Author Topic: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!  (Read 2186 times)

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Offline deltecs

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #30 on: June 22, 2008, 06:21:49 PM »
democracy or the one man one vote has always failed and always will fail due to the fact that when the majority finds they can take from the minority with impunity they will they always have and always will. I am a nonpracticing smoker but just look at the way all states are robbing the smoker (don't worry it is for their own good)with outrageous taxes. The majority is robbing a minority, oh this is going into a fund to pay for increased medical care caused by smoking (you believe this and i want some of what you are smoking)the masses in  the population centers control the states votes and this is were the liberals that want to take from the rich to give to the poor get their power This is were the welfare goes. The rich will always be the minority, the poor the majority, Don't worry the liberals will only keep a large portion for service and handling charges.

It is the handling charges that are worrisome to me.  Too many people handling too much money for special interest, most of it personal. 
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
Opinion(s) are expressly mine alone and do not necessarily agree with those of GB or GBO mgmt.

Offline torpedoman

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #31 on: June 22, 2008, 06:26:36 PM »
L.B.J. had nothing when he was elected to washington when he retired he had more money than he earned during his carreer if he never spent a nickel his paychecks did'nt add up to his worth and the same is true of most politicans, wonder were they get all those tips.
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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #32 on: June 22, 2008, 09:33:07 PM »
GB.  So... Voting for anyone other than an anointed mainstream candidate is a cop out?  I disagree and would like to add that this mindset is largely responsible for our situation now.  If our citizens had been voting for what's best for our country and not themselves this topic would never have been started.

That is what I have been saying for a long time now but some just cant seem to wrap their minds around the concept

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Offline powderman

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #33 on: June 23, 2008, 05:35:47 AM »
Whats best for America is to keep osama obama out of office, only Mccain can do that. Anything else is a wated vote. Some of you really get me. You whine about obama then say you won't vote for Mccain. Make your vote count. While you are voting a non candidate 3rd party you will see obama elected and still complain after you flushed  your vote down the toilet. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Dee

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #34 on: June 23, 2008, 05:48:07 AM »
GB.  So... Voting for anyone other than an anointed mainstream candidate is a cop out?  I disagree and would like to add that this mindset is largely responsible for our situation now.  If our citizens had been voting for what's best for our country and not themselves this topic would never have been started.

I would like to believe in your second to last paragraph but unfortunately the system is too corrupt.  As these good/respectable politicians (is that an oxymoron?) move up the food chain they become the very essence of what we despise in politics.  There are exceptions such as Congressman Ron Paul.  I'm sure their are others but I'm unfamiliar with them and apologize for slighting them.  I'm convinced that this country's woes can't be fixed on a national level because of the greed and corruption.  At a state by state level, yes.  And only when the states and its people take back control of this country again can we move forward as a nation.

Your cop out/wasting a vote scenario if I don't vote for one of the sanctioned candidates doesn't hold up under scrutiny.  Herd voting has gotten us where we are today.  In my opinion, this country would be a whole lot better place if people were to start thinking for themselves again. 

You assert that our "quality of life" (my words not your's) is better now than it has ever been.  Because we have more stuff.  I guess it depends on your definition of quality of life.  I disagree with you.

I would hope that everyone votes for who they think is best for this country.  Not for who the media, political party, or online forum shoves in our faces.

That's my take on this and I'm sticking with it.     


That's the problem in a nutshell sittlingduck. They (the masses) will continue to accept less each election, and will continually GET LESS. You and I vote for what's best for the country, and they vote for the lessor of two evils, and continue to tell US, that we're wrong.  ::)
You and I vote for the Constitution, and Bill of Rights, while THEY vote for bigger government, and THEY tell US, that we're wrong.  ::)

You are right. In 4 years, "REGARDLESS" of whom wins, they will accept LESS AGAIN, by ONCE AGAIN, voting for the lessor of two evils.


