on and on about me not having a Will.  But just then the candy man arrives with some GREAT stuff!  All I want, just had to ask!  About the time I'm beginning to feel pretty good about the Doc and his medicinal generosity he slides a bunch of papers in front of me, sticks a pen in my hand and starts talking real fast.  I can only catch a word here and there like, imperative, procedure, artery, cut and die.  After looking over at Kathie who is sobbing quietly and being comforted by a Priest who was holding a book entitled "Manual for the Administration of the Last Rights," I signed the papers and asked for another piece of candy.

The rest was uneventful but I do remember telling the VERY pretty young nurse who was going to prep me; they get to the heart through a hole they cut in the artery in your groin by the way, anyway I told her that if I'd known she was going to prep me I'd of had a penile implant done first... I'm sure she said something like I didn't need one or something like that.

All in all this is a life changing experience.  But at least you still have a life to change!  ;D
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Offline pelican717

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2008, 03:51:53 PM »
Amen, Altlaw. I got sweaty at work(suit and tie job) , went to the nurse. Next thing I know, I'm riding in the meat wagon, lights and sirens, to the ER. Before the day is over, I get a test(arteriogram?) , a stent, and I am floating on the ceiling! Great drugs!  Feel great now, then I didn't know my name!
At 60 things happen that really wake you up!
Good luck with your procedures, Hope everything turns out well!


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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2008, 04:47:00 PM »
I'm glad i haven't been you guys shoes yet....Atleast they were able to patch you up to live another day....

Offline Ireload2

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2008, 07:50:27 AM »
Stumpjumper be very careful about any assumptions. 
I walked into the hospital and all she wanted was my name and social.
They could not get a believable BP and 3 nurses started working on me and then a doctor showed up.
Within 10 minutes there were 11 people working on or around me 3 of them doctors.
I had what is called a "widow maker"

Offline bearbeater

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2008, 04:35:10 PM »
Hey same thing happened to me. I had symtoms and 3 stints later I am fine.
Thats the ups and downs of Aviation

Offline JerryKo

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2008, 02:12:15 AM »
Good luck in the future to all you guys.  How quick it can turn bad.


If you ever decide to pen a novel, please reserve one of the first million, signed of course :), for me.  If you already have a book out, where can I buy one?

"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up."- Vince Lombardi

Offline AtlLaw

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2008, 09:05:05 AM »
If you ever decide to pen a novel,

Don't encourage me... I love writing about me favorite subject... ME!  ;D
Former Captain of Horse, keeper of the peace and interpreter of statute.  Currently a Gentleman of leisure.
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Offline Sourdough

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #18 on: June 21, 2008, 09:45:13 AM »
You guys were lucky they were able to fix you with stints.  I had to have a by-pass, 100% stoppage in one artery 75% in a second one.  They opened me from throat to stomach.  Broke a few ribs in the process.  Up on pain killers for 8 weeks.  Two weeks after coming home, back in hospital due to an infection.  Nothing physical for three months.  One year later not doing good, constantly tired, unable to walk far due to shortness of breath.  Back for a look-see in the Cath lab in Anchorage.  Told to quite taking VIOX for my arthritis, by-pass not looking good.  One year later back to Anchorage, same problem.  After another look-see in the Cath Lab, told by-pass totally failed, we are going to reopen you.  "No way, let me die".  When I refused surgery they treated me with drugs.  So for two years I took heavy doses of drugs, very debilitating.  Four years after the by-pass, one day I had chest pains, pulse rate was in the thirtys.  Unable to stop the pain, since there is no cardiologist in Fairbanks they sent me off to Anchorage again.  Upon arriving the cardiologist looked at my chart and started laughing.  He came over and told me the doctors in Fairbanks were just ODn me on a certain drug that slows down your heart rate.  He had taken me off that type of drug two years before, but the doctors in Fairbanks had put me back on a different one.  "But since you are here, let's go take a look anyway"  I then told him about a dream I had on the flight down, how he was able to break through the stoppage with the cathator.  I then told him about a report I had read from the AMA, about a finding where LIPATOR when taken over an extended period of time had been found to desolve blood clots.  He said yes he had just gotten that report himself and thought it interesting.  Anyway when he got in there he could see a marked differance in the blood clot at the total stoppage site.  He was able to punch through and place a stint in. 
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
What Is A Veteran?
A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

Offline FourBee

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #19 on: June 21, 2008, 10:20:34 AM »
AtlLaw and Indydave;  I know this is a serious subject.   I've been there too.   Overheard 3 doctors discussing my situation.  One said - " I don't know how he's made it this far ".  --- ---  :(

But when AtlLaw got to the part about NASCAR, I'm sorry, but I lost it.   Got to laughing, and about the time I would quit, you said somethin else, and here I'd go again.   Liked to have never got through that post.   Glad you made it through to tell about it AtlLaw.  :D 

Enjoy your rights to keep and bear arms.

