I do not consider McCain a coward. I do not consider him in favor of the American people's REAL needs. I do not consider him qualified to lead our country based on his military experience, both as a pilot, or prisoner of war. I do not consider him a friend to the Constitution and Bill of Rights considering his voting record on such issues as the second amendment (in fact dis-arm us), and leaving our borders wide open. I do not consider him a friend to the American people considering his stance on ON SHORE DRILLING due to the fact that, he is able to be chauffeured all over the country in gas guzzling limousines, and PASSENGER PLANES paid for by the taxpayer, while we struggle to put regular gas in our cars and trucks to go to work. I do not consider him in touch with our health care needs or costs, since he has NEVER had to concern himself with such things as this.
I do not consider him in touch with the American people's struggle to keep their heads above financial water with the souring cost of living and the declining dollar, and no cost of living raises, while he and his fellow ARISTOCRATS vote themselves RECORD pay raises, and lifetime benefits packages EVERY YEAR for themselves and wives. I do not consider him a friend to the American people when he is in FAVOR of censorship of conservative talk radio, which is in fact an effort to SILENCE THE PEOPLE.
I do however consider him an elitist LIBERAL, as he has PROVEN IT, over a twenty year period. I do consider him a liberal politician whom will say what ever necessary to be president, as he has gone against his own voting record to calm the rising clamor over some of his past voting records.
I also consider him a fraud, and a liar, much on the same order as his worthy opponent, Mr. Obama. I also believe that regardless of which one wins, the other will remain in the senate, and push for banning such things as firearms, and which ever one lands in the white house will sign the other's bills.
In other words, when the fighting among the American people over which one of these scoundrels to vote for ceases, and one of them is elected, they will once again join hands and merrily together, march us all off to fascism. Their socialist program after all, is almost complete.
Now that is what I DO believe.