Oh! And powderman, concerning the WHINING ABOUT OBAMA. I believe YOU AND THE OTHERS are the ones WHINING ABOUT OBAMA. I haven't whined about anyone. I have ACCEPTED THE FACT that both he (Obama) and McCain are both ELETIST LIBERALS. It is YOU GUYS that are doing the WHINING because a few of us with not help you drink your kool aide.
I knowingly am voting for someone whom is interested in what is GOOD FOR AMERICA, while you and the others are KNOWLINGLY voting for an ELETIST LIBERAL, because you are scared to death of Obama. Obama can't really do anything more than Congress allows him to do, and McCain with his voting record has already proven what he is capable of.
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Offline magooch

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #35 on: June 23, 2008, 06:05:56 AM »
Problem is Dee, your little axiom also applies to those who vote for third parties that have no real chance of winning. 

In my youthful naivete, I once voted for a third party candidate and I felt pretty good about it, but it didn't change a thing.  This time around, I would love to write somebody in, but we have now reached a point where we're dealing with the most serious and dangerous candidate that has ever had an actual chance of being elected.  Any vote that is wasted that could be cast to keep that third world bastard out of the Presidency is itself an act of near treason.

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #36 on: June 23, 2008, 06:29:43 AM »
Rush was stating on his radio show this morning, republicans are deliberately abandoning conservatism.  Apparently the elites are embarassed by Billy Bob and Elly May showing up for their little tea parties.
It is no accident John McCain is the nominee.
So for now, we're screwed.
" we are screwed "

Offline Sitting Duck

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #37 on: June 23, 2008, 06:49:14 AM »
Well Magooch we can only hope the electoral college has more sense than the voting public.  Who knows maybe they will do what's right by the country.  Those 538 people could literally change our future.

Unfortunately, I doubt very much that they think for themselves either.


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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #38 on: June 23, 2008, 08:17:34 AM »
Is it the party or the path most Americans are going DOWN ? They are getting the votes .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Dee

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #39 on: June 23, 2008, 11:03:35 AM »
Problem is Dee, your little axiom also applies to those who vote for third parties that have no real chance of winning. 

In my youthful naivete, I once voted for a third party candidate and I felt pretty good about it, but it didn't change a thing.  This time around, I would love to write somebody in, but we have now reached a point where we're dealing with the most serious and dangerous candidate that has ever had an actual chance of being elected.  Any vote that is wasted that could be cast to keep that third world bastard out of the Presidency is itself an act of near treason.

Now this is REALLY GETTING COMICAL! We have now reached a point in the conversation where anyone whom does not agree with you is a traitor. Now that IS funny. ::)
My youth is long since gone, I am almost 60, but my patience with politicians whom are openly Liberal Elitist is gone also. There nothing naive about my stance. I see the hand writing on the wall, and I refuse to support corruption. But that's ok. Folks like you are more than willing to support the corruption by voting for it.The reason we have reached this point you speak of, is because of the idiocy folks such as yourself, engage in, of continually voting the same ole same ole, and expecting something different. Your voting strategy has PROVED to not be worth a damn. Your self-proclaimed "righteousness of knowledge" on the CORRECT WAY TO VOTE, is adrift in the sea of contempt the government has for you. You are doing PRECISELY what they want you to do. You are their little "HEY BOY" of the voting booths. You are VERY DEPENDABLE, each and every time. Each year you vote for the lessor to keep the greater out. Yes indeed, you ARE dependable.
On the other hand however, to KNOWINGLY VOTE for someone whom is OPENLY VOTING AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION, AND BILL OF RIGHTS as McCain and Obama HAVE. That person (the voter) would be the one guilty of TREASON, as it diminishes the sacrifices our forefathers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters have fought for to save.
Instead of voting for the lessor of two evils, the lemming masses (which include YOU) should be showing some courage, by getting out of your designated box, and getting behind an HONEST CANDIDATE for a change. ;)
Turning things around for the better, is not about voting for the lessor of two evils. It is about STEPPING UP, and STEPPING BEHIND GOOD CANDIDATES.
Patriotism is not the lessor of two evils. It is the courage to refuse the lessor of two evils, even when it is not popular. The lessor of two evils, and the voting for them, and electing them to office flies in the face of Liberty, and all it stands for.
One has to start some where, and in this, there is no good place to start. So, I am starting here, where I will not support a fool for a candidate, nor a crook.
So magooch, fire and fall back. If McCain's your man, vote for him. He will do you proud indeed. ;)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline lrs