Offline AtlLaw

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #20 on: June 21, 2008, 05:59:10 PM »
I guess you would have to have been there and survived to enjoy the humor of the situation.   ;D  Which reminds me...

Welcome home brother!   :)
Former Captain of Horse, keeper of the peace and interpreter of statute.  Currently a Gentleman of leisure.
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Offline dpe.ahoy

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2008, 01:00:10 AM »
I'm glad ya'll made it!  Each one of you has to much to share to let it slide.  Guess it's time to have a total check up again and try to get off the cigs one more time.  I ain't ready to have the kids fightin over all my toys yet, youngest is only 3 1/2 and haven't taught him how to hunt and fish yet.  He did go to his first buckskinnin camp at 5 months though. ;D  DP.
RIP Oct 27, 2017

Handi's:22Shot, 22LR, 2-22Mag, 22Hornet, 5-223, 2-357Max, 44 mag, 2-45LC, 7-30 Waters, 7mm-08, 280, 25-06, 30-30, 30-30AI, 444Marlin, 45-70, AND 2-38-55s, 158 Topper 22 Hornet/20ga. combo;  Levers-Marlins:Two 357's, 44 mag, 4-30-30s, RC-Glenfields 36G-30A & XLR, 3-35 Rem, M-375, 2-444P's, 444SS, 308 MX, 338Marlin MXLR, 38-55 CB, 45-70 GS, XS7 22-250 and 7mm08;  BLR's:7mm08, 358Win;  Rossi: 3-357mag, 44mag, 2-454 Casull; Winchesters: 7-30 Waters, 45Colt Trapper; Bolt actions, too many;  22's, way too many.  Who says it's an addiction?

Offline McLernon

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2008, 11:56:53 AM »
It can be quite a surprise. I know it was to me. I was running 5 miles every other day with no pain................and one day boom.......a heart artery 100% blocked the other two more than 90 %. Unfortunately, I had to have open heart surgery....................that is worth avoiding.

Good luck with your new hardware.


Offline ms

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2008, 02:11:36 PM »

I'm 62 (63 next month) and had my stint with the stent last July.  All I can say is Indy, you a lucky man! 
And Stumpy, better safe then sorry.  I ignored my signs for a few days and it almost killed me!  It seems the one artery that supplies blood to the right side of my heart decided the old ticker didn't need as much blood as it was supposed to get so it locked up tighter then a virgin's knees!  A little chest pain, fatigue, cold sweats, numbness down my arm, etc., and everyone gets all excited!  Heck, it'd been going on for a week but all of a sudden my doctor, wife, boss, even my cat and dog are all fired up about me going to the hospital!  So I leave work and drive to the Hospital, walk in, slowly so's I could finish my cigarette, and the receptionest smiles (fake) and says "well how are we feeling today?"  DUH, like dirt or I wouldn't be here! is what I want to say but being in a suit and tie I figure I'd better act respectable so I just tell her I've been having chest pain for about a week.

Well, she sticks a couple of clips on me, looks at a couple of computer screens for a few seconds, and all of a sudden jumps up and starts screaming "OH MY GOD!!!!!!"  Then she starts pushes buttons and hollering codes and colors into a loud speaker!  Let me tell you, I hadn't had time to take out my insurance card when the door busts open and this person pushing a wheelchair slams me down in it and we go flying down the hall at a speed that would scare the hell outa a NASCAR driver.  Next thing I know they get me in a bed quicker then a hot date and hook me up at all kinda machines and start sucking blood out of me quicker then my ol' bike goes through gas!

Now, check this out.  There is even a real doctor there!  he's reading slips of paper as fast as they are coming out of the machines, mumbling stuff like "holy sh%*!" and hollering "where are those lab results" every few minutes.  I don't know about you, but this impresses me!  Usually you see every nurse, aide, assistant and water-boy for hours before a doctor finally appears and says "well, how are we feeling today?"

Anyway, all this time I ain't said jack since every time I open my mouth to say something ol' Doc sticks another nitro pill in my mouth and someone else takes another quart of blood from my arm!

After a couple of hours of this I want another cigarette and a beer REAL bad and am getting pretty tired of my wife Kathie going on and on about me not having a Will.  But just then the candy man arrives with some GREAT stuff!  All I want, just had to ask!  About the time I'm beginning to feel pretty good about the Doc and his medicinal generosity he slides a bunch of papers in front of me, sticks a pen in my hand and starts talking real fast.  I can only catch a word here and there like, imperative, procedure, artery, cut and die.  After looking over at Kathie who is sobbing quietly and being comforted by a Priest who was holding a book entitled "Manual for the Administration of the Last Rights," I signed the papers and asked for another piece of candy.

