I am not trying to be a wise guy,but how many .250 groups did you shoot,in a row?How many shots for group?[3 or 5?] This all comes into account.
I started neck turning,a few years back. It does help,some what, in factory rifles ,but is boring to do. What is done is simply truing the neck thickness.This will help to seat the bullet straighter and [IMO] cause a more even grip and relase,also.
However,you can over do it and make the necks to thin. The cases must be new and FLS. Then start with,5 or so,to set up the turner,to see what your cases tell you!
Before i start,I fls,trim and weigh the new cases,into two or three,weight groups. The heavist are[ mostly times] the thickest. I don't do anymore than true up each group and keep these all seperated.they will shoot different?
This is just my thoughts,on the matter,but it works for me.
A wise man one said aaa,darn,I forgot what he said!!!!!!!!