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #40 on: June 23, 2008, 12:02:43 PM »
I agree with you in principle, although I think you tend to use pretty harsh statements.
The trouble is look at what we will be getting with Obama. 
In the past 100 years we Americans have been hit with some pretty stupid, unfair, burdensome items.  One example is a tax on our income.  Then there is an inheritance tax.  You could fill a small library with other examples if you disagree about these 2.
Things just do not become "undone".  Once they are in place, they are there for good.
If Obama were to be elected, along with a democrat house and senate, can you imagine what he will do with issues such as healthcare and our energy policy.
I am really hacked off about where we are.  John McCain was my last choice as a republican nominee.
I have not yet resolved this issue within myself. 
It is so disturbing to see that our great country, the greatest there has ever been, has come to this.
In addition, after reading the posts in this forum, I am reminded of the old saying, "Divide and Conquer".
Maybe we could all be a little more respectfull of each others opinions.
I think all of us here recognize there is a serious problem, and all of us here want what is best for our country.
Cutting each others throats is not going to solve this.
" we are screwed "

Offline Dee

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #41 on: June 23, 2008, 12:52:52 PM »
I agree with you in principle, although I think you tend to use pretty harsh statements.
The trouble is look at what we will be getting with Obama. 
In the past 100 years we Americans have been hit with some pretty stupid, unfair, burdensome items.  One example is a tax on our income.  Then there is an inheritance tax.  You could fill a small library with other examples if you disagree about these 2.
Things just do not become "undone".  Once they are in place, they are there for good.
If Obama were to be elected, along with a democrat house and senate, can you imagine what he will do with issues such as healthcare and our energy policy.
I am really hacked off about where we are.  John McCain was my last choice as a republican nominee.
I have not yet resolved this issue within myself. 
It is so disturbing to see that our great country, the greatest there has ever been, has come to this.
In addition, after reading the posts in this forum, I am reminded of the old saying, "Divide and Conquer".
Maybe we could all be a little more respectfull of each others opinions.
I think all of us here recognize there is a serious problem, and all of us here want what is best for our country.
Cutting each others throats is not going to solve this.

Could not agree with you more. I started this thread, but to be called a traitor in my feelings toward my vote, as being MY VOTE, for whom "I believe" is the best candidate will not go unanswered. I did not open the ball here on harshness.
The Babylonians also had what they considered the best empire in the world. They were followed by the Medo-Persians, and then the Greeks, and finally the Romans. All became engrossed in the same basic cardinal sins of self-indulgence, and let their governments go to the proverbial "hell in a hand basket".
You gentlemen whom do not agree with me, that enough is enough, and it has to stop somewhere, I support you as an American. However, your method has not worked in the last few decades, and I see no reason to believe it will in the future. In fact, it has never worked. You tell me I waste my vote. I tell you, that you have BEEN WASTING your vote for quite some time. It is the reason we have the two candidates we have here.
When you say: "I have not resolved this issue within myself" when you vote for McCain, says volumes. You see sir? I HAVE resolved this issue of voting for a "wolf in sheep's clothing". I won't do it. I will vote for the best man.
Voting for Obama or McCain, is like climbing on a crocodile to keep from drowning. It doesn't make any sense.
You believe you are right. The declining quality in candidates has PROVED that to be untrue. You condescending manner toward MY choice, is supposed to convince me YOU ARE RIGHT. I think not.
Regardless of whether you vote Obama or McCain. You loose. I will not support a candidate whom has shown no regard for the Constitution or Bill of Rights, but instead has his own ELETE agenda, but you are free to do so.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #42 on: June 23, 2008, 01:04:25 PM »
I'm not sure if you are referring to me or not regarding being condescending. 
I started with I agree with you, and from there I was bending over backwards trying to be respectfull. 
" we are screwed "

