
Who will you be voting for for president?

John McCain
62 (82.7%)
Barak Obama
5 (6.7%)
Ralph Nader
1 (1.3%)
Bob Barr
7 (9.3%)

Total Members Voted: 75

Author Topic: Who will you be voting for for president?  (Read 14001 times)

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Offline Cabin4

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #180 on: July 15, 2008, 05:55:05 AM »
Corp America only wants out of heath care because of the costs rising at a rate much higher then inflation or at a rate higher and more unstable rate then they can plan for over both the long & short term. Its the volatility and unpredictability that causes corporations alarm. I don't blame them for that. If they can't adequately plan for their financial future, then they can get caught short and no one wins.

What we need is stabilization of health care costs and rising rates consistent with the rise in other costs. The feds are not going to make this happen.More then likely our cost will continue to rise at yet a higher rate when the washington slobs take over. What will it take to stabilize heath care costs??? I'm not sure but all I know is Uncle Sam has no business in the health care industry or any industry.

The first step that Obama and the rest of the commies want to take is only phase 1. Phase 2 , 3,4 are all in the plan which is a complete and total take over of the the entire medical, health and pharmaceutical industry. They want to turn these into entitlements like social security. Its make for great political issues during the campaigns. The way they will MAKE this happen is they will blame corporations for the problem and rising costs after phase 1 and use it as ammunition to take yet more control away from the health care corporations (Phase 2 begins). Cost will continue to rise and they will blame it on corporations and now phase 3 begins, etc, etc. Until its all done and all of us are dead and no one will remember the good ol days. It will become an expected service that papa Washington has to perform. Its all about socialization of our society and Washington gaining control of your individual lives.

 Its a death spiral that will NEVER be reversed.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Offline beemanbeme

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #181 on: July 15, 2008, 06:00:59 AM »
Can someone name me ONE program that has become more efficient after being taken over by the federal government?  
And too, why do folks come from all over the world to study at our schools and intern at our hospitals if these socialistic countries are so great?  
Also, the word "PROFIT" is not a dirty word.  Whether it's a whorehouse, a gas station, or a hospital, if it doesn't show a profit, it goes under.  It's how our country works.  Unfortunately, what happens now is the welfarers and stamp lickers start screaming for the gov'ment to do somthin'.  And so the liberals start screaming about the poor folks that dropped out of school in the sixth grade, spawned 8 or 10 kids that we've been feeding and housing, that are being inconvenienced by not having free health care at their door.  
Forget the folks that have worked and paid taxes so those folks could have a free ride; forget the folks that have EARNED a retirement and health coverage. Lets tax his retirement so's those free riders can have everything he has and, of course, go to the front of the line.

Offline hardertr

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #182 on: July 15, 2008, 06:14:54 AM »
  It still amazes me that people on this sight would support Barrack Hussien Obama. It would also amaze me to see a veteran or soldier voting for anyone in the democrat party, the people in power for the democrats are the same vile scum that were spitting on the soldiers and calling them baby killers when they came back from Viet Nam. I can understand the Bob Barr voters being here, but come on what gives with you Obama folk, do you care about the constitution? I see though none of the Barrak Hussien Obama voters have identified themselves, I guess that is normal for cowardly socialist, anti gun, baby killers.

OK, I'll be nice about this.... what part of "I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA" (see page 1) did you not comprehend??

By the way... I am one of those that will "amaze" you because I am a soldier (would have required a little research to find out....but why research ANYTHING when it's more comfortable to wear blinders?)

Obama just shored up my support a little more after his press conference today regarding his stance on Iraq and the rest of the world....now McCain is coming on.  I'll listen to what he has to say, but I bet most of it is cheap shots at Obama.
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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #183 on: July 15, 2008, 08:23:02 AM »
hardertr , went back and read pg 1 . Guess that reason is as good as the women who vote for the guy with blue eyes .
I can now understand how our elections are so screwed up !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #184 on: July 15, 2008, 09:15:25 AM »
If only men voted like they did in the 1800's, I don't think there would have been a dem elected since WWII.  Men vote more conservative.  A lot of women vote looks and charisma instead of reality.  When our country first started only land owners could vote.  After Civil War, any male could vote.  After WWI women could vote. Our country has become more socialist since women were allowed to vote.  Men are more independent, women are more social and group oriented.


