Not wanting to be presumptuous, I must venture to say that possibly some of those years away from home and the staunch Republican, hunting family,
just may have been spent at college, most colleges today tend to indoctrinate as well as educate..But go ahead and tell me if I'm wrong..
A) It is not so much the gun rights that Clinton succeeded in taking away, as what he tried (and failed) to take away. Remember, he was only 2 years into
his presidency, when we were saved from disaster by the voters electing a non "rubber-stamp" Congress! Remember Newt Gingrich and the contract with America ?
If Obama is elected, this "most liberal" senator of all, will have a Pelosi house and a Reid senate to do his bidding.
Obama has not wanted Chicago residents to have ANY guns..and ANY Americans to have handguns.
B) McCain has been shaky on some of the "red Tape" such as paperwork at gun shows, but with any Democrat you are going to get that and much more !
As I said above, Obama is an archetype far left (farthest left in Senate) liberal. Historically, these types have been anti 2nd amendment to the bone. If he
seems to be in a period at the moment, of reconsidering the position..you can rest assured it will only be a temporary position..for the pupose of election..
C) I can see from the way you framed the Iraqi "question"...that it is not a question at all..but a political statement that you have already decided for yourself.
The Iraqi war question has been bantered about this forum for about 6 years or so, you can review the forums for that question.
Only one thing I can add is for you to talk to someone who has served a couple deployments there...and I don't mean a "fobit" that rarely goes outside the wire,
but someone who has kicked in doors, felt the chatter of a .50 cal in both hands, went through an IED or two and trained the "fast becoming efficent" Iraqi army.
D) Your question about the "wiretapping" (not really wiretapping) sounds more like "blog-rhetoric" than fact. The question of illegality has recently been decided, at least
permission to do so has been overwhelmingly passed by an extremely wide margin in the Dem controlled congress. Even the more liberal reps realize the need for intel as
to what the terrorists are up to.
No honest citizen needs to feel threatened..apparently not even low-level drug dealers..
E) The problem with the petroleum issue..Congress has sat oin their collective duffs for many years (since 1973) and not done a thing to prevent this crunch ! Both
parties share blame on this point. However; as far as domestic production..offshore, coal shale, ANWR and others..the blame falls squarely upon the Dems, simply
because they have been toeing the line their eco-nut bankrollers have demanded for decades..no new offshore, no new refineries, no nuclear etc,etc..
Each one has been a "Dr. No"..
F) I'm not an engineer, but it seems that with current technology several hundred pounds of lead would be required for each automobile to shield the nuclear.
Then, being mobile and subject to traffic accidents and dumbo vehicle owners playing around nuclear technology..no thanks..and that's just a start.
G) Again; your question about "universal healthcare" (socialized medicine) sounds more like a statement, rather than a question..Michigan is close enough to Canada,
talk to some Canadians about it ! Ask them if heart operations and transplants of various types are done in an expeditious manner..if grandma is likely to get any transplant
if needed. Most of us have had little experience with socialized medicine..closest we may have been is being subject to the whims of our military doctors..
Hey; if the post office beats UPS and Fed Ex..and you like the service provided by the IRS, Social Security, the Unemployment office and you local auto licensing bureau
is just the way you like to be served..you may just like socialized medicine...
Remember " We're from the government; and we're here to help !"..
H) last, but certainly not least, John McCain has promised to appoint only "strict constructionist" judges to SCOTUS..and has shown this proclivity by strongly backing, in fact
rescueing the appointment of both Justices Alito and Roberts to the court.
Obama, being our most liberal Senator would likely follow past liberal practices, appointing "activist" type judges..and the Pelosi/Reid congress would rubber stamp his appts.
Remember, our 2nd amendment rights were just recently preserved by only a 5/4 vote...Had Alito & Roberts been a liberal's choice..the 2nd would be DEAD..RIGHT NOW !