Offline deltecs

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #43 on: June 23, 2008, 01:12:03 PM »
Dee, I've read almost all your posts with utmost consideration and you certainly have a valid point.  My problem is that I believe the war in Iraq was justified in light of the actions against America by Moslem extremists and non compliance with UN peace terms.  This is counter to the Libertarian platform of bring the troops home now.  I, too, think the Republican party has moved somewhat away from its core constituency and that the more recent Republican philosophy has moved toward the left.   I think too, the federal government has assumed way too much power over the States and party politics have become more important than needs of its citizenry.  However, I do not think McCain is as liberal as most have projected.  My evaluation is that he has attempted to cross party lines or negotiate in attempts to get something done, not always in a direction that I favor.  I think with a Democratic Congress, McCain is the better choice for preventing more socialistic laws and will appoint constructionist judges that will get Congressional approval better than any candidate out there, including Paul or Barr.  With a Democratic Congress and I believe it will stay that way, McCain has the ability to get approval from the Democrats on his appointments and other issues facing the Nation currently.  I think with Paul or Barr as President, the liberal Congress would overide all his appointments, overide their vetos, and get nothing passed favorable to conservatives.  That is why, I'm voting for McCain.  My anti Obama is another additional reason and subordinate to that posted.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #44 on: June 23, 2008, 01:49:28 PM »
I'm not sure if you are referring to me or not regarding being condescending. 
I started with I agree with you, and from there I was bending over backwards trying to be respectfull. 

I possibly painted with too broad a brush in my response to you.
Harshness is usually met with same. I am not offended nor frustrated when folks continue business as usual in the voting booth. I in fact, expect it. I do not believe this country in it's present condition governmentally is retrievable. The only thing that will change it for the better, is a change in voting habits. There are more choices than just the two, but some have no vision, other than what they are told to have. I do not condemn you or anyone else for voting in a liberal. I expect it. Until you have truly had enough, you will not change your voting habits.
Liberty comes from within. A people tired of repression. Not from the voting in of one man. The Iraq war is the perfect example. We are trying to liberate a country, that is not sure it wants to be liberated. They are Muslims, and liberty is not their way of doing things. Astonishingly enough, they actually do not want to be Americans.

deltecs in response to BOTH WARS. I believe the Afghanistan war, was and IS a justifiable war. My son served there with the 82nd Air Borne as a combat Sgt. in command of an assault team.
I believe on the other hand, that the Iraqi war was and IS a mistake. My son has served TWO tours there, and although I support him, and all troops whom have, and ARE serving there now. I do not believe we were right in attacking a sovereign country whom had nothing to do with 911, nor has never attacked us.

As for your ASSUMPTION that LIBERAL McCain will appoint constructionist (what ever that means) judges, I find that ASSUMPTION both sadly laughable, and given his voting record, AND his stances on such things as OPEN BORDERS, AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS, SHUTTING DOWN GUANTANAMO Bay, McCAIN-FIENGOLD, and a 73% voting record on ANTI-2nd Amendment issues, as a SLIM CHANCE TO SAY THE LEAST, OF HIM APPOINTING CONSERVATIVE OR CONSTRUCTIONIST (what ever that means) Judges. McCain has made no such statement that he intends to appoint CONSERVATIVE judges if he is elected.
To ASSUME he would appoint CONSERVATIVE Judges considering his liberalism, is a REAL REACH. CONSTRUCTIONIST given the meaning of the term here in the south after the Great Northern Aggression would seem more McCain's style.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #45 on: June 23, 2008, 01:56:36 PM »
Well I guess it's time to drink a beer. You guys are hopeless to keep on voting for the two party's. That the super rich control God please come back soon I can't take it much more.

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #46 on: June 23, 2008, 01:59:29 PM »
Well guys go ahead and vote third party, or don't vote or just go on and vote for Obama. As much as this hippy daydream you are having is doing the right thing, it will have the same effect! I'm sure at the end of the day when the sleeper agent Barak Hussien Obama is elected to president and he gives your country away. At least YOU did the RIGHT thing. That and a couple of dollars will get you a cup of coffe in the end. That is if you are allowed to drink coffee.

And just remeber Dee I won't be the one drinking the cool aid I'll be serving it. ;)
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #47 on: June 23, 2008, 02:08:10 PM »
Well guys go ahead and vote third party, or don't vote or just go on and vote for Obama. As much as this hippy daydream you are having is doing the right thing, it will have the same effect! I'm sure at the end of the day when the sleeper agent Barak Hussien Obama is elected to president and he gives your country away. At least YOU did the RIGHT thing. That and a couple of dollars will get you a cup of coffe in the end. That is if you are allowed to drink coffee.