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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #185 on: July 15, 2008, 09:28:52 AM »
The difference is when land owners only voted they wanted freedom to work and live , to make their own way . The add on voters had nothing to loose and found a way to get a free ride , to show those land owners that they could vote themselves a free ride . The big ? is just how much longer the workers can support the speical intrest groups and free loaders ! Voting Dem. might be voting for a WINNER of an election but it may be a vote that looses a nation !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline hardertr

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #186 on: July 15, 2008, 10:29:39 AM »
hardertr , went back and read pg 1 . Guess that reason is as good as the women who vote for the guy with blue eyes .
I can now understand how our elections are so screwed up !

I have my reasons, mostly based on his stance on the military and economy......but I'm not wasting my time trying to "convert" any of you.  It would look pretty ridiculous to spout stuff about how MY CHOICE is the only choice that isn't stupid.... or whatever other logic some of the folks here use.

I'm not 100% sure I'm voting for Obama....but he and McCain are sitting at a 70/30 split.  McCain's focus on Iraq (and lack of focus on domestic issues) is causing him to lose credibility with me though.
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Offline Cabin4

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #187 on: July 15, 2008, 01:21:01 PM »
I only focus on the following 6 key items when it comes to elections:

1. 2nd amendment: Keep your hands off it. Its a personal civil right.
2. Boarder control & immigration - Keep illegals out. Deport them, no government services for illegals.
3. Defend and secure the homeland - Keep terrorist out and deport any we have.
4. Energy: Drill here, build wind, solar, water, power capabilities. Ignore the the environmentalists, they caused our energy crisis.
5. Low taxes - Its my money not the governments. Keep your paws off my pay check and my savings. The death tax is immoral and sick.
6. Socialization - Leave me/us alone to make our own decisions.Stop intrusion into our lives. This is a free country. Make it on your own or die.

On all of these Obama does not agree with my views. In fact, he is the opposite. McCain is an idiot but he the lessor of two morons.

Avery Hayden Wallace
Obama Administration: A corrupt criminal enterprise of bold face liars.
The States formed the Union. The Union did not form the States. States Rights!
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #188 on: July 15, 2008, 01:45:20 PM »
   Good criteria to go by !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline 30-06man

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #189 on: July 15, 2008, 05:04:50 PM »
I only focus on the following 6 key items when it comes to elections:

1. 2nd amendment: Keep your hands off it. Its a personal civil right.
2. Boarder control & immigration - Keep illegals out. Deport them, no government services for illegals.
3. Defend and secure the homeland - Keep terrorist out and deport any we have.
4. Energy: Drill here, build wind, solar, water, power capabilities. Ignore the the environmentalists, they caused our energy crisis.
5. Low taxes - Its my money not the governments. Keep your paws off my pay check and my savings. The death tax is immoral and sick.
6. Socialization - Leave me/us alone to make our own decisions.Stop intrusion into our lives. This is a free country. Make it on your own or die.

On all of these Obama does not agree with my views. In fact, he is the opposite. McCain is an idiot but he the lessor of two morons.

I agree 100%.
hardertr , went back and read pg 1 . Guess that reason is as good as the women who vote for the guy with blue eyes .
I can now understand how our elections are so screwed up !

I have my reasons, mostly based on his stance on the military and economy......but I'm not wasting my time trying to "convert" any of you.  It would look pretty ridiculous to spout stuff about how MY CHOICE is the only choice that isn't stupid.... or whatever other logic some of the folks here use.

I'm not 100% sure I'm voting for Obama....but he and McCain are sitting at a 70/30 split.  McCain's focus on Iraq (and lack of focus on domestic issues) is causing him to lose credibility with me though.
You and a bunch of other idiots vote him in and when you lose all rights you will wonder what the hell happened and blame everyone but your self.
  It still amazes me that people on this sight would support Barrack Hussien Obama. It would also amaze me to see a veteran or soldier voting for anyone in the democrat party, the people in power for the democrats are the same vile scum that were spitting on the soldiers and calling them baby killers when they came back from Viet Nam. I can understand the Bob Barr voters being here, but come on what gives with you Obama folk, do you care about the constitution? I see though none of the Barrak Hussien Obama voters have identified themselves, I guess that is normal for cowardly socialist, anti gun, baby killers.

