Trying to fix the blame for all the Middle East problems on so-called neocons is a silly notion. First of all, what, or who the hell is a neocon. As I remember it, it was the Dumbycrat leaders who first advocated the overthrow of Saddam. Of course they didn't say just how that was to be done and that is par for the course for those neolibs.
It seems that some have forgotten how quickly the libs jumped on the bandwagon when Saddam was captured and how quickly they jumped back off when things went a little sideways and we had to step things up and delete some more of the trouble makers.
This silly propaganda about how tired and stretched our military is and that we just can't handle another front is pure stupidity. The army might be getting a little tired, but I'm betting if they were free to do what they do best (kill people and break things) that mess would be over with in short order. On the other hand, our Air Force and Navy haven't begun to show their stuff. I say we should turn loose just one carrier on Iran--if need be and the fight would be over before they (Iran) knew it was on. Better yet, let one sub take care of it.
I know, it's easier to say all this than it is to do it, because of politics. And that is really the root of all our problems. If you're going to fight a war, fight it with the best, most efficient means you've got and to hell with the politics. You might piss a lot of people off, but you probably would only have to do it once. Besides that, a lot of people are pissed off now and the problem ain't fixed.