And just remeber Dee I won't be the one drinking the cool aid I'll be serving it.  The two party's have already done that to are country we are 53 trillion in debt.

Offline Sitting Duck

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #48 on: June 23, 2008, 02:15:39 PM »
Let’s just vote for McCain/Obama and get this over with.  They could be President and V. President for all the good it will do us.  Let's see... A slower death of the Republic under the Republicans or a quicker death under the Democrats.  Dead is dead.

The removal of a band-aid comes to mind.

And we're worried about who is going to be appointed to the Supreme Court.

Man!  We need more powerful scopes.  Maybe then we can see the big picture.  Probably not though the mirage would still distort reality.

I'm tired of this.  I'm gonna go read about rifles or something.

The Duck has left the building!

Offline Dee

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #49 on: June 23, 2008, 02:33:50 PM »
Well guys go ahead and vote third party, or don't vote or just go on and vote for Obama. As much as this hippy daydream you are having is doing the right thing, it will have the same effect! I'm sure at the end of the day when the sleeper agent Barak Hussien Obama is elected to president and he gives your country away. At least YOU did the RIGHT thing. That and a couple of dollars will get you a cup of coffe in the end. That is if you are allowed to drink coffee.

And just remeber Dee I won't be the one drinking the cool aid I'll be serving it. ;)

Now that's funny! The republicans and democrats have ALREADY given the country away. And YOU helped by voting them in. Keep votin em in billy. They appreciate ya. Keep that ole "sleeper agent"  ::) out, and put that "awake agent in". ;) Maybe they'll give ya some more crumbs to go with you kool aide. ;D
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #50 on: June 23, 2008, 03:31:14 PM »
If you vote for Obama or McCain, either way you'll be voting for a liberal elitist with no regard for the people of this nation or the founding documents of this Republic.  I see precious little difference between the two. 