... I am one of those that will "amaze" you because I am a soldier

For who the Brady Campain, PETA, Liberals, Osama Bin Laden?
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


Offline ironglow

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #190 on: July 16, 2008, 03:24:48 AM »
  You are in the military in Iraq do you really want to "cut & run" ? Do you want to pull out now, trashing all the victories won by soldiers & Marines who went
  before you, facing down thousands of terrorists door-to-door, street-to-street so you could have it much easier now, since the surge has proven effective ?
   4,000 of these brave paid the full price..do you actually want to say " TS..you suckers, you died for no good reason !"?   
         If you do, you are very different from the Iraqi veterans I know who are my neighbors, my own family and now part of my American Legion post. I don't
  know what your present job is, but it is bound to be easier than when the surge was instituted. My own grandson explained to me just how great was the
  impact of the surge..he served before and again as the surge took hold....and he was no "FOBIT" (one who lives in a Forward Operating Base).
   He would much rather go back again, than to let the enemy win because of political cowardice..he has "brothers" that paid the full price, and he doesn't want
  their sacrifice to have been wasted..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)


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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #191 on: July 16, 2008, 03:44:50 AM »
face facts dem or rep have clear workable platforms .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline ironglow

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #192 on: July 16, 2008, 04:12:47 AM »
  ..And Barak Hussein Obama has already said he would yank out our troops a soon as possible....extracting a defeat from the jaws of victory..

  Well; that's what he said...unless he has more "change" in mind..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #193 on: July 16, 2008, 04:14:41 AM »
Just remember, there both going to say what YOU, want to hear. Hilary standing in a bar in Pa. drinking a shot and a beer. Ya right!! These 2 arn't any different. Be more flip-flops in the next couple months, than at an old hippy re-union in SF.  gypsyman
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Offline hardertr

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #194 on: July 16, 2008, 07:55:13 AM »
  You are in the military in Iraq do you really want to "cut & run" ? Do you want to pull out now, trashing all the victories won by soldiers & Marines who went
  before you, facing down thousands of terrorists door-to-door, street-to-street so you could have it much easier now, since the surge has proven effective ?
   4,000 of these brave paid the full price..do you actually want to say " TS..you suckers, you died for no good reason !"?   
         If you do, you are very different from the Iraqi veterans I know who are my neighbors, my own family and now part of my American Legion post. I don't
  know what your present job is, but it is bound to be easier than when the surge was instituted. My own grandson explained to me just how great was the
  impact of the surge..he served before and again as the surge took hold....and he was no "FOBIT" (one who lives in a Forward Operating Base).
   He would much rather go back again, than to let the enemy win because of political cowardice..he has "brothers" that paid the full price, and he doesn't want
  their sacrifice to have been wasted..

Thanks for throwing out the tired old "cut & run" rhetoric...it shows you're open to discussion   ::)

I personally see Iraq as that old truck you just can't bring yourself to taking to the junkyard.  You keep piling money and time into it, mostly because you're just too damned sentimental (or stubborn) to CUT your losses.  We keep piling money and soldiers’ lives into Iraq….but the ultimate outcome is still a POS that is unreliable at best.

I don't know if you are familiar with the concept of a budget..... I hope you are; it'll make my next explanation make sense.  Let's say you are on a fixed income, and you are a smoker.  You enjoy smoking, and you like the camaraderie when taking smoke breaks with your buddies.  You could quite (if you wanted to), but you don't mind "wasting" money on cigarettes.  All of a sudden, your hot water heater explodes, and you don't have enough money to fix it...unless you stop spending money on cigarettes.  You know you need to fix the situation with the water heater ASAP, or many other more serious problems will arise.  What do you do?  A sensible person would pull money from his smoke-fund and fix a problem that is indeed serious.  We need to pull most of our troops from Iraq and RUN to fix the problem in Afghanistan/Pakistan.  We simply DO NOT have enough troops to do both countries justice.  The return (and justification) are far greater for cleaning out Afghanistan.