The rest was uneventful but I do remember telling the VERY pretty young nurse who was going to prep me; they get to the heart through a hole they cut in the artery in your groin by the way, anyway I told her that if I'd known she was going to prep me I'd of had a penile implant done first... I'm sure she said something like I didn't need one or something like that.

All in all this is a life changing experience.  But at least you still have a life to change! 

  You are funny laugh so hard great story.

Offline dpe.ahoy

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #24 on: June 22, 2008, 02:19:35 PM »
Uh, what? ???  Deja Vue?  DP
RIP Oct 27, 2017

Handi's:22Shot, 22LR, 2-22Mag, 22Hornet, 5-223, 2-357Max, 44 mag, 2-45LC, 7-30 Waters, 7mm-08, 280, 25-06, 30-30, 30-30AI, 444Marlin, 45-70, AND 2-38-55s, 158 Topper 22 Hornet/20ga. combo;  Levers-Marlins:Two 357's, 44 mag, 4-30-30s, RC-Glenfields 36G-30A & XLR, 3-35 Rem, M-375, 2-444P's, 444SS, 308 MX, 338Marlin MXLR, 38-55 CB, 45-70 GS, XS7 22-250 and 7mm08;  BLR's:7mm08, 358Win;  Rossi: 3-357mag, 44mag, 2-454 Casull; Winchesters: 7-30 Waters, 45Colt Trapper; Bolt actions, too many;  22's, way too many.  Who says it's an addiction?

Offline quickdtoo

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2008, 03:10:08 PM »
Uh, what? ???  Deja Vue?  DP

Um no, ms just doesn't do quotes quite right, I fixed his reply.  ;)

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #26 on: June 22, 2008, 04:40:22 PM »
Glad you caught it.  Thanks for the heads up.  Take care of yourself.  That's real scarry stuff.
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Offline JerryKo

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2008, 01:14:03 AM »
Uh, what? ???  Deja Vue?  DP

Um no, ms just doesn't do quotes quite right, I fixed his reply.  ;)


Ya, I kind of figured that too.  Thanks for clearing up.

"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up."- Vince Lombardi

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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2008, 06:33:24 AM »
October 1997. Felt fine one minute, face down the next. Ambulance ride to the hospital and straight into ICU. When they told me I was having a heart attack, I said "Impossible! I'm only 33!" Turns out my cholesterol was 504 and the triglycerides were off the chart and unreadable. Neither should be over 200. 95% blockage in the RCA, which caused the heart attack, and 45 to 50% in the others. A balloon and a stent later and all was well. Had to give myself a shot in the stomach three times a day for ten days of some kind of industrial strength blood thinner, plus Lipitor twice a day (still taking 80 mg a day). After a month the cholesterol was down to 403 and the triglycerides were 2334. I still get tired easy and will get a little twinge if I exert myself too much. I still consider myself very lucky though. 90% of people under the age of 40 die from a heart attack. As the body ages and arteries start to harden, we start to get collateral circulation. Other arteries open to compensate. People under 40 don't have it yet and just keel over. I turned 34 in the hospital 4 days later. Best birthday I ever had!!
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Re: wow quite a scare!
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2008, 11:06:19 AM »
I had a similar experience. Last September I was in Arkansas for a week and didn't feel very well.  Nothing special but not right. Came home on 30th and went out bowhunting on Sat. the 1st. Carried tree stand in 3/4 mile in swamp, killed doe and struggled a bit getting her out. Sunday came around and still didn't feel right. Went to Doc on Monday and ran some tests and all was well. Monday evening I was in pole barn and didn't feel right again. Went to ER since I felt there was definitely wrong. They ran some tests and came back and told me they would have a room ready for me in 20 minutes in cardio vascular unit. Could have knocked me down wth feather! Seems I had heart attack in preceding week. No chest or arm pains at all. BP runs 115/75 with 55 at rest pulse so go figure. All numbers were good. Everything turned out great. Angiogram with stents and back in business in 3 weeks. Climbed same tree 3 weeks after stents and was there to see my son arrow a terrific 8 pt'er. Life makes you think what is important in these times. Why am I telling you this story? I am here today due my own will to find out why I didn't feel right. I am 58 and feel like I am in pretty good shape at 6'5" and 255. So close to losing it all if I didn't listen to that little voice we all have that tells you when something isn't quite right. Don't assume all is OK if a Doc sends you home. If you don't feel right keep after it until you close it out. Don't be macho over this stuff. Do something about it. I recently lost a good friend who didn't listen to that little voice. You can't lose even if you are wrong. Take care guys and listen to that little voice. It may save your life.
Safe hunting and long life.
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety." Ben Franklin