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #51 on: June 23, 2008, 09:09:38 PM »
I respectfully disagree that going into Iraq was a mistake; however, the way we allowed the enemy to rearm while we marched to Bagdad to claim our "prize" was a mistake as is the "Politically Correct" way we have hindered our troops in the conduct of this war thus far. Also allowing a disscenting party to openly "aid and abet" the very radical Muslims we are at war with by constantly throwing "road blocks" in the way of the military is the fault of the Republicans as well for not "standing their ground" when the war was being fought in the media. We lost far more of our "personal freedoms" during other conflicts of war (declared or not) in order to make sure the enemy was not given the rights of our citizens inorder to harm our country. I know many of you say, "that the war in Afghanistan is OK, but not Iraq". What makes the war in Afghanistan so "holy"? Will a war with Iran be OK  if an Abama or McCain is in, or only if Obama is in because he wants to pull our troops out of Iraq and will speak with Amidenijad while taking the military option off the table? Or, will you feel justified if we are attacked again because we deserve it and we can blame Bush even though he will be out of office?Who do you think the troops will blame for our withdrawll?  I have said that Ron Paul was a "statesman" who was doomed from the outset because he was never given a national platform through the media. While he certainly could have been a more "viable" candidate with more media support, the two biggest messages put out by his supporters (I saw them at every gun show I went to during the "primaries") was to "pull out of Iraq" and the need to pull back to become "Fortress America" (my words, not his). To believe that the best course of solving a "war" decisively is to pull all your troops out is a prescription for the type of "national disaster" we had after Vietnam. No one covered the "human carnage" perpetrated on the Viennese, that relied on us, except during the helicopter evacuation in Saigon in '75. How quick do you think it would take Iran to overrun Iraq without our help? (Or, is that even a concern?) I know there are those that feel that no peace can ever be made in the Middle East; I hope for Israels sake that is not true.  I do believe that McCain will not let that happen regardless of wether you believe the Middle East should "shoot-it-out" among themselves or that they are "hopeless". We are at war with a "radical Muslim" who seeks to enforce their will on all non-muslims. We don't have the luxury of "taking our football and going home"; for they will follow us. Our "servicemen" have fought a war to keep that war in the "middle east". We owe them a great debt of gratitude. Regardless how many people want to "bury their collective heads in the sand", we were not attacked on 9/11 because Clinton made war on the Muslims or because it was a small cadre of "disinfected" middle eastern men that were unhappy with our policies. They were Muslims, many whom were very "rich" and educated, that planned for years a way to strike at the very heart of our economic and western civilization their countries could neither immulate or compete. We didn't "bend" and crumble, but struck back quickly and decisively. Perhaps we should have struck Saudi Arabia, as well, or Iran while we deported every Muslim who was not an American citizen. I think FDR would have done that, and did something similar to that at the outbreak of WWII, as well as "incarcerate" some of its Japanese immigrants.  However,  he didn't have the ACLU, TVs in every home, or the liberal media that uses the motto "if it bleeds it leads" to block his ever move or he would have silenced them as surely as he silenced every disinfected opponent to the war effort.  But this is not the 1940's; when the war gets tough, we forget about the attack and want to close our borders and magically bring all our jobs back into our country by doing away with NAFTA. We gave our production away as labor kept asking for more money, as did the government for corporate taxes, and we asked for more "cheap" consumer goods. As much as Ron Paul believes in the Constitution, he is not, nor never was a candidate who would garnish more than 20% of the vote. Most conservatives were for the war, as many "moderate Democrates" when it was popular with the media. Paul is no Reagan or Goldwater, but a social Libertarian with conservative fiscal stances on taxes and tarifs; hardly "mainstream" with any majority group in our country, which is why we don't have many "independents" or libertarians in state or federal offices to date. We have too many "factions" in our country to ever get our way over 55% of the time, which is about what any major party candidate seems to get in any major poll.  While McCain is not a Conservative, except in his own mind, he does not even approach the level of "Liberalism" that Obama displays in his speeches and interviews. His background with his "associates", mentors, voting record, and the book he wrote should be enough to speak "volumes" of his belief system. I most assureadly believe he should not be elected to the "highest office in the land" unless you really and truely believe it is the only way our country will be "brought to its knees" as punishment for all the "ill will it has inflicted on us". Given the makeup of both houses of Congress with it probably going even more liberal because of disaffected conservatives who refuse to vote for "moderates". As President,  Obama will have the chance to pass more "sweeping" legislation in 4 years than any other President in our lifetime. (Bush had a chance to do much the same thing if he had not turned out to be such a "fiscal liberal" and a "compassionate social conservative" toward those who sought his demise.) No veto's in his first term was his "reach across the aisle" that gave him a big "slap across the face" from the opposition in Congress.  We watched and said, enough is enough, but instead of putting in real conservatives, we put in more liberals. Now, it looks like we are going to do it again because we tolerate liberals more than we can "Moderates" to run the show. (Boy, we sure will show them a thing or two!)  When we had the '94 Congress with those "fiesty freshman" conservatives it was fun to see liberals in "disarray".) However, "politicians" know how many "one issue" voters there are among us and  they can always show a candidate that is not for that issue sooner or later. Will we let them run the show until we get a candidate that meets our "collective standard" (we don't even agree among ourselves)? Is there a chance we might make it in 2012 or 2024? Last time we worked toward a conservative congress it took 40 years. I agree we are in a sad state of affairs where the least attractive candidate to the overall public is the one we usually want, but I don't think that even Ron Paul had any illusions that he could get any bills from congress he would readily sign except to bring the troops home (congress would still watch the media to see if they should take credit for that one). As a Conservative, I'll take a "moderate" over a "liberal" any day, while I'll support every conservative proposal, bill, and candidate that can replace them in the future. Having a liberal in both houses of congress and the white house will only get us more permanent damage in the short run and make it harder to make "inroads" to any "Restoration" in the long term. Voting for a candidate who is not "technically" in the race IMO is not a statement that will be noted by anyone that can change history; it will only give the satisfaction of knowing you voted your principles.  I know where most of you stand and respect the opinion you've expressed, I  thank you for allowing me to express mine. Jager

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #52 on: June 24, 2008, 12:38:13 AM »
If you vote for Obama or McCain, either way you'll be voting for a liberal elitist with no regard for the people of this nation or the founding documents of this Republic.  I see precious little difference between the two. 

You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: The Republican Party has Abandoned Conservatisim!
« Reply #53 on: June 24, 2008, 02:52:16 AM »
Sort of?  :-\
" we are screwed "