A couple more points:  4118 ADMITTED Department of Defense deaths, more to follow with a likely increase of daily averages if McCain is elected (the insurgents are patiently waiting on the results of our election). 

Any force left here in Iraq will ultimately fall under the command of the Iraqi Army.  How do you like the idea of YOUR ARMY being subordinate to Iraq?  I know I want no part of it.

These “terrorists” we are fighting in Iraq are essentially militia.  They would not be fighting us if we did not invade their country.  The REAL “terrorist”, not the Shia militants we are fighting here, are in many countries….. VERY FEW are in Iraq.

And yes, unfortunately, I DO believe 4118 soldiers have been sacrificed to a war “for no good reason”.  I DO however believe they died giving 110% to the protection of their brothers and sisters serving with them.  I don’t give 2 $hits about this country or these people, but I’ll be damned if I’ll be the reason another soldier dies here.  I’ll gladly do my job of protecting the coalition troops until my relief arrives, but you can’t make me support the reasons behind us being here.

You can go ahead and trash me if you want, just keep in mind that I am here fighting these horrible Iraqis that are threatening the lives of you and your family....OH WAIT....THEY AREN'T!
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Offline 30-06man

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #195 on: July 16, 2008, 08:40:55 AM »
  You are in the military in Iraq do you really want to "cut & run" ? Do you want to pull out now, trashing all the victories won by soldiers & Marines who went
  before you, facing down thousands of terrorists door-to-door, street-to-street so you could have it much easier now, since the surge has proven effective ?
   4,000 of these brave paid the full price..do you actually want to say " TS..you suckers, you died for no good reason !"?   
         If you do, you are very different from the Iraqi veterans I know who are my neighbors, my own family and now part of my American Legion post. I don't
  know what your present job is, but it is bound to be easier than when the surge was instituted. My own grandson explained to me just how great was the
  impact of the surge..he served before and again as the surge took hold....and he was no "FOBIT" (one who lives in a Forward Operating Base).
   He would much rather go back again, than to let the enemy win because of political cowardice..he has "brothers" that paid the full price, and he doesn't want
  their sacrifice to have been wasted..

Thanks for throwing out the tired old "cut & run" rhetoric...it shows you're open to discussion   ::)

I personally see Iraq as that old truck you just can't bring yourself to taking to the junkyard.  You keep piling money and time into it, mostly because you're just too damned sentimental (or stubborn) to CUT your losses.  We keep piling money and soldiers’ lives into Iraq….but the ultimate outcome is still a POS that is unreliable at best.

I don't know if you are familiar with the concept of a budget..... I hope you are; it'll make my next explanation make sense.  Let's say you are on a fixed income, and you are a smoker.  You enjoy smoking, and you like the camaraderie when taking smoke breaks with your buddies.  You could quite (if you wanted to), but you don't mind "wasting" money on cigarettes.  All of a sudden, your hot water heater explodes, and you don't have enough money to fix it...unless you stop spending money on cigarettes.  You know you need to fix the situation with the water heater ASAP, or many other more serious problems will arise.  What do you do?  A sensible person would pull money from his smoke-fund and fix a problem that is indeed serious.  We need to pull most of our troops from Iraq and RUN to fix the problem in Afghanistan/Pakistan.  We simply DO NOT have enough troops to do both countries justice.  The return (and justification) are far greater for cleaning out Afghanistan.

A couple more points:  4118 ADMITTED Department of Defense deaths, more to follow with a likely increase of daily averages if McCain is elected (the insurgents are patiently waiting on the results of our election). 

Any force left here in Iraq will ultimately fall under the command of the Iraqi Army.  How do you like the idea of YOUR ARMY being subordinate to Iraq?  I know I want no part of it.

These terrorist's we are fighting in Iraq are essentially militia.  They would not be fighting us if we did not invade their country.  The REAL terrorist, not the Shia militants we are fighting here, are in many countries….. VERY FEW are in Iraq.

