It is presumptuous in th least for you to insist that Powderman,Blackpowder , Billy and I are "supercharged with erroneous Biblical interpretations".
Now, as Beeman said..I don't want to start a scripture quoting if you want that let's go to the Bible forums !
Moreover, after accusing us of error, you said "I/we have a different interpretation, than you". So, now is the time to ""fish or cut bait. I have, in
previous posts given you the names of several universities and Bible Colleges (among hundreds) that agree with us..and their main thrust is correct
handling of the Scriptures. In case you missed before here are a couple..Hyles-Anderson U. Crown Point, IN, Liberty University, Lynchburg , VA,
Bob Jones U., Greenville, SC, Regent U., Virginia Beach, VA, BIOLA, Los Angeles, .Even the Ivy league Harvard, Yale and Princeton were started by
people that agree with us !
So, are you going to fish;..or cut bait ? We know the "I" in your accusation is you..but who is the "we" can either inform us or be considered
A phony ... Here is your chance to identify the great scholars of your theology..what college, university or group comprises your "we" ?
Gonna fish ?