And yes, unfortunately, I DO believe 4118 soldiers have been sacrificed to a war “for no good reason”.  I DO however believe they died giving 110% to the protection of their brothers and sisters serving with them.  I don’t give 2 $hits about this country or these people, but I’ll be damned if I’ll be the reason another soldier dies here.  I’ll gladly do my job of protecting the coalition troops until my relief arrives, but you can’t make me support the reasons behind us being here.

You can go ahead and trash me if you want, just keep in mind that I am here fighting these horrible Iraqis that are threatening the lives of you and your family....OH WAIT....THEY AREN'T!

Ironglow how many troops have you met that want to cut and run? Not many most want to know their time there was not wasted and did some good. Those troops that are injured and the ones that died are fighting to protect us and they want to cause real change.

Hardertr I don't know why you want to stab our troops in the back but you must not like progress in real change that our troops support and you and others will be the ones that gave up and made nothing but future problems. The troops that died you don't care about them you want to make sure we lose another 4,118 troops because as soon as well cut and run we are on a hell of a ride for the end of life as you know it when we are invaded here and are fighting on our own grounds.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind



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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #196 on: July 16, 2008, 09:04:58 AM »
HARDERTR , never mind
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Offline billy_56081

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #197 on: July 16, 2008, 12:00:22 PM »
So Hardertr you are thinking of voting for a person who's greatest supporters would spit on you and your soldiers and call you baby killers? I'm glad I never had anyone like you in my chain of command when I served in the Gulf war.

And do you consider the second ammendment to be a personal right? I cannot see for the life of me how any gun owner would support Barrack Hussien Obama.  As for the ecomomy, if elected I am certain Barrack Hussien Obama will raise your taxes, and I'd be wllingto bet him and his anti military buddys will get rid of your tax exempt status. If you are for socializing prvate industrie and taking away guns gom ahead and vote for him. Don't go crying when he turns you and your men over to the UN for war crimes. Just buck it up and know that you are part of the blame when what I say comes true.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #198 on: July 16, 2008, 12:30:27 PM »
  I wasn't trashing you..when I asked those rhetorical questions..Do you want to cut & run? Do you want to extract defeat from the jaws of victory ?
  Do you want to tell the guys who fought door-to-door..some dying.."TS guy you wasted your life" ?..I was hoping you would say NO to each question !
    These being the aims of Dem/Libs in general and of Obama in particular. I figured that if a soldier were anywhere near the  ones I know, such positions would be reprehensible to him ! Most don't want their brother warriors to have died in vain..but..to each his own... 
   BTW:  CUT & RUN is about as "tired & old" as the 2nd amendment is ! ..Been around for a while, but just as true and real  as the day it was first said ...
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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #199 on: July 16, 2008, 05:18:14 PM »
I don't know the young soldier that posts here,... but anybody who wants to run their mouth at him needs to go over and be a part of it all first.

Even if you're too old to be a soldier, there's jobs for ya.

Get your CDL and drive a truck in a convoy across that place. The pay is good and you'll earn bragging rights.

As for me,.. I'd just as soon they bring everybody home and be done with it. Ain't nothing good gonna come out of that nonsense. It's just a buncha fat cats getting young folks in a mess,... as usual.

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #200 on: July 16, 2008, 05:25:14 PM »
 Sheesh Fazak;

   Between you and TM; Is there ANYTHING good about the United States ? Or are you, like Michelle Obama;
  still looking for a "reason' to be proud of America ?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #201 on: July 16, 2008, 05:36:18 PM »
Sheesh Fazak;

   Between you and TM; Is there ANYTHING good about the United States ? Or are you, like Michelle Obama;
  still looking for a "reason' to be proud of America ?

No she found her one reason, Her terrorist running for president. They are still searching like Hillary Clinton.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #202 on: July 16, 2008, 06:33:56 PM »
Sheesh Fazak;

   Between you and TM; Is there ANYTHING good about the United States ? Or are you, like Michelle Obama;
  still looking for a "reason' to be proud of America ?

Stop runnin' that yap of yours,.. get a CDL,.. go spend a year running convoys in Iraq,.. than come back and we'll talk.

Until then, you're just background noise.

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #203 on: July 16, 2008, 06:36:50 PM »
Here's ya job,... go get it, yap yap.


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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #204 on: July 16, 2008, 06:46:10 PM »
Sheesh Fazak;

   Between you and TM; Is there ANYTHING good about the United States ? Or are you, like Michelle Obama;
  still looking for a "reason' to be proud of America ?

Stop runnin' that yap of yours,.. get a CDL,.. go spend a year running convoys in Iraq,.. than come back and we'll talk.

Until then, you're just background noise.

Well you sure can't be talking. Ain't heard of you driving there.

At least IG and others care about the sacrifices the troops have made while you set here and make up crap like its a comedy.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


Offline Fazak

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #205 on: July 16, 2008, 06:50:49 PM »
Sheesh Fazak;

   Between you and TM; Is there ANYTHING good about the United States ? Or are you, like Michelle Obama;
  still looking for a "reason' to be proud of America ?

Stop runnin' that yap of yours,.. get a CDL,.. go spend a year running convoys in Iraq,.. than come back and we'll talk.

Until then, you're just background noise.

Well you sure can't be talking. Ain't heard of you driving there.

At least IG and others care about the sacrifices the troops have made while you set here and make up crap like its a comedy.

You don't care enough to get up offa ya butt and go be a part of it all.

You'll sit there on the internet day in and day out encouraging others to go put their butt on the line,.. but when the finger get's pointed in your direction, you grab up the cat and hide out under the bed.

Until you're posting from Iraq,.. you need to shut up.

Offline Fazak

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #206 on: July 16, 2008, 06:57:50 PM »
Internet commandos are a dime a dozen,.. and that's all you yap yap armchair warmongers are.

Offline 30-06man

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #207 on: July 16, 2008, 06:58:21 PM »
Sheesh Fazak;

   Between you and TM; Is there ANYTHING good about the United States ? Or are you, like Michelle Obama;
  still looking for a "reason' to be proud of America ?

Stop runnin' that yap of yours,.. get a CDL,.. go spend a year running convoys in Iraq,.. than come back and we'll talk.

Until then, you're just background noise.

Well you sure can't be talking. Ain't heard of you driving there.

At least IG and others care about the sacrifices the troops have made while you set here and make up crap like its a comedy.

You don't care enough to get up offa ya butt and go be a part of it all.

You'll sit there on the internet day in and day out encouraging others to go put their butt on the line,.. but when the finger get's pointed in your direction, you grab up the cat and hide out under the bed.

Until you're posting from Iraq,.. you need to shut up.

You don't care enough for the men and women that die for you to let them do what they know they have to do. They don't want to give up and they are the ones over there not you. At least some care and want to help while others like you want to stab them in the back and try to screw up the world for the rest of us. So Thanks.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


Offline 30-06man

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #208 on: July 16, 2008, 07:00:11 PM »
Internet commandos are a dime a dozen,.. and that's all you yap yap armchair warmongers are.
Well hell you can't say much either. You say it to me while you are doing the same. Hypocrite.

How often do you see me in these treads attacking others?

Now why don't we stay on topic.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


Offline Fazak

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Re: Who will you be voting for for president?
« Reply #209 on: July 16, 2008, 07:00:43 PM »
Sheesh Fazak;

   Between you and TM; Is there ANYTHING good about the United States ? Or are you, like Michelle Obama;
  still looking for a "reason' to be proud of America ?

Stop runnin' that yap of yours,.. get a CDL,.. go spend a year running convoys in Iraq,.. than come back and we'll talk.

Until then, you're just background noise.

Well you sure can't be talking. Ain't heard of you driving there.

At least IG and others care about the sacrifices the troops have made while you set here and make up crap like its a comedy.

You don't care enough to get up offa ya butt and go be a part of it all.

You'll sit there on the internet day in and day out encouraging others to go put their butt on the line,.. but when the finger get's pointed in your direction, you grab up the cat and hide out under the bed.

Until you're posting from Iraq,.. you need to shut up.

You don't care enough for the men and women that die for you to let them do what they know they have to do. They don't want to give up and they are the ones over there not you. At least some care and want to help while others like you want to stab them in the back and try to screw up the world for the rest of us. So Thanks.

Are you in Iraq?

I didn't think so.

Shut up.